End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 240: Disposal

Wang Peng, the two old things, only knows the words. In order to know the complete truth, Wu Ye went directly to Wu Sen’s Dawei Wang Fusheng.

Wu Ye was too lazy to pay for the saliva with Wang Fusheng. When Wu Yong rushed out from the city, Wu Ye directly used the mental control to let Wang Fusheng spit out the truth of the year.

In the mouth of Wang Fusheng, things have turned into a new turning point.

Wu Yong, the man outside Wang Hao, was slightly impressed. He was called Tang. He was Zhou Wangyuan’s pro-cousin. Under the recommendation of Zhou Wangyuan, Tang Damu was the director of the workshop in the remote small factory, responsible for the small The production of the factory was also one of the three people who lost their lives in the nameless fire. The other two were Zhou Wangyuan’s eldest son and Wang Hao.

Wu Yong’s impression of him after two or three decades is really because his family is too difficult. At that time, Wu Yong’s career had been reduced, and his career focus had gradually shifted to real estate. The small factory was just a tasteless taste of his hand, and it didn’t matter. However, it was no small feat to have a fire and make a life. Wu Yong was almost in jail.

Fortunately, this small factory was old and old, but all aspects were in accordance with the regulations. There were no obvious fire hazards. The police repeatedly investigated the clues of artificial arson, but they finally gave up because they could not find the suspect. At that time, thanks to Wu Yong’s father running out of help to help him get on and off, he was finally saved from a prison sentence.

The Tang family refused to let him go, and the Lions wanted Wu Yong to pay them three million. In the era when even ten thousand households are rare, three million is no different from an astronomical figure. How could Wu Yong promise them?

The Tang family huddled and screamed, almost yelling at the people in the village with Wu Yong, from the family to the construction site, from the construction site to the factory, sympathizing with the nature of the weak to let the unidentified spectators think that Wu Yong did something unreasonable. Then, following the squatting, Wu Yong was particularly difficult during that time.

Later, Zhou Wangyuan endured the 'pain of the bereavement' and reconciled from it. Wu Yong eventually gave the Tang family 3 riches. In a few years, he lost all these money and wanted to reinvent it from Wu Yong. The benefits, Wu Yong self-confessed to have been innocent, naturally did not give them a good face. They tossed for a while, seeing Wu Yong soft and hard to eat, and finally can only give up, slowly disappeared in front of Wu Yong.

Wu Yong thought that the Tang family would not be able to retreat, but they did not know that the Wang family did not contribute much.

Tang Damu and Wang Hao acted secretly. Tang Damu knew that his family had no brains, and he was afraid of causing trouble. He did not tell them about him and Wang Hao. The Tang family did not know, but the Wang family was clear. Although Wu Sen looks like his mother, but after all, it is a blood relative. How many traces of Tang Damu can still be seen between the eyebrows, and the Wang family is a guilty conscience, for fear that this secret will be exposed. In front of Wu Yong, they finally climbed Wu Yong to make a small fortune. If Wu Yong turned his face, where can they still have a good life in the future?

Zhou Wangyuan was also one of the insiders at that time. The death of the eldest son who had high hopes was not so bad for him. He did not show so calm at all. In the spirit of 'My son is dead, you don't want to be better.' He twisted his mind. He naturally colluded with the Wang family and secretly made the Tang family out of the city, so that Wu Yong would always be in the drums for others. Raise your son.

However, the disappearance of the Tang family does not mean that this secret will remain silent forever.

With the passage of time, Wu Yong’s parents are more and more fond of naughty and cute and sweet Wu Xiaoye, and they don’t like Wu Sen like Wang Hao more and more, so the secrets that have been hidden in the old two hearts are gradually turning up, waiting for He Yushu. When the accident was pregnant with Wu, the old couple finally decided to take Wu Sen to do the dna paternity test.

At that time, it was very troublesome to do the dna paternity test. The old couple didn’t want Wu Yong to know about it, and they took Wu Yong to find someone to help with the match. The Wang family inadvertently got the news, very alarmed. At that time, the entire Wang family lived on the Wu family. Once Wu Yong knew the truth, the anger that followed would definitely be unbearable.

In order to keep the Wang family, in order to preserve the rich life of the children and grandchildren, Wang’s father decided to buy a murderer to kill many years old friends.

Inadvertently, a well-designed car accident took the lives of two old people, and the timing of the accident died on the spot. The truth of the year was buried.

Once the inner beast is out of the cage, it is difficult to turn it back.

After designing to kill the two old people, Wang Fusheng was relieved, but at the same time, it also contributed to his inner greed. Wu Yong’s big family business, one less person, means that Wu Sen can get one more, and they control Wu Sen’s handle, and Wu Sen swallows the entire Wu family...

After a thought into a demon, Wang Fusheng was forced to seduce, and Wu Sen put a drug that caused premature birth malformation into the milk of He Yushu.

Fortunately, He Yushu’s body was very good, and he eventually gave birth to Wu’s hardship. Because the pregnancy coincided with the death of his in-laws, He Yushu was not too young at the time, so it was thought that these reasons led to Wu's lack of congenital, but did not know the truth turned out to be so unbearable.

Thinking about it for so many years, Wu Li’s suffering was afflicted, and He Yushu’s Wu Yong couldn’t help but change his face and his body shook slightly.

Wu Ye is also angry in the fire, can not wait to directly freeze Wang Fusheng into a big popsicle, but if you just let him go, it is too cheap for him!

From Wang Fusheng's mouth, Wu Ye also heard a secret. Wang Fusheng always suspected that the fire was released by Wu Sen.

At this time, Wu Yong was disappointed with Wu Sen, and he was too lazy to think about the truth of the fire that year.

"Aye, you can do this thing." Wu Yong took hold of He Shushu's trembled hand and sighed, and had already let Wu Ye's face raised with various pills reveal the sorrow of the next year and the amazing resentment.

Over the years, Wu Yong has been stunned by the fact that his parents went too fast, and they wanted to raise and wait for their own. The more he became successful, the more he felt uncomfortable. However, out of respect for the parents, there is also a certain degree of empathy. He is very filial to his parents, Wang Jia and Er Lao, and looks at the face of the two old men and supports the Wang family everywhere. I know that the other party is actually a big enemy who does not share the sky!

Wu Ye sneer and sneered: "The blood debt is repaid, you can rest assured, I will not let you die!"

... I will make you more painful than death!

Although Wang Fusheng was controlled by Wu Ye with his mental power, his mind was sober, and he stupidly understood Wu Ye’s subtext, his face was more gray than before.

What is the pain of suffering more than death?

auzw.com The answer is to live in a never-ending hell.

Within half a month, the Wang family was sent to the mental hospital. As the former son-in-law of the Wang family, Wu Yong gave the hospital a full treatment fee of 10 million yuan. His request was only one. It is necessary to make the Wang family healthy and alive. Even if the spirit has a problem, let them live longer and healthier. If the post-cost is not enough, you can make up for it at any time.

The hospital director almost stunned the stuffing cake that fell on this day. He patted his chest and said that he would take care of them and contact the best doctors to treat them.

Where the Wang family got to be mentally ill, it was Wu Ye who used mental power to control them to produce all kinds of illusions. With Wu Ye’s current mental power, he could only control them for two years and let them two years. I live completely in the reincarnation of **** he simulated. After two years, the horrible hallucinations and the effects of psychotropic drugs are enough for them to live in hell.

After all, Wu Ye is not a maddening madman. In the line of sin, his wife and children are not allowed to go to the mental hospital. Others let them go their own way.

Wang Jiaben was already at the end of the strong battle. When the family broke out successively, creditors such as banks, financial companies, and private lenders all came to the door to pay for the accounts. Over the night, the trees collapsed and the Wang family was completely removed from the high society of the city.

The men, women, and children of the Wang family are pampered, and they are used to the days of riches. Where can they get the days of eating choking? Some people have been jailed and some have been in the air. These are all words.

After disposing of the Wang family, Wu Ye easily hid Wu Sen, who was hiding in other provinces.

Wu Sen was not surprised by the arrival of Wu Ye. He even gave him a glass of red wine and gracefully pushed him in front of him. Swen’s handsome face with a familiar smile: “Long time no see, Aye, you are still the same as before. Cute has not changed."

Cute wool, I am obviously ten thousand times brighter than before, (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

Waiting for Wu Ye to speak, Wu Sen naturally said to himself: "Look, you are as angry as before, really like a child who grows up." When the front turned, Wu Sen said, "Aye, no matter you. I still don’t believe it. I once really liked your brother and really thought about being a good son of my parents..."

Wu Ye raised his hand and threw an ice blade. He wiped Wu Sen’s face and left a deep blood mark. He said: "You are not worthy."

Wu Sen gently licked the blood mark with his thumb, and his pale face smiled and screamed. "Yes, I really don't deserve it."

He didn't lie to Wu Ye. He had imagined countless times if he really was the son of Wu Yong. He also imagined how good his mother would be if he was a mother. He had taken the love of his parents on them; I also really liked the chubby white and tender Wu Yexiao buns. When he called his brother with a tender voice, the shock and pride could not be named; he used the medicine to give him the genius, and he often looked at it. When Wu stayed alone at home, he was not completely touched...

However, one step at a time, step by step, in the year of the coercion and coercion, he almost collapsed the drug to shake He Yushu's milk, how many nights awakened in a nightmare, but as time goes by, he can be without any In secret surveillance, Wu Ye did not hesitate to get rid of him, exhausted the means to seize the Wu family property, turned and used Ouyang Xin...

I don't know when he has become, he has become unable to recognize himself.

At first, he thought that only money could bring him security and happiness. However, when he broke the Wu group into an empty shell, he realized that he was not as happy as he thought.

There are countless accidents and ineviports in life. When he was young, he smashed his mother’s private feelings under the deliberate temptation of Zhou Wangyuan’s son. In the fear of tearing down Zhou Wangyuan’s son, the moment he turned the candle to light the factory, his fate was completely separated. The track.

Everything, finally, at the end of the day.

Wu Sen felt that his spirit began to diverge, and his mind could not control the scene. He thought that the scene had been forgotten -

The first time Dad took him to the amusement park. He sat on his shoulder and looked at the whole world curiously;

In the kindergarten, I got a little red flower to go home, and my mother and dad smiled tenderly;

The father who rarely went home, every time he came back, he was given a toy that the whole class did not have. When the children looked at him with envious eyes, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world;

When the candle fell on the ash-filled oily material, when the fire swept through the warehouse, the man who did not even call his father, tried everything to send him out of the sea of ​​fire;

Day after day fear, horror, fear;

When He Yushu gentled his back, when she sang a foreign virgin, he had a moment, he felt that the mother who died in the sea was back;

When Wu Xiaoye, who had just been chubby in January, was in his hands, he felt that he seemed to hold the whole world. He couldn’t move when he was stiff. When the adults took Wu Xiaoye away, he was still in that way;

When Wu Xiaoye exposed a few white rice millet teeth and shouted 'fruit fruit', bending his big eyes and punching his chubby arm, his heart seemed to fall into the honey at once;

However, after all, he still poured the medicine into He Shushu's cup. I don't know how many times he saw the back of a small, thin bone, and he couldn't even breathe...

Through the fog of memories, Wu Sen suddenly realized that he had more money, and he did not have a cake with Wu Xiaoye when he was a child.

The pain of heartbreaking blocked Wu Sen’s last memory. He whispered with the last gaze: “...sorry, next life...”

Wu Sen’s breath stopped short.

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