The savior has been in high heat without waking up, but the vaccine seems to have worked, at least the wound on his body has not continued to flow black pus. There are many wounds on Qin Wuhua, bloody, and the weather is hot. Wu Ye is worried about the wound infection on his body. If he hangs, he will really lose his blood.

"You have to deal with his wounds first."

Wu Ye walked around the house. There were six rooms on the two-story farmhouse. There were several rooms on each side. There were kitchens, granaries and utility rooms on the right, and pig pens on the left. And the chicken coop. Both the pig pen and the chicken house have broken big holes, and there are some bones scattered in the inside, I don’t know if it’s human or animal. The kitchen was turned upside down. The ground and the walls were splashed with dry blood. Wu Ye snorted in the kitchen for a few laps. Most of the pots and pans in the pots were used. The oil, salt and rice dishes were all scraped. Upstairs is three bedrooms, the door is hidden, pushed open, a bone all over the ground, rancid; the other two have been looted, leaving only a bare wooden bed, and empty wardrobe, TV Was smashed.

Wu Yeqi opened the spider web stuck to the bed board, raised the self-defense hoe, smashed the rotten bedboard three times and twice, pulled off the moldy curtains on the window, threw the pieces of wood into the curtains, wrapped them. A large bundle was hugged into the kitchen downstairs. Wu Ye found a large iron basin and got the water in the yard. He held the rod of the pressure water well for a long time, and a rust yellow water flowed out of the water outlet. Wu Ye continued to press hard for a while, and the water color finally became clear. He picked up a few pots of water back and forth, scrubbed the cauldron and the stove with old curtains, and filled the pot with water. He took out a box of matches that he had just found in the cupboard, and he scraped it for a long time. Root, hurry up the dead leaves under the stove to ignite, fire and water.

Wu Ye loves to play, often go out to travel, some camping experience, or really take the soil stove in this country.

There was a flammable dead wood, and it didn't take long for the water in the pot to boil. Wu Ye went to take off the black t-shirt and combat pants of Qin Wuhua's seven-hole and eight-hole body. Wu Ye searched all his trouser pockets and found only a small packet of salt and a lighter.

"It's really poor and white." Wu Ye said with a sigh of relief, took his clothes and cleaned it in the water well, and then boiled it in boiling water with the kitchen knife found in the kitchen. After eliminating the poison, put it aside and re-wash the pot and burn a whole pot of boiling water. Taking advantage of the water-burning effort, Wu Ye used a sterilized knife to cut the t-shirt into a bandage, and the combat pants were cut and used halfway. The remaining half was temporarily unavailable, and it was placed on the outer wire.

After the boiling water in Wu Ye and other pots was cooled, he took a pot to the next door. Qin Wuhua still had a high fever and was unconscious. There was no sign of waking up. Wu Ye sighed and confessed to the poisoned cloth strip and helped him wipe off the stains on his body.

"If you ignore the envy and hate in Wu Ye's voice, he said that it is not a lie. Wu Ye's appearance is indeed very good, peach eyes, straight nose, micro-deep **** lip, five senses fully interpret Asians Exquisite and delicate, the skin inherits the mother's day, the only failure is the face. If it is too small, it will not be said. It also keeps the baby fat that makes Wu Ye extremely hateful, and the five senses on the tall ones are not long. The face of the doll can only be exchanged for praises such as beautiful and cute, and it has an insurmountable gap with the cool and handsome tyrants that Wu Ye longs for.

Qin Wuhua’s face was covered with blood and couldn’t see anything. Now I’m clean and look again. The brow is very deep, the nose is very thin, the lips are thin, the face is sharp, and when I close my eyes, there is something I can’t say. Majesty and abstinence, the skin is the most desired wheat color of Wu Ye, and the eyebrows are slightly stunned. The face of Qin Wuhua has made Wu Ye not calm, his body is simply making Wu Ye crazy, Nima is hard like Stone-like pectoral muscles, standard eight-pack abs, also have a **** mermaid line, even a trace of fat on the waist can not be found, the typical shoulder wide waist narrow long legs, the 坨 Wu Ye in the pants swept A few eyes, decided not to attack the dignity of his male, directly skip the piece and not rub it? But now I regret that I have a fart, and the vaccine is given to him. In addition to being honest, when he wakes up to be his younger brother and bodyguard, what else can he do? I don't believe in x-points again. I accept a little brother who is so grievous, and I don't like it.

Wu Ye was smashed in his heart, while still doing his duty to use medical alcohol to help Qin Wuhua to disinfect the whole body. He also used cloth to help him entangle several serious injuries. After the tossing, Wu Ye found herself hungry.

However, there was no food in the house, and he did not dare to go out and look for food alone. Wu Ye took out the nutrient and licked it, and there seemed to be a stench in his lips and teeth. Oh, forget it, first drink a water pad.

Until the evening, Qin Wuhua continued to have high fever without any signs of waking up. Wu Ye was in a hurry and asked the system, the system was dead and no response. Wu Ye has no choice but to wait.

It was just summer, the weather was so hot, and the fog blew the sun to bake the earth. The female zombie who was killed by him in the first place after a week of baking, exudes a disgusting corpse smell, the smell continues to escape from the cracks in the door, and Wu Ye is upset.

Wu Ye scratched his hair and stood up and said, "Forget it, good people will do it in the end. Since it has already helped you end the pain, help you once and let you get into the earth." He took the hoe, and under the dead tree in the middle of the courtyard, he dug a small pit, and used the **** to push the half of the corpse halfway and half-hook. In the pit. The head of the female corpse has been smashed by him, and the broken bones are scattered all over the floor. With the hoe, I can't go, Wu Ye has to find the broom and sweep those things in. Just after sweeping twice, the broom seems to have swept a small stone, and the rounded 'small stone' bones rolled half a meter away. The transparent 'small stones' reflected in the setting sun, reflecting the warm red awns, like crystals. good looking.

Wu Ye picked up the ‘stone’ and put it on the palm of his hand. The ‘stone’ is only the size of the thumb cover, and the crystal clear and exudes a fascinating radiance, which is more charming than the finest crystal stone that Wu Ye has seen.

"what is this?"

[Energy nucleus of a first-degree d virus malignant infection. 】

"Rely, this stuff won't really grow in the zombie mind?"

【Yes. 】

Wu Ye holding the crystal nucleus is not a simple receipt, not throwing. Take it, think that this thing is from the pile of stinking brains, Wu Ye is disgusting; throw it, this thing is the necessary energy to open the portal. The situation is stronger than people, everything is to be able to go home. Wu Ye took the crystal nucleus to the bottom of the pressurized water, and pressed the well water to clean it. The washed nucleus looks more crystal-clear. If you don't say it, who knows such a beautiful and confusing thing, is it from the horrible zombie brain?

Wu Ye sighed slightly, plunged the nucleus into his trouser pocket, continued to work, and buried the body under the tree.

After the busy work, Wu Ye returned to the room again, sitting on the side of Qin Wuhua, thinking about his current situation, thinking about his family, the brain can't figure out what to do, when he was dark, he didn't know.

Ultraviolet rays have a certain inhibitory effect on d virus. Compared with daytime, zombies are obviously more active at night, and their speed, smell and hearing will be doubled. At the beginning of the last days, countless bases were destroyed by corpse tides at night. Nowadays, the remaining bases will organize a large number of master patrol defenses at night. Even so, there are still many times when it is impossible to prevent them.

Wu Ye didn't know the information. He only thought that after the night fell, the outside was quiet and terrible. Then the zombies had more and more buzzing sounds, more and more loud, even getting closer and closer, without a bright night. Especially awkward. Wu Ye felt that the zombies seemed to be more excited than during the day. He was very scared. He was afraid of zombies and smelled it again. He checked in the afternoon, and the big iron gates outside could not withstand them. Wu Hua took the opportunity to use the light of the lighter. He touched the room in the mortuary room upstairs, peeled off the bed covered with blood on the bed, took it downstairs and sprayed it with the eviction agent, and hanged the hood as a curtain on the window. On the top, put the sheets in the cracks of the door, try not to let him and Qin Wuhua's smell be caught by the keen smell of zombies.

The smell in the room became extremely stinking, and Wu leaves were a little faint, but the effect was very obvious, and the sound outside was obviously much smaller. Wu Ye sighed with relief, and he was lying next to Qin Wuhua. He stayed in the stinking room for a long time. I didn’t know if the smell was adapted or failed. Wu Ye felt that the taste in the room was not as unbearable at first, he experienced today. Too many things that I couldn’t dream of, I was tired and afraid of being hungry, and I fell asleep in my fatigue without knowing it.

The temperature in the late middle of the night is relatively low, and it is even cooler when lying directly on the concrete floor. Qin Wuhua woke up in the middle of the night, his head was dizzy, and he felt that he was pressing something on his body. He couldn’t breathe. He wanted to push it away with his hand, and he couldn’t lift it with his strength. He wants to move his body and get rid of the heavy objects on his body. As a result, the strength of the milking has just moved twice, and the things on his body are pressed even tighter. There was something slippery in his neck that smashed twice. The warm breath sprayed on his neck, slightly itchy, and Qin Wuhua was burned into a pasteful brain and passed a horrified worried face. The day after tomorrow, the alert was slowly relaxed. Slowly, he listened to the shallow breathing sound in his ear and once again fell asleep.

The next day, Wu Ye woke up and found that he had sleeped Qin Wuhua as an adult meat mat for one night, and he was wrapped around other people like an octopus. As a man of 'righteousness', Wu Ye didn't think much about it. He simply felt that he was a little shameful when he was a child who liked to sleep with something. Anyway, he doesn't know anything about his coma. Even if he is awake, he knows that he is only holding him for a night and has not done anything. He is not a woman. Can he still cry and shout to let him be responsible? Two less happy to throw this black history behind.

In the next few days, Qin Wuhua’s high fever retreated a little, but people still did not wake up. Wu Ye learned the classic lens in "The Walking Dead", covered with sheets of repellent, and walked around the house for a few laps. He didn't dare to go too far. He also encountered two or three zombies. The power of the eviction agent did not have him. The imaginary big, after the zombies hesitated, without exception, he saw his disguise. Wu Ye escaped twice, killed an old and dead zombie, and successfully scored 1 point. He endured disgustingly digging the zombie's brain but failed to find the nucleus. He realized that not every zombie would have a nucleus.

What's more, Wu Ye risked his life and searched for a few laps around the house. He didn't find anything to eat. He could only eat nutrients and drink mineral water. The taste of the nutrient is very disgusting, but it is undeniable that it is indeed a good thing for the fruit. One tube is enough for him and Qin Wuhua to eat for one day. In addition, after eating for so many days, he faintly feels that his physical fitness seems to have improved. When he killed the old zombies two days ago, he obviously felt that his strength was even greater.

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