End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 51: Pumping treasure

Xie Yudong is 30 years old. He is more than one meter tall and eight-year-old with a bear waist. His skin is dark and full of flesh and blood. The brightly bald head is covered with a fire tattoo. The Malaysian Golden Knife sits on the sofa, and the two twins are less than twenty. The little girl's well-behaved nest is in his arms, and the **** little girls have a pure face overflowing with spring, and the pink cherry mouth spits out a trace of 呻 吟 吟 吟 吟 在 在 在 在 在 在 在 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟 吟In the middle, a big hand with a strong hair and a black bear is making a bad.

Xie Yudong was originally a small security guard under a property company in Jincheng. Because he was scary and tempered, he was often complained by the owners. Before the end of the world, the company’s security chief randomly found an excuse to expel him. Xie Yudong is very reluctant, although he does not like the job very much, but only the high school diploma and the rural hukou, how can he find a leisure job in the city? When Xie Yudong was going to the company three times a day, the d virus suddenly broke out. Overnight, he changed from an ordinary small security guard to a fire-fighting abilities.

Xie Yudong used his powers and his excellent fists and his poisonous heart to escape from Jincheng and fled to the settlement of the city that was being formed at that time.

When he went to the settlement of the city, the abilities were still quite rare. The entire city could not find 200 abilities. Most of the abilities were still in the stage of awakening, and he was tempered by hard work. The ability has risen to the first-order peak and may break through at any time. When he was in Jincheng, he took a few guns from the police, and there were two younger brothers who were similar to him. Three cousins ​​who had been in the society before, six of them In Jincheng, not only did he rob the gun from the sliver, but he also used guns and abilities to rob many wealthy people who fled.

Xie Yudong had guns, rich money, and abilities. After arriving in Yucheng, he quickly gathered into a group of people, and then continued to expand his power. He eventually became one of the five major forces in Yucheng and captured the third largest management seat in Yucheng.

Compared with the other four forces, Xie Yudong's culture and insights are the biggest shortcomings. Obviously, at the beginning, his strength was stronger than that of Ji Xiang and Liu Lei of the second seat. In the end, he could only take the third place because of ‘flowing and no culture’.

What makes Xie Yudong more entangled is that because he has no culture, he is very disgusted with the 'high-quality students' who used to be better than him. He has few cultures in his hands. When he participated in the specific management of Yucheng, his people Often you can only enter the patrol and the city defense guards, and they are all not too busy. The most core tax department was firmly held by Ji Xiang and his mother, and he only looked at the dry eyes.

However, compared to his previous days, Xie Yudong now has a sense of satisfaction and expansion that cannot be said.

He is like a nouveau riche overnight. In the end of the world, which lacks legal and moral restraint, he does his best to enjoy the ‘good days’ that would not have been dreaming before.

For most people in the world, the d virus brings end-time and despair, but for a small group of people like Xie Yudong, the end times are like heaven to them, they climb from the bottom of the pyramid to the tip. They lived in it.

Before the end of the world, Xie Yudong lived in a company dormitory of more than a dozen big men, and his wife didn’t even think about it. When she got paid to go to the red light district, she had to spend money for a night, and more than once, she was a woman. The woman is quarreling. Now, he is driving in the top luxury cars, the big mouthfuls of drinking and eating meat, living in real luxury villas, and the others who have come from the home to pick up more than 50 beautiful women, and often look at these women. In order for him to be jealous and watch the housekeeper give him the sign of the waiter, his heart will swell an illusion that he is an ancient emperor.

In the last days, ** is expanding rapidly, far more than Xie Yudong alone.

To put it bluntly, he is just an untold hooligan, and then expands. His knowledge and ability have limited his future path. As the saying goes, hooligans are not terrible, and they are afraid of rogue culture.

Xie Yudong wants to compete and control only a small Yucheng, becoming a land emperor is his greatest pursuit, and the cultural ‘flowers’ want to win more than that.

Xie Yudong likes to collect money. Since the Beijing government issued an order to force the half of the grain in the city, he has not slept for a few days. Originally, Yucheng was so ten thousand survivors, head tax, occupancy tax, commercial tax in the trade zone, etc., and they all looked up. In fact, most of them went to the wall of the repair, and the rest of the money, It is also necessary to raise the staff in the management system and the guards of the city. These expenses are not small. After the last zombie siege, the finances of Yucheng have become a deficit. The team of the **** hunters of their five major forces is their root. The treatment of several families is matched. Xie Yudong is extremely eager to enjoy and not to manage money, so he looks at the scenery, the facts The wealth in the hands is the least of the five forces.

From the beginning to the end, Xie Yudong started his career with his abilities, and he relied on his abilities to stand firm in Yucheng. However, when his fire abilities reached the second-order peak, Ji Xiang crossed him to become a third-order abilities. He was a bit of a taste. Later, Qin Wuhua advanced to the third-order, and he was still at the second-order peak when he Some can't sit still. Fortunately, when the zombie was besieged, he successfully broke through to the third order. I don’t know how happy it was for two days. Zhou Sheng also advanced to the third order.

After the ability was upgraded to the third order, the cultivation became difficult. After learning from the men that he was the weakest third-order power, Xie Yudong gradually smelled the threat.

At the time of his entanglement, Zhou Sheng did not know how to organize a group of people to go to Qingyi County. He began to worry that Zhou Sheng and others came back from Qingyi County and the strength of the increase will pose a real threat to him. As a result...

As a result, he was naturally very happy. He took over the remaining forces of Zhou Sheng unceremoniously and accepted the things in Wu Ye’s shop. The things in Wuye’s shop may be worthwhile for others, but it’s not a big deal for him. Among those who grabbed it, he only left a bottle of perfume to 'reward' to his woman, others. All of them let the men take them.

However, now that things are finished, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua and others are alive.

This hatred is settled.

Wu Ye seems to appear in Yucheng out of thin air. The background is unclear. He looks at the scarce goods in his shop and finds that he is mostly not an ordinary person, and there is a third-order actor, several second-order peaks. The abilities, many people outside rumored that he has a military background. Of course, the background may be imaginary as long as it is not really placed on the table. What really made Xie Yudong jealous was how Wu Ye killed the horrible giant zombies of the legend, and then survived for five days in Qingyi County, where the zombies were scattered, and brought back a lot of supplies.

Wu Ye and others must have a flaw.

Xie Yudong has no more culture, and he also understands the truth that knowing himself and knowing each other. Therefore, when Wu Yeyi came back, he thought of trying to dig into the truth of their history in Qingyi County.

"Give me a detailed account of your situation in Qingyi County in the past few days." Xie Yudong asked while he was playing with his twin sisters who were leaning against him.

The man who was fidgeting across from him was amazed by Chen Caosen who had just returned from Qingyi County.

Chen Cao's mouth was bitter, his fingers repeatedly rubbing the red hooked tattoo on his wrist, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

Xie Yudong took out the wet hand, hooked his fingers, and the younger brother next to him would open the door. A ten-year-old girl ran in in panic and cried: "Dad, Dad, let me go... Dad, Dad, Help me... oh..."

Xie Yudong waved his hand, his younger brother immediately licking the little girl's mouth, forcibly dragging her out of the living room and shutting it into a small black house. In the dark room, the crying of the little girl's heartbreaking lungs continued to pass into the living room. Chen Caosen had fists in his hands and the blue veins on his back were high.

Xie Yudong took a piece of toilet paper and wiped it transparently. "Why did Wu Ye give you any benefit, so that you can keep his mouth shut like this? You Chen will never forget who your real master is." ?"

Chen Caosen is the nail of Xie Yudong's special intention to enter the Wu Ye team. He has never regretted investing under Xie Yudong as he is now.

"If you forget, I don't mind helping you to remember memories, your wife, your daughter, your mother... You said that if I sold them all to Lao Luo, what price would Lao Luo have?"

Lao Luo, who is Luo Luo, is a cousin of Xie Yudong. He runs several ‘hair salons’ ‘massage shops’ for Xie Yudong. Everyone who knows what to do is known.

Chen Cao’s eyes were bloodshot, and Xie Yudong, who hated it, couldn’t wait to pounce on two pieces of meat on him.

"Don't yell at me, then swear at me, believe it or not, let me show you the eyeballs, and your family Wu Shaoshao will not dare to put one." Xie Yudong suddenly softly said, "All the time workers are Junjie. Why can't you think about it? If Wu Ye can give you something, can't I give you?"

Zombie eviction agent, virus vaccine, magical protective clothing, etc., these Xie Yudong can not give him.

"Do you want to be a versatile person? I have a potion in my hand that can turn ordinary people into abilities. As long as you tell me all the things in Qingyi County these days, I can not only make you become an abilities. Moreover, you can make your daughter and your wife all become versatile. How, my sincerity is enough?" Chen Caosen is more silent, Xie Yudong is more and more determined that Wu Ye has a secret. I have to say that his intuition is indeed accurate.

Chen Caosen was very surprised and hesitated to say: "Is there really a potion for ordinary people to become versatile?"

Xie Yudong saw him tempted, smiled and said: "I lied to you to do? Pharmacy I just got the hand from the special guards, only twenty. As long as you tell me what you know, I will give you a potion to let you Become a power. Otherwise - "Xie Yudong's voice suddenly sinks, and the sound is threatening. "You and your family don't want to leave here today. In Yucheng, do I kill fewer people? I advise you the most. Don't toast, don't eat fine wine."

Xie Yudong does have a potion in his hand, and the number is not only 20. The research institutes in Beijing have already made a breakthrough in increasing the success rate of the pharmacy from 1% to 5%. Now, when a large number of experimenters and experimental data are needed, the pharmacy is sold as a negotiation condition to other settlements. Got it. If it is not the pharmacy of the abilities, the top of the city will not yield so fast.

Seeing that Chen Caosen is still silent, Xie Yudong patiently warned his opponent to say: "Go and take his daughter's hand."

Chen Caoshen’s face turned pale in an instant, and his mind quickly flew a little thought: Wu Ye’s identity must be special. If he knew that Xie Yudong had specially arranged his eyeliner into his team, he would definitely not let himself go. Although Wu Ye had planted a loyalty in him, but what effect did the loyalty character have? He did not say it, maybe he was not as terrible as he thought? He only objectively states what they have experienced in Qingyi County. It should not be betrayed. In any case, you can’t watch Xie Yudong killing his wife and mother to do nothing. He really didn't want to betray, but Xie Yudong repeatedly forced him.

Yes, it’s none of his work, Xie Yudong forced him.

Chen Caosen’s fingers repeatedly rubbed the tattoo on his wrist. I don’t know if it was his psychological effect. He felt that the tattoo seemed to be hot.

"Wait, don't go, I..." Chen Caosen suddenly smothered his neck with his hands, his whole body was stretched, his eyes were protruding, his eyes shed two lines of blood and tears. The red tattoo on his wrist turned into a small cluster of flames, instantly burning all over the body, and the fire was shining, but in twenty or thirty seconds, a big man was burned alive into a pile of white ashes. Throughout the process, he even Even a little bit of sound was not sent. The most terrifying thing is that he was burned to ashes, and the clothes and trousers shoes were intact, and even the sofa he had just sat on showed no signs of burning.

Everyone in the living room was frightened.

A cold, cold and damp wind blew through the white ashes, and the two shivering women finally recovered, and the screams almost collapsed.

Xie Yudong never believed in ghosts and gods, but this moment it was a chill.

"Too **** evil, what is going on?"

If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it anyway. A good living person would become a pile of ashes in a minute or less.

what is the problem?

Wu Ye was enjoying a delicious dinner at this moment, and the system suddenly reminded him: [A loyalty symbol disappeared. 】

Wu Ye stunned: [What happened? 】

The current energy of the system can cover half of the city, and the entire residential area of ​​Yucheng is under its surveillance. It naturally understands the cause and effect of the matter, but can not tell the host for free. It wants to report a self-consideration 'The price: [500 points, 10 red crystal, can give you a replay scene. 】

[Why don't you grab it? ! 】 He is holding the points and the nucleus is not enough flowers, this little **** is still raging!

Qin Wuhua saw Wu Ye chopsticks stick out and did not move for a long time. He gave him a large stewed pork ribs and asked, "What happened?"

Wu Ye’s heart is not saying: “There is a little thing.” Who is the betrayal of him?

Qin Wuhua saw that his face was a little dignified, and he asked: "Is it serious?"

Wu Ye saw a large table and everyone stared at him with a sigh of relief. He smiled and said: "It’s just a little thing, just watching me, eating fast, it’s not good to eat cold.”

Everyone was relieved and re-bigger.

This time in Qingyi County, Wu Ye not only made the absolute prestige in front of the hunters of Yang Qi and Yang Lina, but also became more lofty in the hearts of non-combatants such as Li Minsheng and Zeng Xin.

Even the little Anan knows that Wu Ye’s brother will have a good meal when he returns, and will shock those nasty ‘bad guys’. In the future, he will also become a person as powerful as his brother!

Li Minsheng saw his son looking at Wu Ye’s eyes as a ray of worship. His heart was slightly sour. He thought that the most admired by An An was him. Now the most admired person in An’an is Wu Ye, then Qin Wuhua Qian Xin, who has already It’s really sad to be in the top three.

Wu Ye thought about the matter, one after another, the ribs, and it took only half a day to react. The ribs in the bowl were all clipped by Qin Wuhua. Before Qin Wuhua also always gave him a dish, until now he found out how close this is. Isn’t Qin Wuhua also...

Stop, and nothing, Laozi is a straight man, Laozi only likes soft sister. The fistula is less in the heart, but the ear is quietly glowing with a touch of pink.

The subtle and strange emotions in my heart re-emerged again. There are few things that are not controlled by myself. The tone of speech is not good: "Don't give me a clip," but see the dawn of Qin Wuhua's dim light. He added a stiff and awkward addition, "You eat yourself."

Qin Wuhua laughed, and gently sighed, someone’s ear seems to be redder.

In a short while, Qin Wuhua relapsed to give Wu Ye a variety of dishes he liked to eat. Wu Ye simply broke the cans, and the visitors did not refuse. It was not long before they were fed.

After dinner, Wu Ye said to Zeng Xin: "Take care of Zhou Jiabao. If there is any situation, I will call Li Yuan immediately. He will come over immediately."

Zhou Jiabao is the son of Zhou Sheng. Zeng Xin asked some talents to find the little guy who died. It took a lot of effort to get him back to Yucheng. Zhou Jiabao is only 8 years old. It looks very good. It is not as fat as Zhou Sheng. The facial features are more like his beautiful mother, but a pair of narrow eyes are printed with Zhou Sheng, and the whole is chubby. Quite cute. However, just a few days, the original plump sweet baby child, has been hit beyond recognition, who two broken ribs, broken left hand, right leg meat on the students do not know whom Scoop out a chunk.

When Zeng Xin found Zhou Jiabao, he was lying in the mud with a high fever. He was already out of gas and had less air intake. If he had any breath, he would have to break at any time. Looking at him, Zeng Xin remembered his tragic son, and could not help but move a few points. His wife was somewhat unconscious. After seeing Zhou Jiabao, he directly regarded him as her dead son, and kept his tears in front of Zhou Jiabao. He refused to leave half a step.

Li Yuan has used the ability to treat Zhou Jiabao's wounds. The child's survival will be unexpectedly strong, and the body seems to contain a strong vitality. After Li Yuan used his power to cure his bone injury, although he still had a high fever and fell asleep, his breathing had stabilized. Li Yuan used his little Chinese medicine technique to give him a pulse, saying that his body is not a big problem. The cause of high fever and coma is probably awakening.

Zeng Xin nodded again and again. "The boss is assured that I will take good care of him and take care of being a pro-son."


Wu Ye thought about it and said, "Well, wait until he wakes up. If he wants, I can give him to you and my nephew. Of course, I won't let you raise him." Wu Ye can see that Zeng Xin The couple really like Zhou Jiabao, and the children have already received them. They are undoubtedly the best people to raise him.

Zeng Xin’s wife had some accidents when she gave birth to a son. In this life, there is no possibility of having another child, so the death of her son will be so great. Zeng Xin also thought about waiting for himself to settle down and see if he could adopt a child. This is good, and I fell asleep and hit a hot pillow.

I was very grateful to say: "Then I thank you boss first!"

"No." Wu Ye said: "Tomorrow morning, you go to the warehouse on my side, sort out the materials, set the price, and open as soon as possible." The person who saw the bottom of the crystal core could not afford to hurt.


After simply arranging the next thing, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua went to the next door ‘luxury house’.

The ‘luxury’ has been almost completely renovated. Under the premise of not affixing wallpaper and installing wooden floors, don’t expect the luxury of the ‘luxury’ decoration. However, the home appliances and furniture are quite complete, and the place is spacious enough. The master bedroom also has a kingsize bed. Compared with the three sets of rented houses that Wu Ye lived before and the slums earlier, it is indeed It’s a luxury home.

Wu Yeyi wanted to know who actually betrayed him, was not interested in visiting his mansion, went directly into the master bedroom, called out the control panel, and called out the loyalty data. Chen Caosen’s name has disappeared from the list. .

Qin Wuhua followed the room behind him and saw Wu Ye point in the void. He knew that he was getting the system and saw him look bad. He asked again: "Is there something wrong?"

Wu Ye frowned: "The loyalty of Chen Caosen disappeared."

Qin Wuhua’s complexion became dignified: “He has defected?”

Wu Ye nodded and did not speak, began to bargain with the system: [System, you have earned so many crystal nucleus, can not be cheaper? 】

The system does not speak when it is dead, and it does not take any action at all.

Deadlock for a moment, two less teeth: [Yes, you are jealous. Points you first deduct, red crystal for you later. 】

The system is snoring: [I don't care? 】 The system is very clear about the current economic situation of the stupid host, you must first confirm the confirmation before you let go.

Two less fried hair: [Bastard, you pitted Laozi spicy many times, when did you see Laozi’s account? 】

The system silently flashed a 'you are in the pit' inside the chip, the speed from the stupid host now looks quite a considerable point in the deduction of 500 points, then the control panel popped up Xie Yudong threatened Chen Caosen, then Chen Caosen was The loyalty is burned into a gray video.

"Where, mother, how is Xie Yudong." Wu Ye said indignantly, but fortunately he has a loyalty, otherwise his secret will be exposed. Originally, his impression of Chen Caosen was not bad. He was honest, hard-working, and not very much. He knew that he was the nail that Xie Yudong deliberately arranged. It was a waste of his vaccine, and he wasted a precious loyalty. This account first remembered that he and Xie Yudong knew it sooner or later.

After Qin Wuhua listened to the cause and effect, the loyalty of the loyalty of the tongue, and finally let go of his heart, no longer have to worry about Wu Ye’s secret leak.

"Someone tried the power of the loyalty is also good, save the rest of the team and get back to luck." Qin Wuhua is the most hated traitor, even if forced out, but betrayal is betrayal, no matter how many reasons can not obliterate the facts. What's more, Chen Caosen's motives were impure at the beginning. For his end, Qin Wuhua can only say one thing to live, and he can't give birth to half sympathy.

Wu Ye's nod, maybe killing more zombies, and used to die. For Chen Caosen's death, Wu Ye's heart is really unable to produce any extra emotions, but regrets that he has wasted his precious loyalty.

When Wu Ye didn't realize it himself, he had already seen the body from the beginning and his legs were weak, and now he is facing the death of human beings. At this time, he has not found that he has become more and more adapted to the world - adapting to the world's killing, adapting to the chaos of the world, adapting to the rules of the world's blood, this change only waits for him to return He can truly be aware of the peaceful world of peace. At that time, he will be able to feel what is out of place.

"I don't want to worry about those things, see what good things I can get this time." Wu Ye rubbed his hands and watched the liver slamming, and the ‘Yes’ button at the fingertips

Mission rating: d

Mission Reward: 2000 points, micro space ring x1

Empty, space ring?

Second, I can’t believe that I would have such good luck. He had previously seen the selling price of system space equipment. The cheapest one is only 1 cubic meter of space. A 27-fold miniature space ring. This gadget system sells 50 less and stares at the six words of the 'micro space ring' on the control panel. In the mind, only the words 'get rich' are left in the crazy screen, and the brain is directly shot down.

Qin Wuhua saw Wu Ye staring at the void, and did not move for a long time, could not help but patted the shoulder: "Aye, what happened?"

Wu Ye recovered from the stagnation, and was instantly overwhelmed by ecstasy. She jumped to the sofa like a stupid b, waving two claws and swaying and twisting: "Be rich, get rich, Laozi is rich. Laozi draws space." Ring, wow hahahaha!"

The quality of the second-hand leather sofa bought from the grocery store is not particularly good. Wu Ye squats and suddenly the spring is broken. Someone who is very sad and sorrowful is stunned and will be planted on the ground. Qin Wuhua’s eye is pulling his clothes and pulling him. Into the arms. Wu Ye returned to the gods and found himself lying on the legs of Qin Wuhua. The excitement of the peach blossom eyes that had not yet faded was on a pair of deep and narrow eyes, and the face was blasted and red.

Qin Wuhua deliberately frowned a serious thought: "How is the face so red? Is it sick?" He said that he still used his forehead to stick Wu’s forehead.

The first time I found out that Qin Wuhua’s eyelashes were quite long and dense, and the long eyelashes of the brushed brush made his long and narrow Danfeng eyes look extraordinarily deep and strange.

No, right, I am, who cares for a big man!

"I am not sick, you can let me go!" Two less struggling, the beautiful baby face is hot enough to spread the pancakes.

Qin Wuhua is not moving in the mountains, his expression is innocent and straightforward: "It's all big men, don't you twist anything? Your forehead is so hot, it won't be really sick?"

Two less force to push him away, one foot and three feet away, the color sighed: "Who is awkward? Who is blushing? I am not sick, I am happy." Yes, two less sold themselves.

When Qin Wuhua saw it, he calmed down and said: "If you are not sick, what good things are you getting? Can you let me see?"

Wu Ye Shunpo squats, pick up the button, and there is a plain and unremarkable ring in his hand. The selling of the ring is not very good, but for the second few, this is the legendary thing, the home travel murder and arson essential artifact! He has only seen it in the novel!

Two less excited will put the ring on the left middle finger, the ring automatically adjusts the size to the right, just the small episode has been forgotten by him, he asked the system excitedly: [How to use the space ring? Need to bleed to recognize the Lord? Can it hold a living thing? Is there a treasure for cleaning the marrow?]

The system interrupted him unceremoniously: [Don't think too much, this is just an ordinary space ring made by space stacking technology, with a volume of 27 cubic meters, can not carry more than 30 tons of goods. The space ring does not need to bleed to recognize the Lord. The host only needs to attach a mental force to it to open it. 】

27 cubic meters, 30 tons of goods, how many good things can you carry? This time, the second and the second were not hit by the system. He seemed to see countless cute little crystal nucleus fanning his wings and flying over to him.

Two less under the guidance of the system for a long time, finally succeeded in attaching spiritual power to the space ring. When using the space ring, you only need to put the ring on the things you need to put in, then drive the mental power and build space and space. Between the 'bridge', you can put things into the ring. After attaching the mental power to the ring, you can directly 'see' the inside of the ring through the mental power. If you want to take something, you can directly attach the mental power to the thing you want to take, and then build a 'bridge' with your mental strength. , you can take things out. After Wu Ye gave a spiritual seal to the space ring, unless his mental power disappeared, the ring would no longer recognize the mental power of others.

Wu Ye is as excited as the chicken blood to experiment with things in the room, pillows, tea cups, flat brains and other small things, he can easily do it freely. But things like sofas, beds, coffee tables, and so on, he took a lot of effort. When he put the kingsize bed into the space ring, his head hurt like a needle. The baby face, which was originally red, quickly became pale, and the forehead was full of sweat.

"Are you okay?" Qin Wuhua asked him from behind and asked, and it was not difficult to hear the distress and worry in the cold magnetic sound.

Wu Ye didn't know that mental exhaustion would be so uncomfortable. Not only did the head hurt like it was going to explode, but the whole body seemed to be repeatedly smashed by the car several times, and there was pain in the bones. He barely squeezed out 'nothing'. Two words. Qin Wuhua was in a wrong situation. He directly hugged him up and hugged him to the next bedroom to help him lie in bed and give him a good quilt.

"You take a break first, I will call Li Yuan to come over and show you." Qin Wuhua said with a calm face.

Wu Ye slowed down a little, pulling him, shaking his head and saying: "No, I am mentally exhausted, and I will be fine when I sleep."

Qin Wuhua still didn't feel relieved. He took Wu's hand and sat on the bed and looked at him and said, "Then you sleep well, I am watching you."

Wu Ye’s head was so painful that she couldn’t think about it. She sighed softly and soon fell asleep. Qin Wuhua has been holding Wu Ye’s hand and stayed until the middle of the night. Seeing that he really has nothing to do with it, he just let go of his heart. After a simple wash, he lay down next to Wu Ye and sleep.

For the first time, Wu Ye tasted the exhaustion of mental exhaustion. After three days of stagnation, she slowly eased her strength.

The duty-free shops have been reopened. Ji Xiang probably did not want to push Wu Ye to his opposite. In order to apologize and sincerity, he directly expanded Wu Ye's duty-free shops by one third. However, as the price of just-needed materials in Yucheng has skyrocketed several times, the continuous autumn rain has directly affected the income of a large part of the hunters. After the shops reopened, the sales volume was not as good as before.

Wu Ye simply waved his hand and let his abilities send the materials they brought back from Qingyi County to the black market for sale.

There is no price limit on the black market, not a particularly scarce material, Wu Ye let them sell at half price. This kind of price, after the versatiles bought it back, they changed hands in the free trade zone of Yucheng, and still had to earn, and calculated the account a little, and the people who bought it immediately increased. In just two or three days, the materials they brought back from Qingyi County were sold out. Wu Ye returned more than 400,000 transparent crystals and temporarily got rid of extreme poverty.

Since the Zombie Besieged City crisis, the city has temporarily stabilized, and the ratio of transcrystal to gold has changed back from 1:10 to 1:5. Wu Ye took out half of the crystal, so that the people under his hand would find a way to convert him into a gold jewelry jade jade, and also hung a signboard for antiques outside the duty-free shops.

The so-called chaotic gold and flourishing antiques are now in the chaos of the chaos. Antiques such as ceramics, calligraphy and the like are not easy to carry, and no one still has the mood to appreciate the collection. The price has fallen and fallen, even in many times. Nobody cares at all.

After Wu Ye played the signboard for collecting antiques, he actually received a lot of things. Zengxin’s ability to identify antiques is limited, but doing business is absolutely a savage tycoon. Whether it’s a real antique or a fake antique, he has put the price very low in his hands. Wu Ye saw that he used 10 Chi Jing to buy an authentic official kiln Yuan blue and white, completely relieved.

A few days later, Yang Qi and others passed through different channels and successively exchanged Wu Ye for more than 400 kilograms of gold and fine jewels of jade and jade. The antiques that are difficult to distinguish between true and false also piled up a small room.

Because there are few gold bars in gold, most of them are necklaces, bracelets, rings and other accessories. It is really difficult for Wu Ye to get another source. Simply let Professor Li help him to make a set of molds, melt these gold directly into 1 kg of gold bricks. After the melting, 400 pieces of gold bricks are neatly smashed into a wall, and the golden eyes are dazzling.

After the last loss, Wu Ye did not dare to abuse his mental strength. It took several days to slowly take these things into space.

Everything is ready, Wu Ye took out the nucleus before returning home, and exchanged five low-level genetic repair liquids, two physical fitness pills, and a "low-level royal thunder", and the points on the account suddenly shrank to four. After the number of digits, and after four vaccines, Wu Ye’s remaining points are only enough for a round-trip ticket.

Before returning home, he handed "Low-level Royal Thunder" and vaccine to Qin Wuhua: "I will go home this time and will look for opportunities to see if I can contact Russian weapons suppliers, but also to deal with some of them. It is estimated that it will take more time to come back."

With the space ring, Wu Ye naturally has more plans. Now the price of bullets in Yucheng has risen to a price of 3 perforated crystals. It is very uneconomical to buy in the city or to exchange with the system, but if you can buy from another plane in Russia, the difference in the middle can be It is big. Moreover, only if he has a stable source of weapons and ammunition can he really gain a foothold in Yucheng at the fastest speed, and then there is a possibility of further development.

There is space for this kind of walking | private artifacts, not good to use simply sorry for their character value.

Qin Wuhua nodded: "You are more careful there." Many times, danger does not only exist in the last days.

"You too, you will take them in the hunting area during this time. If you have the chance, pick a good seedling. When I unlock the third-level gene chain, there will be another 10 loyalty characters. You should train people first. When I come back, let's go to Qingyi County."

"it is good."

Wu Ye felt that the things that had been confessed were almost confessed. The control panel was called out and the finger was placed on the portal button. Before pressing, he subconsciously looked up at Qin Wuhua and looked at his serious face. At the bottom of my heart, there is a kind of ignorance that is unclear. Wu leaves his lips and bows his head. "Goodbye."

Qin Wuhua confessed without warning: "Aye, I like you."

Wu Ye’s heart beat like a thunder, and she looked up in surprise, her eyes were on her eyes, and she was already standing at the home of another plane.

I am jealous.

The author has something to say: poor two, how to find a woman when you go home... hahahahahaha

Daqin is too bad, it is deliberately disturbing a pool of spring water...

Continue to make more words tomorrow

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