End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 35: Wu Hua’s past

This is an unexpected, free draw!

Second, I was careful that the liver once again did not live up to the temptation to jump through it. In view of the poor performance of the last request for God, the second few smashed the pickpocket and pressed the reward button.

"The best water control".

Qin Wuhua did not understand why Wu Ye stayed in the void and then stayed, and then his mouth was slightly open, and his eyes ‘pidapida’ flashed with light, and the corners of his mouth grew longer and he went to the ear.

Two little hearts of the q version of the little man akimbo screaming: [Mary next door, Laozi finally character once, pumped the best practice, hahahaha! 】

System: [you...]

[You don't talk, let me laugh for another five minutes. 】

The system was silent for a while, and it was better to let the host recognize the reality earlier: [... ‘Excellent water control’ is just the name of the practice. 】

The smile of the two little villains is a bit unattainable, [...hahaha, what do you mean? 】

System: [I don't want to think too much. 】

Two less rationally returned, the smile froze: [Do not think too much is what it means? 】

System: ["Excellent Water Control" is just a basic water system, not a top-level exercise. 】

Two less than enough for a minute, hilarious and violent away, [lying trough, this is the name of the lack of goods, the old man is happy! 】

Then, Qin Wuhua saw that Wu Ye was quick to return to the back of his head and recovered his position in the blink of an eye. He also succumbed to his grievances. The last second smugly followed the super big lottery, and after a second he became frosted. Eggplant, simmering on the couch.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Qin Wuhua asked.

"I took another junk." Wu Ye said arrogantly, the gap between the front and the back was too big, and he did not blame him for generating resistance.

["The best water control" is not a junk, it is a very good basic practice, if you can understand and thoroughly cultivate it to perfection, it will be good for your future practice, when you learn other water system exercises Do more with less. 】 The system said that there is absolutely no stupid host this time. Besides, what is drawn is not what it can decide. The contribution of the stupid host is not enough luck. How can this be counted on it?

[The basic playing is better than fart, anyway, I did not intend to unlock the gene chain behind. 】 Unlocking the secondary gene chain requires 5000 credits. Prior to this, the enhanced gene also required 1000 erythrocytes. Integral Wu Ye is still there. However, his water system ability did not attack at all before the fourth order, and it was also improved. What's more, before unlocking the fourth-level gene chain, he needs to use the four-level crystal nucleus to strengthen the gene, and he has the strength to get together the stuff. He has already made up the orange crystal to exchange the necessary medicines for the family to go home for a comfortable life. It is. Therefore, in Wu Ye's view, since the abilities do not play much role, there is no need to upgrade it. It is better to buy a few boxes of bombs with more nucleus.

Every time I mention this topic, the system is not happy, [Since you don't plan to continue unlocking the gene chain, you can use the fart with good practice! 】 The system does not have emotional mechanical sounds, ridicule [system, how can you speak foul language? ! 】

【Humph. The system snorted, and the **** virus in the chip seems to have an increasing influence on it.

[You don't be upset, I can't use it for good practice, I can use it for my younger brother. Wuhua is now bound to me. The scores of his killing zombies to do the task are counted as one. The more he kills the more zombies, the more points I get.... Oh, forget it, I didn’t get anything anyway. Good things, saying more is tears. 】 It is said that the second is still a bit unwilling, ask the system, ["The best water control" compared with the "basic vomiting method" which is more advanced? 】

[The basic exercises are different in nature and cannot be compared. 】

[Stupid, you show me their exchange price. As a qualified local tyrant, the two have always believed that good is not necessarily expensive, but expensive must be good.

The system didn't say anything, the chip was silently drifting over a stupid host to be stupid, and the control panel changed.

The Basic Breathing Method scores 15,000, 500 orange crystals.

"Excellent Water Control" scores 50000, 1500 orange crystal.

Although I have long known that the system's redemption items are extremely unscientific, the second is still taking a breath of air. This is the price. He will continue to hope for the lucky draw.

[Show me your most expensive exercises and let me see for a long time. 】 Most of the exercises in the system are to be able to practice after unlocking the gene chain. Before Wu Ye was afraid that he could not stand the temptation of power, he wanted to get enough points to go home, and he never learned how to understand the system. The practice of redemption, and now the two exercises, the exchange price completely refreshed his perception.

After a while, there is a line on the control panel -

"Chaos double repair" points 1000 trillion, the mother emperor energy core 100.

Hey, this name is quite unfair, and the price is so high. No, two less questions: [Mother's energy nuclear is a **** horse thing? 】

[Zerg mother emerald energy crystallizes, similar to the crystal of d virus infection, the energy is extremely powerful and pure. 】

Wu Ye finally realized a very serious problem. The system came from the higher universe. Even the system itself could bind two planes. How could the war in that world be confined to a life planet? How can a small zombie virus find it difficult to get that level of technology? It is estimated that the people on the earth will be cleaned together with the zombies, and they will not be able to redeem two upper-level exercises. In other words, even the big road goods produced by the system are enough to see in this world.

Thinking about these barriers, Wu Ye is no longer influenced by the stereotypes of thinking about what is best for the best. Now the skills of the abilities of the abilities to practice and use the abilities are all self-explanatory. How many detours are there to guide?

Take the abilities of the singer in the city now, how many people are trapped in the first-order peak, and they are so close to the door, but they never touch the threshold of advancement. The more backward, the higher the level of the ability, the more difficult the advanced level will be. If there is such a method that can help guide the practice of abilities, how precious is it?

Wu Ye is busy saying to the system: [You help me find out if there is any lightning system that is suitable for Wuhua practice, and show me what I can afford. 】

[To retrieve the work method information, you need 100 points, 100 crystals. 】

[Integrate yourself to deduct it, the crystal nucleus owes it, and I will give it to you later. 】 Two young people now think that they have a lot of savings, don’t care about this little money.

After the system deducted the points, there were two exercises on the control panel.

"Low-level Royal Thunder" "Thundering Practice Code" (Volume 1) Mom, this is too expensive! It’s simply the rhythm that you can’t afford, fall!

Wu Ye retracted the control panel and prepared to wait for the "Excellent Water Control" in the evening. He said to Qin Wuhua: "It seems that we have more ways to hunt down some three-level zombies."

"what happened?"

Wu Ye sighed: "I want to give you a redemption practice, but the orange crystal is not enough."

Qin Wuhua’s heart is moving. He is really eager to improve his strength quickly: “How much is it?”

Wu Ye told Qin Wuhua the names of the two exercises and the exchange requirements. "...In addition to the zombie walls, where are there more three-level zombies?"

The zombies in the wall of zombies are too dense, and the cost of containing one or two zombies is far more than the killing of the three-level zombies themselves. The efficiency is very low, and if they are not harvested in time, no one will know when it will be brewed. disaster.

"City." Qin Wuhua understands Wu Ye's concerns. He said, "The city is densely populated. After the outbreak of the virus, only a small number of people have successfully escaped. Most of them have become zombies. Among these zombies, About one-third of the survivors left the city, and the rest were trapped in the city by the complex layout of the city. You know, I and Qian Xin are special forces. After the outbreak of the virus, I and other brothers. I have participated in many city rescue missions. In order to rescue some big people, we have been to many cities. This time, we also participated in a secret mission dispatched by the military - "Qin Wuhua's face with a trace of irony," mission requirements We went to the secret military research institute in a small county near the city, and brought back the researchers who might survive."

auzw.com "And then?" Wu Ye looked at him, this is the first time he listened to Qin Wuhua about his own affairs.

"This task is a trap," Qin Wuhua said. "After we arrived at the institute, we found that the so-called distress signal was sent a year ago. The people in the institute are all dead. When we come out from the institute, send us The helicopters of the past have long since disappeared, and our distress signal has been cut off... We have gone to more than 30 brothers, and only me and Qian Xin have left the city alive. If it is not the vaccine you provided, I and Qian Xin have already died."

"Why are they doing this?" Wu Ye did not expect this to happen.

“The research institutes in Beijing have developed a lot of experiments to convert ordinary people into abilities. The success rate is only 1%. The stronger the will, the greater the probability of success. But because the mortality rate is too high. When the soldiers are tested, they need to sign a voluntary agreement.

After the end of the world, the president ordered the core units of the military regions to move to the capital, to clear the infected people in the first time, and to build the capital into the largest survivor settlement in China and the world. The settlement began to take shape. The president and the vice president were attacked by people infected with d virus on the same day. In the chaos, the two died at the same time. On the same day, many members of Congress were assassinated and cleaned up, and Congress was in the same place. The capital city has no chaos and no dragons. The ten military regions have taken advantage of the powerful force to win over the survival of the family's chaebols in the disaster and jointly control the capital of the capital.

I and Qian Xin are under the jurisdiction of the Third Military Region. Before the end of the world, we were the ace of the military region. We had numerous missions and made great contributions to the Third Military Region. After the death of the president and the vice president, the soldiers became the private soldiers of the military regions. We are still loyal to the Li family and loyal to the military commander Li Wangwei. Li Wangxi’s eldest son and younger son have awakened their abilities after the end of the world. The brothers are the most powerful abilities in the capital. Before I left the mission, Li Wei had already reached the third-order peak of the fire system. Li Yufeng was the third-order peak and the two of them were unmatched by the brothers. Because of them, Li’s family is more ambitious and wants to seek greater power.

Li Wangxi asked me to participate in the ‘Awakening Program’ with more than 30 brothers under my command. Before and after the end of the world, our 30,000 special team had died and only 30 people had died. The well-known disasters of our soldiers, still fighting at the forefront, put the parents and their families who are raising our parents behind. My parents have no other brothers and sisters in the family before they die. What about other people? How many people simply don’t even think about the situation at home. But what are we paying for?

I don't want my only thirty-six brothers to make unnecessary sacrifices and refuse Li's orders. Since then, we have been sent to do the most dangerous tasks, and several times have survived, and those who are not in the right place with Li Wangjun deliberately spread our affairs in the Third Military Region, so that no soldiers in the military region will volunteer to participate in the awakening plan. Li Wangxi regarded us as a stab in the eyes, and deliberately arranged for us to carry out this mortal task, both to get rid of us and to kill chickens and monkeys. ”

"Since he is like you, can't you choose to retire?" Wu Ye did not expect Qin Wuhua to have such a past, but did not expect the water in Beijing to be so deep. In contrast, the five major forces in Yucheng have Love is more.

Qin Wuhua shook his head: "After the disaster broke out, the military stipulated that unless you lose your combat capability, you will not be allowed to retire. The deserters will be killed."

The second is a slap in the mouth: "You can be honest, you have to change to me, even if you pretend to die, I have to run away."

Wu Ye did not become a soldier, did not understand the glory of the soldiers, and the qualified soldiers were not contemptuous of the deserters. Qin Wuhua and his special forces are elites in the elite. They would rather die in the battlefield and never want to be a bag of greed and fear of being ridiculed. However, the ideals are very full, and the reality is very skinny. The big-headed soldiers who want to protect their homeland are underestimating the shamelessness of politicians.

Qin Wuhua bowed his head in blame, and it was difficult to hide his hatred: "Yes, if I can take them away in the morning, it would be fine."

Wu Ye secretly said that he would not speak. He accidentally added a knife to the younger brother. He was busy transferring the topic: "You haven’t finished talking about the city just now. Is there a lot of three-level zombies in the city?"

Qin Wuhua nodded: "Yes, I don't know why. The speed of zombies evolution in the city seems to be faster. The task two months ago, we met three levels of zombies in that small county. Still quite a lot."

Wu Ye hesitated: "So, have we been sheep in the past?"

Qin Wuhua shook his head: "In the first two days, Ji Xiang invited me to visit his home. He said that he would organize a collection task in the near future and invite us to participate. The destination of the mission is the small county."

Wu Ye’s heart was slightly fixed. “What are they going to collect there?”

Qin Wuhua said: "He said that he wants to go to the industrial area on the outskirts of the county town to get some solar generators back. The winter sunshine in the city is not strong, there is not enough solar generators, and it is likely to be cut off in winter."

Yucheng has always relied on solar power to generate electricity. The electricity bill is included in the rent and no additional calculations are made. However, this does not mean that the top management of Yucheng does not want to collect the money, mainly because they have not yet got enough electricity meters, and they also lack a bright excuse.

Ji Xiang’s action is estimated to be an ambush for future electricity charges.

Wu Ye touched the smooth chin: "Have he ever told you how to pay for the task?"

Qin Wuhua shook his head: "No, he only said that after making a good plan, he will talk about it in detail."

Wu Ye said: "That's good, when he raises his salary, you just let him use the orange crystal to check out. Now the third-order abilities of Yucheng have counted one hand, and he must know the situation of the county. I am not afraid that he will not come and ask you. Not only you, Qian Xin, Yang Qi and Yang Lina are the objects of his key invitation."

In the siege of the besieged city, the capital city has a large number of abilities from the 岚城, and the second-order free plane, there are potential first-class discounts. Yucheng had only less than 2,000 abilities in the original system. This battle, together with the newly awakened abilities, has just reached 1,400, and the second-order abilities are even less pitiful. And these abilities are not the five forces that each loyal to the city. Wu Ye on their side, in addition to Qin Wuhua, Qian Xin, Yang Qi, Yang Lina have reached the second-order peak, they are few people, but the combat power must not be underestimated.

The longer he stayed in the zombie plane, the more clearly Wu Ye realized that what was said in the last days was virtual, and only strong force was the foundation of his life.

Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua chatted for a while, and in the afternoon, the guests in the store suddenly increased.

The vast majority of these people are running on the fifth of Chanel. When they look at the price of Wu Ye’s heart-wrenching madness, they are all irritated. The other bottle of Chanel No. 5 had the smile on the face after the news was received by Yu Hui. As the wife of the first person in charge of Yucheng, she wanted this unique reverence.

Wu Ye, very good.

Yu Hui was in a good mood. He directly pressed the letter from the patrol and sent a letter to the deputy director of the patrol office. "You are the brain being smashed by the zombies? The fake goods can be priced with the real goods." Isn't that a pit consumer? Is it for you, you are willing to buy 1200 wood through the crystal to buy fake wood hibiscus? In my opinion, Wu Ye's pricing is very reasonable, fakes must be the price of fakes, don't take this later A mentally handicapped thing bothers me!"

The deputy director went to the door and smelled the charming fragrance of Yu Hui. There was a bad feeling in my heart. At this time, I could only hold my grandson and even lose it. When I went back, I immediately sweared at the subordinates who gave him the idea. He understood it. Wu Ye’s group should be on the road of Ji Xiang. They can make the ‘Tiger’ so happy, and they can take care of them later.

Not to mention the small storms on the side of the patrol, the people who came to watch the perfume could not afford the price of the mad, but did not prevent them from buying something else in the store.

One day, Yunnan Baiyao, falling drinks, and candy were all sold out; fake cigarettes were sold for 40 bags; the price of chocolate and snickers was too high, and most people were reluctant to buy them. Of course, there were also for prostitutes (male). ) With happy, reluctant to pay for the bag; penicillin and cold medicine prices are high, and there is no packaging, everyone is afraid of putting it, unless it is needed now, the average person rarely buys, just like this, the sales are not too small.

The worst selling in the store is salt and compressed biscuits.

Because of the high-level restrictions, the salt in the store is the same as the price of the franchise store. For those who have the way, they are more willing to buy cheaper salt on the black market. Compressed biscuits are purely because people don't think it's worthwhile. The good pork on the city is only 30 nucles a pound, and a pack of one or two hundred grams of biscuits sells 30 crystals. Consumers feel too expensive.

Although a small piece of fruit candy sells 20 crystals, many people buy it because the purpose of buying it is to solve it or take it home to marry the child's wife. The snacks in the last days are pitiful, and many people have not tasted the taste of sugar for a long time. Occasionally extravagant, it is nothing.

Compressed biscuits are not the same, its taste is not much better, buy it to eat it just to fill the stomach, so people will subconsciously compare it with the grain meat, one by one found that this thing is actually more than a pound of pork Still expensive, naturally no one is willing to buy.

There were not many goods in the store. After the business closed at 8:00 pm, Zeng Xin and Chen Zhaoyang took the rest of the goods into the low-cost suitcase and brought them back to the small building. The patrol will not patrol at night, but people have not promised to lose things. The survivors of Yucheng did not dare to play the ideas of the five major forces, but they did not mean that they would avoid the four newly opened stores.

In the evening, after listening to Zengxin’s sales report, Wu Ye decided to go back to Pang Zhi, a compressed biscuit that had not been unpacked, and sold it again after the package was sold out.

Some people want stomach medicine to bring; what is the purpose of Pei Yuan Wan, ask for no time in a while; and want to sell sanitary napkins, do not know what price the city sells, if the price is good, you can consider.

Well, next time I bring a little candy and other small snacks. Things in the food factory have to go back and study with the old man.

The author has something to say: ╮(╯▽╰) ╭ In fact, the two less martial arts are not as boring as he thinks~~~

In addition: the third order below nucleus

1 powder crystal = 5 through crystal

1 erythr crystal = 10 through crystal

1 red crystal = 50 transcrystal

1 orange crystal = 100 transcrystal

Similar to the 2012 setting, the abilities and the zombies will have an evolutionary ruling every third order, and the nucleus exchange rate will be adjusted. When you write it, say it again.

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