End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 253: Fan outside five eggs

Wu Ye announced that a few days after the founding of Xinhua, the tree of life blossomed again.

The tree of life has a very strange character, it can open a lot of flowers, it can also control which flower results, but once the flower turns into a fruit, unless the fruit is ripe, the fruit will not fall off the branch. The tree of life needs to consume a lot of energy to grow a fruit, but once the fruit is ripe and the fruit is swallowed, they can complete the transformation.

The desire for fruit, for the fruit to pay all the price, is almost the commonality of every tree of life in the universe.

This strain in the Yucheng plantation is no exception. When the flowers are full of trees, the little ones start to struggle with how much fruit is better. According to the speed at which it is now taking nutrients and the amount of nutrients around the city, it can only bear at most one fruit, and it takes a lot of 'energy' to grow it, but if someone helps it, Not the same.

If you give it enough high-energy fertilizer and wood-based abilities to irrigate, it should be able to make five or seven fruits. Even if it is evenly divided with humans, it can be divided... The tree of life is carefully calculated for a while, and It can be divided into three fruits at least, and it is more cost-effective than relying on two more!

And that human being is stupid, it can give more nutrients to its own fruit as it was last time. When a fruit is equivalent to one and a half fruits, three fruits are equivalent to... equivalent... not counting Anyway, definitely more than a fruit!

Making up his mind, the Tree of Life decided to have a good chat with the stupid human.

However, when the tree of life is going to produce results, the system is already dormant. Without the system of spiritual communication platform, the tree of life ‘eyes’ Wu Ye for several days, Wu Ye reacted.

It is very inconvenient to communicate without a mental platform, but whether it is Wu Ye or the tree of life is going to the fruit, then at least the brain wave is on a plane.

So Wu Ye tried to communicate by other means.

He took a bunch of fruit, took some fertilizer, and then stroked me to give you fertilizer. You gave me the same meaning of fruit. The tree of life saw that this person was too embarrassed.

Then, one person and one tree began to divide the number of fruits... No, it is negotiation.

The tree of life was pitted by Wu Ye last time. It is inevitable that some young people will forget the shape. In addition, Wu Ye has repeatedly promised to provide enough high-energy fertilizer for it. It is also greedy and does not hold back the temptation. The load has eight fruits, half as many as the agreement. It is quite awkward, pretending to be a generous and generous look, let Wu Ye first put the mark on it.

Unfortunately, there is no communication platform built by the system. They can't talk directly. It has a long time for the claws and claws. Wu Yeqiang can see a little meaning, but he can't understand what he is doing.

This tree of life is entangled. Wu Ye does not mark it. It is not easy to do it. Otherwise, what if humans want to have a big fruit in the future, isn’t it a busy life?

Without the mark, the tree of life is not eccentric. Fortunately, the nutrients provided by Wu Ye are very abundant. Several fruits are very good, and the tree of life has been entangled for a while, and this thing has been thrown away.

After the fruit was settled, the tree of life stopped a lot, and the fruits of the scorpion were born every day. Seeing that the fruit is about to mature, the tree of life carefully hides the fruit every day and then drives away the mutant beasts of the fruit.

Of course, occasionally it will quietly yy this time how to pit the stupid human, if there is a chance to swallow the eight fruits together, the stupid human and his helpers are definitely not their opponents, wait until then They still can't listen to it, how much fertilizer is needed every day! Do not dare, oh!

However, soon the dream of the tree of life is at its end. After the system was restarted, Wu Ye immediately put the original plan on the agenda.

The fertilizer is broken!

At the crucial time, the fertilizer was broken!

In the past two days, there was no ‘eat’ to the delicious high-energy fertilizer, and there was no way to irrigate. Even the whole plantation had no one animal or one animal. The tree of life realized that the problem was wrong.

However, this time it was too greedy. Originally it could only contain one fruit at most, and it ended up with eight pieces in one breath. The nutrients needed for the eight fruits are so large that they are unimaginable. In just two days, the energy that was not completely digested is completely exhausted, and these greedy fruits are still extracting its vitality! Last time, it still had the spare force to drive the mutant plants in the plantation to play the prestige. This time it only felt the vitality of its crazy madness, and where did it dare to waste energy?

It was pitted, **** sly human qaq.

Two days later, when Wu Ye appeared, the tree of life was pulled down. Half of the leaves had turned into a transparent crystal color. Follow this momentum and wait for a maximum of two or three days. Life is coming to an end.

[Given your last malicious deception, this fruit is my six. 】 This tone Wu Xiaoye has been stunned for two years, and the curved peach eyes are full of ‘you also have today’.

The tree of life uses the budding sound of the budding sound and has no power, [dreaming. 】

Wu Ye did not say that he turned and left, and the mental power of the outside felt that almost all the branches and leaves of the tree of life were pulled down, like a defeated puppy.

After another two days of sorrow, the tree of life did not end up with the shackles of human beings and did not live up to the yearning for life.

After some bargaining, Wu Ye got the ownership of five fruits, and the tree of life got three. At this time, it was not long before the fruit matured, and the size of the fruit was basically fixed. Two less burdens were not selected for the five fruits.


Next, Wu Ye bought the system, let the system accurately calculate the daily fertilizer and power consumption of the tree of life, and then calculate the approximate time of fruit ripening, giving only the good energy of the tree of life every day. Of course, this is also because the tree of life is still young. If you grow older and deeper and wider, this data cannot be calculated.

The greedy fruit absorbs the energy and does not leave it to the tree of life. The tree of life has no extra energy to restore vitality. It can only wait for the fruit to mature.

As a super-brain brain, the system's ability to calculate is incredible, and the fruit of the tree of life, as it is calculated, enters maturity on the expected date.

Because Wu Ye buckles the energy of the tree of life every day, at the moment when the fruit matures, the tree of life has no extra energy to complete the final step.

Wu Xiaoye shamelessly poured a few packets of fertilizer into the tree, and then picked a fruit. After a while, he took all his pieces away. Fortunately, Wu Ye is also very trustworthy, belonging to the fruit of the tree of life, he did not move, and finally generously provided fertilizer for it to ripen the last three fruits.

This tree of life is a lesson learned by Wu Yezhen. I don’t want to mention more grievances in my heart. After swallowing up the fruit of it, I immediately fell into a dormant period, and even refused to tell Wu Ye. It is.

It is conceivable that Wu Xiaoye’s psychological shadow area left in the young mind of the tree of life.

Wu Ye took three of the fruits and gave them to the research institute, so that they could continue to deploy the remedies for the remaining special infected people. The remaining two fruits, he and the Daqin one smashed half, and the rest was collected in the vault, leaving For future life.

The fruit of the tree of life is precious because it contains enormous and pure vital energy, which can stimulate and awaken the potential of the living body. It is an important raw material for refining many advanced pharmaceuticals.

Wu Ye did not have the prescription for the medicine. There are many systems, that is, the price is too inhuman, so he can only use the most primitive and least effective method - eating fruit and refining the fruit energy.

The energy contained in the fruit is completely beyond the expectations of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua. The fruit is not big, and one person and a few are gone, but the energy of refining the fruit is not enough to eat or drink. It’s a month’s time.

When the energy of the fruit is completely used, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua both break through the eighth order and directly advance to the late nine-level intermediate stage. Both the body itself and the mental strength are stronger than before. For the first time, I enjoyed the benefits of ‘Tianmu Dibao’, and I didn’t know how many times I watched the fruit in the vault drool.

Then, suddenly one day, the second found the vault into the thief, and the fruit did not fly! ! ! Who is it? (╯‵□)╯(┻━┻

"...Aye, don't have to watch the monitor, look at it..."

Wu Ye looked down at Daqin's hand and looked at it. In the corner, the rabbit boss and the big gray sleeped out of the mouth. In front of them, he was a jade box that he exchanged for high price to preserve the fruit.

"Two bastards!" The two are simply out of anger.

Thousands of defenses against the family thieves are difficult to prevent, things have been eaten, and two less regenerating gas is useless. After the rabbit boss and the big ash refining the energy to wake up, he didn't even think about them.

However, don't think that the rabbit boss and the big gray are so easy to escape -

Rabbit Boss: I will never steal my mouth again. I will throw a zombie wall and eat a rabbit monster! Qaq

Big gray: The little toy is really too delicate, and it is better to practice.

With the fruit of the tree of life, the Institute quickly prepared enough antidote.

The procrastination tactics that Qin Wuhua originally formulated were very effective, and they continued to release antidote, which controlled the situation very well. However, after such a long period of time, many infected people have reached the deadline for having to use the medicine.

Fortunately, the fruit of the tree of life is mature in time, and then the medicine is configured in the fastest time, otherwise it may be something.

The antidote was injected into the infected people one after another. When the last special fusion infected person in Qinglan County recovered, Wu Ye finally submitted the mandatory task of the system.

I haven't done two tasks for a long time, and I am excited to lick my paws. Press [Yes].

Mission rating: s (total rescue 22 mission bonus conditions.)

Mission reward: 200> Two less did not expect this task rating will be so high, the reaction is a bit slow, said to himself: "What is the meaning of "Chaos double repair", how do you hear it?"

The system stunned for three seconds, and I couldn’t help it. The mechanical sound of the tablet always showed obvious excitement: [The most expensive one! 】 Well, it’s been a long time since the second time, and the system has become secular. The system did not expect that the stupid host, which has always been a good luck, actually got the most out of the system exercises. Since then, this practice has appeared in the mercenary system until now, for thousands of years, I have drawn this. The host of the syllabus adds up to a stupid host of five people. Is it really a sneak peek? At this moment, the system really feels that the chip is hot, the data is a bit confusing, no, it really needs to calm down!

"I am, no, luck is so good?!" Two little ones almost picked up from the sofa, and excitedly pulled Daqin excitedly: "Da Qin, Daqin, I got the baby, super big Baby! God, I finally broke a character, wow hahaha!"

Of course, Daqin is very pleased that Wu Ye has drawn a super treasure. What is more gratifying is that this name is not very serious. The content is just as unfair as the name. Daqin slightly recalled the 'cultivation' process last night. He couldn't help but move his throat and cough... The Buddha can't say, can't say.

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