End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 46: Temporary residence (below)

Qin Wuhua saw Wu Ye’s face suddenly red, and his heart leaped. At the bottom of his heart, there was a speculation that he didn’t believe it. When he was thinking about it, Wu Ye dropped a sentence, “I went to the next side to get the crystal nucleus” Escaped like a go, even Wu Ye himself did not know what he was blushing.

Next door, Yang Qi and others have already pulled the cranial number up. Seeing Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua received so many orange crystals for a while, everyone is envious. Wu Ye let them rest for a while. He took the nucleus and returned to the next door. After paying off the debt, he exchanged 2000 assault rifle bullets, 4,000 heavy machine gun bullets and 500 sniper rifle bullets from the system. Point integration, equivalent to 4000 through crystal.

Wu Ye probably calculated it. He and Qin Wuhua brushed more than 9,200 points in total for more than one hour. According to the proportion, he could get 15,000 crystals. The more than two thousand bullets were brought from Yucheng, and the cost price purchased in Yucheng was about 4000 crystallites. If it is exchanged with the system, it will take about 3400 points, equivalent to 1700 through crystal. According to this standard, in more than an hour, he earned more than 5,800 points and more than 13,000 crystals. The crystal nucleus seems to have earned a lot, but in fact, the value of orange and red crystals and other crystal nucleus that he and Qin Wuhua hunted alone exceeded 14,000 transcrystals.

In this way, he did not actually earn the nucleus of other hunters, and even from the perspective of distribution, Qin Wuhua suffered a big loss. To put it another way, the nucleus that he actually earned is almost exactly the same as Qin Wuhua’s loss of crystal nucleus.

"How do you think about it?" Qin Wuhua saw Wu Ye looking at a lot of bullets and brains, and his mood was not good.

"Nothing, I feel that my distribution plan is not well done, you are too disadvantaged." Wu Ye now put Qin Wuhua in the position of the same party brothers as Pang Zhi, and thought of what they had done as friends. Two little hearts are very uncomfortable.

Qin Wuhua was in a good mood, which explains what it means that he is different in Wu Ye’s heart. Thinking of the appearance of Wu Yehong's face just now, Qin Wuhua is as sweet as drinking honey. He wrote the word 'gongfa' on the ground, and then wiped it off and said with a smile: "Have you forgotten that we are comrades-in-arms? Maybe someday you will find that you are eating more losses."

Compared with the crystal nucleus, Qin Wuhua cares more about his own strength. As long as the strength goes up, how many crystal nucleuses do you want to be? There is no strength in the last days, and no amount of money can be saved. If Wu Ye can give him a practice to cultivate the lightning abilities, he is worth the white work for Wu Ye. Of course, his favorite is Wu Ye’s feeling of putting him in his heart.

Listening to Qin Wuhua, Wu Ye’s mood immediately became better. He was a person who did not want to let his friends suffer. He secretly decided to wait for the nucleus and points to give Wuhua a high-level point.

Qin Wuhua saw him laugh again, his eyebrows bent at the corner of his mouth and hung two shallow pear vortexes. The small looks were beautiful and lovely, reminding him of the small foreigner’s shop that caught the little mouse and showed off him. Little cat, once again could not help but reach out and rub his hair.

Wu Ye opened his hand: "Don't call my hair, my hair is messed up by you?"

Qin Wuhua looked at his head, which was the same length as the chicken coop, and whispered: "Is it still called a hairstyle?"

Since the accident at home, Wu Ye has not been to the barber shop for more than two months. The hair is a lot longer, the original handsome hair style, long deformation, and recently busy every day to earn crystal nucleus to kill zombies, there is no time to take care of, seven long and short hair was sleeping here. Collapsed, the chaos was as white as his chicken nest.

Wu Ye sighed and drums him: "Why don't you call a hairstyle? Originally, my hair is good, it is all for you! You are not to be embarrassed, you are still awkward!"

Seeing Wu Ye fried hair, Qin Wuhua did not rush to recover his hand, Wu Ye's hair was chaotic, but the soft and smooth feel feels good, and then wait for the evening. Anyway, the little guy fell asleep like a piglet, how to get rid of it... Qin Wuhua did not think about the content of disharmony, but the ear was quietly warm.

The second is still unhappy there: "Is the man's head able to touch it casually?" Wu Ye is still a baby face that has not been opened for a long time. When she was a child, she was even more lovely, and went out with her mom every time. I was always stunned by my head, and my face was smashed by people who were too long and tall, and he always felt that he was now so long.

Qin Wuhua took the initiative to put his head together: "I don't mind if you touch it."

The man who holds the bald head is the real male god. Wu Ye looks at the super short hair of Qin Wuhua’s head when he is jailbroken with Mi Shuai, chaos|sexuality|sense of Hu Wei, and the score is not lost. The handsome face of the tough, silent tears in my heart. I thought that he also cut this hairstyle called a caliper. It was a round face with a round head and a layer of fluffy short hair. The old man laughed at him as a vulgar little monk. A little from the little conscience. Did not laugh and cut off the gas, as for Pang Zhi that several bad friends, forget it, say more is tears.

Two less screamed: "Who is rare? Go, let them come and lead the bullets, they have been resting for so long, and I should rest and rest."

Qin Wuhua resisted laughing: "Isn't it rare?"

Two Shaohao: "I remember that you used to be very serious. You don't like talking very much. How have you changed so much recently?"

Qin Wuhua stood up and said with a slight heart: "That is also the black of the near-Zhu people." When faced with the sweetheart, is it too stupid to sullen?

When he went to the next door, Wu Ye was wondering what it was, and he dared to say that the **** was rumbling! Hey, wait for Laozi!

Wu Ye’s anger was never too late. When he sent the bullet down and made some adjustments and arrangements, he couldn’t remember what he had just done. He grabbed two crystal nucleus and gave it to Qin Wuhua. He took some of it and closed his eyes to practice physical exercises to restore his physical fitness.

This day is destined to harvest abundance, to work at 7 o'clock in the evening, Wu Ye, a few orange crystals, and there are more than two hundred, enough to give Ai to exchange two genetic repair liquids, follow this speed, wait until they When he returned to the city, he would definitely be able to get enough medicine to completely cure Ai, and the extra crystal nucleus might still be able to exchange Qin Wuhua for a practice.

On this day, the total number of crystal nucleus harvested was almost one, and the second was almost 17,000 more quickly climbed to more than 42,000, and finally broke through a record high.

Two less constantly hunted the zombies to absorb the nucleus energy, supplemented by the "basic vomiting method" and "excellent water control", the secondary gene enhancement has gradually increased from the initial 5% to 75%.


Work harder and try to unlock the three-level gene chain when you return to the city.

After cultivating the honor and respect brought by his own strength, Wu Ye’s heart resistance to power is constantly decreasing. Especially after seeing the brutality of the fourth-level zombies, Wu Ye is now more active than before. .

The dinner is very rich, although it is still a pot of hodgepodge, but the vegetable oil and luncheon meat, ham, beef canned leeks and other vegetables, the taste is better. Everyone ate and ate, and the exhaustion of the day gradually disappeared in laughter.

Downstairs in the apartment, the cascading mountains on the cascading mountains burned almost half of Cao Nan Street. In the night wind hunting, the snoring of the zombies continued for a long time.

In the night, Wu Ye holding a Peng Zijun, they did not know from which to collect the tablet brain, let Ji Yun give him a password, finally saw the cute little prince again. Unfortunately, there is no game in this computer, but there is another big pile of movies and TV. Qin Wuhua practiced his abilities in the side. Wu Ye was wearing a headset and holding a brain in his bed. He finally got his wish to see the real martial arts blockbuster that was shot by the Chinese people not inferior to Hollywood. Gorgeous and exciting fighting scenes in the play, compact and intense high-logic plots, all kinds of handsome guys take turns to perform debut, there are several scenes, two seem to hold their breath, see the full standard 120-minute movie, two Less heroic tragedy ending the protagonist lost two drops of crocodile tears.

"When the domestic blockbuster can shoot this kind of effect, the national football team can take the World Cup." Two less spit out the slot, the paws began to lick again, and the east and west made it, and the screen suddenly jumped out of a video screen. The light of the video screen is in the process of turning from the dark to the ear, and there is a blushing heartbeat in the earplugs. The lens is close to the kingsize bed. There are two white flowers on the big bed, two protagonists. The kiss was in full swing, and the face of the two little 'booms' became cooked into rotten tomatoes.

The protagonist in the video is not someone else, it is two handsome men hanging on the wall.

Since he was an adult, he hasn’t had much to do with his gang friends. At that time, he only had a jade in his heart, and he was influenced by his parents. He was not willing to play with people, and I want it. So far It is still a small broiler chicken. Like many men, he has watched the teacher of Deyi Shuangxin, and has appreciated the **** and beautiful Ozawa. He has seen many European and American high-definition discs, but he has not seen calcium tablets.

The first reaction was stupid. The second reaction was that the more wild man was actually affected. The third reaction... A drop of bright red and red nose blew on the tablet.

"What happened to you?" Suddenly, Qin Wuhua’s nervous voice came from the ear.

Wu Ye was sluggish for a second, and he was busy hiding his tablet in the bed. He was so busy that he didn’t know what it was. The tablet turned directly into a foreign sound, and the two men’s snoring and snoring sounded in the bed.

I am jealous.

"I..." Two little entangled with how to explain.

Qin Wuhua's face did not change the paper towel in the past, "wipe."

Ok, so shameful. Paralyzed, jumping into the Yellow River can not wash.

Second, squatting on the nose, I can't wait to find a seam to drill directly into it. Qin Wuhua reached out and took out the tablet in the quilt. He looked at it casually and turned off the power directly without knowing the emotion: "It is not early, go to bed early."

"...Oh." Lying in bed, the second few stunned for a long time, finally sighed: "What, I, I did not want to see, I don't like men."

In the place where Wu Ye could not see, Qin Wuhua hooked his mouth and he said with a calm voice: "Why explain to me?"

Yeah, why did he explain to him? Wu Ye’s heart flashed a mysterious guilty conscience and said, “I’m afraid that you will misunderstand.”

"What is misunderstood?" Wu Ye's bottom gas is less, and the curvature of Qin Wuhua's mouth is higher.

"Misundering me is like a man's change|state, I tell you, I only like women. Forget it, don't tell you, I want to sleep." Two little want to cover the cover, pull over the thin and cover it all, not at all I used to be as hot as I used to.

"..." Qin Wuhua's smile is on his lips.

Change | state, huh, huh.

This night, the second is destined to sleep well, did a full night shadow chun dream, wake up, there are several scenes in the dream is very clear, when looking up to see another protagonist in the dream is sleeping peacefully, Looking down at the wetness between the legs, the second few almost rolled into the bathroom.

Lying in the trough, changing your state!

Qin Wuhua slowly opened his eyes and raised his hand to gaze, as if through the palm of his hand, he could still see the spring light last night.

The author has something to say: the river crab, welcome brain supplement ~~~~

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