End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 231: Annihilation (on)

Three hours, only three hours of all the fighting dust settled.

Li Jiaxuan’s death loyalty was not so loyal. Wan Chengkai never dreamed that there were quite a few real-name fighters in the battle. He was seriously wounded by a soldier he once trusted.

Wan Chengkai’s brain was in chaos and was dragged to Wu’s face by a dead dog.

Wu Ye was sitting in the middle of the playground. He had already lifted his face and revealed his original face. He stood on his side and his guards surrounded him like a star. He stood in front of several rows of uniforms. Infected, the audience is silent.

It’s ridiculous to say that after Li’s takeover of these half-way infected people, Wan Chengkai was the first to see them so ‘disciplined.

"Master Commander, I haven't seen you for a long time." The crisp voice of the boy is unabashed.

Wan Chengkai squatted on the ground without dignity, and raised his hand to wipe the blood on his eyes. The beautiful, angelic face on the 'Throne' seemed to him like a demon.

Wu Ye really came, he actually came.

Wan Chengkai’s heart fell into the hail, and he braced to reveal a complex smile of the loser: “If you don’t talk nonsense, you will lose it if you want to kill it. You will die, no matter what means you make, I will never give you the experimental materials." When he died, Wan Chengkai still did not forget to dig a hole in Wu Ye.

Sure enough, those infected people who were easily swayed and swayed were hesitant. Because of Wu’s power, these people couldn’t stop talking.

Just two small points?

Wu Ye snorted and looked at the faces of the infected people below. He was not pleased: "What? Do you doubt me? Do you think that I want to take the experimental data? What kind of work do I have to make you develop? For the antidote, I want those experimental materials to have a fart!"

The two little faces with a friendly temperament are hard to refute him. His strength is there. In the past few years, he has been the only one who is willing to share scientific research results in various settlements free of charge. When they expelled them, they spared no effort to promote the propaganda, so that these infected people had a relatively tall and positive impression on him.

Listening to Wu Ye’s saying that the infected people immediately felt embarrassed about their own thoughts, this kind of unspeakable slap in the face became a double hatred and released to Wan Chengkai.

Wan Chengkai felt countless sinister and malicious eyes around him, like a real knife, and he could not wait for a knife to delay him to death.

Before the departure of the Li Wei brothers, Wan Chengkai had been in charge of experimental management. Many of the infected people in the scene had been brought into the laboratory by various means. They survived and more people were treated as The experimental products died bitterly in the cruel torture, and those who died were no shortage of their relatives and friends. How can they not hate him?

Wan Chengkai had no time to refute, and he listened to Wu Ye: "Qian Xin, shouting a few people to carry all the experimental materials to me, and ruining them in front of everyone today. Save your doubts and doubts, and then be deceived. ”

"Yes, Boss!" Qian Xinzhen's big voice like a big voice made everyone tremble.

Qian Xin screamed a few infected people on the playground. They were empty-handed and evacuated the labs that were usually regarded as restricted areas. Even the researchers who had frozen into ice were all moved out. Put it in front of everyone.

It’s rare to catch a chance to be able to show off the limelight. The second is to open the door and make a handsome voice. I casually spit out a word: "Explosion."


More than 30 scientific researchers and ‘experimental semi-finished products’ were in full view, bursting into a pile of crushed ice slag, and almost everyone felt a chill from the soles of their feet.

The strength of Wu Ye is much more terrible than what they saw from the publicity video of Yucheng!

At this moment, many infected people believe that Wu Ye will not use the experimental materials anymore, because even among them, the perfect transformation of Li Wei is not his opponent at all, why should he turn himself into a non-human Not a ghost monster?

"Old, I burned all those things to me." Wu Ye looked at the messy information in the distance, Zhinao and so on to his guard.

"Yes, boss!"

A few ghostly blue fireballs flew out of the air, squatting on the pile of things, the fire will just swept them, with a slight burst of sound, the experimental materials that Li’s family has always regarded as the root of life are completely destroyed.

Suddenly popped up on the control panel, Wu Ye saw that the time limit for mandatory tasks has reached 50%. The next thing to do is to kill the Li Yu brothers and the Li family.

Originally, Wu Ye still wanted to quietly let the system copy a copy, and took it back to the research of the institute to see if it could produce a better inhibitor. The result was cold and cold, 'Do you want to complete this task?' Successfully broke the illusion of two.

I saw Wu Ye smashed the researcher and burned all the experimental materials. The infected people were completely convinced.


Wan Chengkai's mood is very different from them. He looks at the burning fire, as if he was also grilled on the fire, his face was gray.

If Li Wei knows that this information is ruined, he will never let him go!

He...has not wanted to die.

The fear of death and the thirst for life overcome the loyalty of Wan Chengkai's heart. There are countless thoughts in his mind. Finally, he clenches his fists and trembles his lips and whispers: "Let, let me go, I use a secret." Exchange with you."

Wu Ye’s face reveals a playful smile: “Secret?”

Wan Chengkai, like the drowning person who caught the driftwood, tried to nod and said: "Yes, a secret of Tianda, a secret related to Qin Wuhua!"

The secret related to Daqin?

Wu Ye slightly thought about it, and already had speculation in his heart, pretending a look of interest. He smiled and said: "It’s a bit interesting, Qian Xin, you bring people down first." He didn’t feel the secret of Wan Chengkai. Interest, but Wan Chengkai is more useful to him than killing directly.

After avoiding a robbery and temporarily saving his life, Wan Chengkai was slightly relieved and was dragged away by Qian Xin.

Wu Ye said to the infected people on the playground: "Have everyone take a break, have lunch, and return to Yucheng on time at 4 o'clock in the afternoon."

At this moment, just Yang Qi and Lang Fei, they pulled two trucks from the outside to eat, there are rice noodles, canned food and a variety of vacuum-packed meat dry food, etc., the big truck in the middle of the playground handsome circle All infected people's eyes are all straightforward.

The infected people once ate lunch at the rhythm of the dead, and when they left in the afternoon, many people were still full.

God knows how long they have not eaten so satisfied, even if they die, they are worth the return!

Li Jia only left more than 20 big cards here, and there were not too many diesels. It was enough to transport these infected people who had been squeezed into sardines back to Yucheng.

Out of the base, Wu Ye did not hesitate to press the nucleus bomb remote control switch that was quietly installed around the prison in the past two days. In the terrible roar, the prison was completely ruined.

When Li was found in this old nest, Wu Ye made two plans in a simple and rude manner.

A plan is a counter-revolution. If a soldier can bring back one or two thousand labors, no matter which aspect he considers, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. If you are worried that these people have unstable factors, you can directly throw them into the small settlements that he bought or go further. Send to the mainland of Europa. Two less said that he can confidently say that as long as these people are alive, he has the confidence to extract enough surplus value from them. As for what can't be seen by human compatriots, Er Shao said that he basically didn't think about it in any way, otherwise he wouldn't personally solve the researchers who are ‘hands-free.’

Plan b is destruction. If you can't rebel against these infected people, it will blow up the entire prison directly. Although it is too simple and rude, at least it can guarantee the completion of the task.

On the other hand, Wu Ye’s forefoot left Yucheng, and the Li brothers who received the inhibitors at the back of the foot moved more frequently. The contradictions between the infected people in the refugee camp and Yucheng became deeper and deeper, and the next day when Wu Ye settled the Li’s nest. Ji Xiang ordered the blockade of the city gate in accordance with the plan originally drawn up, temporarily suspending all hunters.

Today, there are nearly three million registered hunters in Yucheng. On average, there are at least 8 fewer zombies and mutant worms going out to the city every day. Once they are completely shut down, there will be millions of zombies and mutant worms assembled every day, and then heading towards the city.

When the spring and cold have just passed, the zombies and worms who have just recovered from the cold are crazy when they need to feed and replenish energy. The city suddenly stops all hunting operations, and it is like a layer of security guarded by them. Super treasure, suddenly someone has taken away all the security, and then the super treasure is so red fruit lying there is a seductive light, they have reason not to desperately go to the treasure?

After a long period of unremitting efforts, the zombie wall of Yucheng was dispersed to a place nearly 100 kilometers away from Yucheng.

Just a hundred kilometers away, for the zombie army that does not wear out day and night, it is slower to go, and four days is enough for them to come down the city.

The infected people were provoked by the Li family's provocation. However, the city that had been responding negatively changed its attitude overnight. When the sun was higher than the top of the head, the city was still locked, and no one came out. At that time, the infected people found that things did not follow the scripts they wanted to go. The response of Yucheng was too weak and negative.

People with a little bit of thought see that things are big, and where the city is a weak and negative response, it is simply to treat them as abandon.

Just kidding, the energy cover of Yucheng is said to be able to withstand the tens of thousands of corpse attacks, but can the city send them an energy cover? It can only resist the siege of a million-level corpse.

The current scale of Yucheng is to use the toes to know that once the city has abandoned the hunting operation, the zombies who come to the siege of the city can never be less than 10 million. The hundreds of thousands of infected people in this area may even give zombies. The Legion is not enough! And the people of Yucheng can stand on the wall to see their excitement.

You can take the opportunity to solve them without even having to shoot yourself, and no one dares to say that they are not. After all, is it that they first find trouble in the city?

so what should I do now? Rushing out of the zombie wall and escaping from the city? Since they started to make trouble, Yucheng has cut off the supply of materials for them. After so many days, if there is no food to eat, they can eat worms first, without fuel. Can they count on two legs to break through the zombie wall?

Today, it seems that Yucheng is premeditated, and this is a great salary!

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