Two days later, Wu was injected with the gene repair solution for the third time. The pain time was shorter than the previous one. The data monitored by the system showed that he recovered well.

I don't know if it was the reason for the gift or Zhao Jun’s photo. The auction of the food factory will soon be ready. The auction time is scheduled for Thursday afternoon and the day after tomorrow.

It is so old and expensive that the food factory is not good at the same time. There are not many people who can see it. After the auction information is announced, only 10 people have signed up for the auction. After several rounds of bidding, Wu’s success is 340. It took another few days to complete the follow-up procedures. The factory, which was renamed Xinxin Food Factory, was finally transferred under the name of Wu Ye. As for the name of 'Xin Xin', it was full of local names. .

As the director of the Xinxin Food Factory, Wu Ye followed the old man in the factory for several days. The factory was built in the early 1980s and was originally a state-owned cannery that specializes in canned fruit. After the mid-1990s, the canning factory closed down, and the last factory manager purchased it and began to produce mung bean cake red bean cake bread and then moon cake. As the business grew bigger, he would initially occupy only a small farm of ten acres. Expanded to the current 28 acres, the original plant was expanded and rebuilt to nearly 10,000 square meters.

There is a 5-story dormitory with a total of 80 rooms in the factory. There is a small dining hall next to the dormitory building, a small auditorium. These are the buildings in the early 80s. The materials used are relatively sufficient. After the house is repainted and reloaded, the house can be re-wired. Then use.

The 12-storey office on the third floor of the factory is the most magnificent place in the entire factory. Although the valuable things in the office have long been evacuated, the well-built and decorated foundation is still there. After simply cleaning up, the office equipment that was bought will be put together, and the pressure can be settled in minutes. To be honest, after reading the factory's ragged factory workshops and the machines and equipment that had been eliminated, and looking at this luxury office, Wu Ye felt that the original factory was not bankrupt.

The factory building is really not very good. It belongs to the two rows of workshops built in the 1980s. It has been so bad that it has been ruined all the year round. I am afraid that it is simply impossible to solve the problem. After the last factory manager took over, the two rows of buildings that were expanded and rebuilt were still usable, but the factory had been damaged by the shackles of the workers who owed half a year's salary. It should be a white wall, all covered with paint water. The slogan of **** to die, the glass window is not good.

Several warehouses built not far from the factory building were the products of the 1980s. The house was rotten and it was not working. It could not be used without re-finishing.

The machinery and equipment in the factory were completely preserved under the government's compulsory intervention at that time, but those equipments were too old to keep up with the demand. No one used it for more than two years, no one was maintenance and maintenance, basically all rusted. The vast majority can only be sold as waste.

Now that the factory is in place, the next transformation is the highlight.

Wu Yong outsourced the rework of the workshop to the friend of the construction industry, Tang Yunchang. They had cooperated with many real estate developments before. Tang Yunchang was very old-fashioned. The entire project only received Wu Yongyou's price, and the profit was quite thin.

Wu Ye, the machine and equipment, can only trouble Hua Peng once again. Hua Peng has finally caught Wu Ye’s time. It’s about Pang Zhi’s intention to gather together in the fans and change it to the drunken court in Wu’s strong suggestion. .

The three people arrived at the same time, and there was still some time to go to the restaurant. The three first went to the quiet tea room and chatted with tea.

"Leaves, why have you been there recently? I have been asked to ask you."

Pang Zhi is not happy too: "That is, I have been waiting for you for a long time in your home. As a result, even the figures have not been seen. Why, you really went to the mountains and forests to learn the art?"

Wu Ye stuffed a piece of golden silk muffin into his mouth and chewed and said: "Of course it is true, it is more true than pearls. See me for giving you a hand." Wu Ye looked and smashed it from the potted plant. The cobblestone is pinched in your hand. "You are optimistic."

He concentrated the airflow on the palm of his hand and slowly applied it. The small pebbles quickly turned into a pile of white stone powder, which disappeared into the tea table in the surprised eyes of Pang Zhi and Hua Peng.

The two looked at the stone powder and rounded their eyes, and they closed their mouths for a long time.

Two less sorrows admired the stupidity of the two buddies, screaming at the big mouth, thinking about it, or the uncle of Jin Shu’s snack is the best. When you return to the city, you can pack it back and pack a few steamed fish. The secret roast duck can not be less, there are garlic charcoal meat, and gold silk silver wire... If you can't finish it, let Wuhua taste it.

Pang Zhi’s fat bear claws shook a few times in front of Wu Ye. “Leaves, want to marry? I’m not talking to you, the ears are so red, it’s not thinking-spring?”

The two were almost killed by the mung bean cake in the mouth, and they drank a big mouthful of tea and sighed with anger: "Thinking about your sister."

"Which girl I have squinted at, even though I said, I will keep you in line." Pang Zhijia's old man is quite lascivious, his mother can't control him at all, there are a lot of small three small four small five outside, these women give him life. The child, both hands can not count.

Two less gave him a look: "Cut, you are not interested in this honor."

Pang Zhi stretched out his fat hand and pinched his toad's baby face: "Just you can't make a baby face for a lifetime, I see which woman got a mouth, how much taste."

"Dead fat, Laozi fights with you!"

Huapeng feared that the world would not be chaotic, and joined the battle group quickly. The three teas were heard in the quiet tea room. The waiters came in and intervened several times, and they only converge on the dog-like tea.

Small hair is a small, a play, and there is no sense of distance.

"Leaves, is your family really planning to do the food industry in the future?" Hua Peng asked for tea.

auzw.comWu’s side eats the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and said, “Isn’t it nonsense? Didn’t you see the factory being photographed? So how much money can you get into the picture?”

Pang Zhi said in a timely manner: "What are you going to produce? If it is produced by your factory, you can put it in my supermarket." Pang Zhijia's supermarket failed to save, but it is still very famous in the province. With many companies and institutions, the annual sales are also very impressive.

Hua Peng said: "As long as things can pass overseas standards, I can help you to contact foreign sellers and ensure that you can sell things out." Huajia has been engaged in foreign trade for many years and has accumulated a lot of customer resources. His guarantee is not An empty talk.

"Yes, enough buddies, I will honor you with a cup of tea." Wu Ye was very moved. He used to play a good ‘friend’ enough to sit on several tables in the drunken court, but the family really had something to do. The only ones who helped him were Pang Zhihua Peng Qiu Xiaohao. Just rushing to this friendship, he is willing to do a good buddy with them for a lifetime.

The three of them blew for a while, and Wu Ye couldn’t reveal another plane. He still killed the old man’s remarks and made himself a master. It’s not that he believes in a friend, but his experience is too contemptuous. He now has a relationship with Zhao Jun and Victor’s underground world. Pang Zhi knows too much about his affairs, but not safe.

Pang Zhi and Hua Peng knew that Wu Ye did not tell the truth, but they knew Wu Ye’s personality and knew that he must have a hard time. They did not ask again and turned to the planning and development of Wuye Food Factory. They told Wu Ye, who knew some of the food raw material suppliers, and promised to help him match the line.

Soon, Wu Li accepted the last injection and he barely felt any discomfort. Two days later, the residual medicine was completely absorbed by the body. Apart from the fact that Wu was still thin and pale, there was no difference between Jingshen and ordinary people. Wu Ye, they accompanied him to a private high-level hospital in the city to conduct a comprehensive physical examination. From the results of the physical examination, the heart of Wu’s congenital malformation has completely returned to normal. All the test data of the whole body has been the same as that of ordinary people. The doctor carefully read it. After the data, Wu said that the body is very healthy, but only a little slower than the development of the same age child, strengthen the exercise to eliminate the picky eaters, he will soon catch up with other children.

The doctor looked at the Wu mother with a weird look. Wu Lixi was so weeping, she was in the mood of being a mother, and comforted a few words.

After leaving the hospital, Wu’s father continued to go to the food factory. Wu mother took her two sons to the playground. Two younger ones rushed out of an ‘old face’ to accompany the younger brother to play all the thrilling projects in the playground. The brothers both looked very good and didn’t know how many people were killed.

Going home at night, Wu Lizi was shouting. Before going to sleep, he said to Wu Ye: "Brother, it’s like dreaming today, it’s so cool."

Wu Ye screwed his face: "When I want to go to play, I will go there, but don't expect me to accompany you again!"

Wu Li slammed his mouth back and said: "I am not rare, hehe."

Second, it is easy to crush the younger brother by force, and then bully and return to his room to rest.

The delivery time agreed with Daniel was just around the corner. Wu Ye took the gold bricks and gave him the repackaged milk powder, compressed biscuits, candy, chocolate, snickers, antibiotics, cold medicines, and bruises. All the fake cigarettes left in the house are brought. The smoke and cigarette case on the zombie plane have been handed over to the person in charge of the fake cigarette factory. The next time the fake smoke he brought with him will be closer to the real smoke of that plane. In addition, he also bought a variety of bulk dried fruit, two hundred pounds of bulk sugar, five hundred pounds of iodized salt. Together, Wu Ye has carried hundreds of times more goods than this time. These things occupy more than half of the space ring.

It is both troublesome and hard to disassemble these things by hand. Wu Ye sees the signs of the packaged cuts on the hands of his parents. They simply ask them not to disassemble these materials and let their parents free their hands to concentrate on the food factory. . As for A-Lei, Wu Mu is ready to go through some time and find a way to send him to study. Wu Lichang did not go to the school at the age of sixteen. The knowledge he learned was that Wu Muzhen taught him intermittently when he was in good health. However, Wu’s brain was very clever and he was more educated than Wu Ye. Points, as long as you work hard, you should be able to catch up with your peers. However, Wu’s sudden deterioration of his body is really unexplained. Wu’s mother Wu’s mother is hesitant to send Wu away from the country. After a few years, he will return to the outside world for much less speculation. But Wu Li was raised by them from a young age, and even the school had never been there. How could they be willing to put him in a foreign country?

Wu Ye said that now that A-Lei is recovering from health, as long as he can learn the business management books, he will follow the old man’s class.

A, the attitude of being irresponsible by his elder brother arrived, and he ignored him for a long time. As far as Wu is concerned, he is actually a bit reluctant to leave home, so that Wu Ye is excited, but he has some interest in foreign countries.

The specific arrangement is only Wu’s father Wu’s down and deliberation, Wu Ye bids farewell to his family, and goes northward. In a blink of an eye, the trading time agreed with Daniel is here. Prior to this, the Wuyezu chemical plant was located in the industrial area to the south of the city of D. The long-awaited chemical plant was in the middle of the industrial area, surrounded by uninhabited smoke, which is very suitable for hiding goods.

Wu Ye did not disclose any factory information like Daniel, and used the latitude and longitude to locate the trading place in the wilderness of the city. Wu Ye himself opened a 40-ton old waste card to pick up the goods, and Daniel used a camouflaged small passenger plane to sneak the goods to the designated location.

Daniel has taught Wu Ye's **** English. This time, a special translation was brought over and the two exchanged good. Wu Yezheng counted the goods, of which ak1000 put 5 million hair bullets, 10,000 grenade incendiary bombs, 200-meter special large-caliber sniper rifle 200 pairs of bullets 45,000 rounds, heavy machine guns 100 corresponding bullets 3 million hair. A total of 2 million knives of goods, Wu Ye all with gold bricks checkout. According to the agreement, Wu Ye’s thousands of gold were all converted at a price of 180 yuan per gram. Both sides of the money were cleared. After the transaction, they carried things with low-key and left.

Wu Ye swayed in the wild for a few laps, and determined that no one was tracking, then slowly drove the car back to the chemical plant. The ghosts around the abandoned chemical plant could not be seen. Wu Ye was unloaded for half a day before all the arms were hidden in the underground warehouse of the chemical plant. He used a mobile phone to call the old man a simple phone call, and told the old man that he would return to Yucheng with a good agreement, so that he should not worry.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Ye selected a part of the munitions to fill the remaining space of the space ring, hid the used truck, and pressed the portal button to instantly disappear into the world.

In the zombie plane, Wu Ye walked for twenty days. As time went by, Qin Wuhua’s cold and serious face was gloomy day by day. Everyone didn’t even dare to breathe. No one dared to touch the head. Ask him where his boss is going. Especially after Chen Cao's strange deaths spread, these loyal hunters all clamped their tails. The mouth is getting tighter than the clam shell, even if their pillows can't hear them a word, let alone the truth; for all the arrangements, training, hunting, and tasks, Qin Wuhua let them do what they do. I don’t have to ask a single sentence for what to do.

After this period of training and running-in, the fifteen hunters who have planted the loyalty martial arts have been upgraded to a new height. With the improvement of tacit understanding, the fighting power has become more and more embarrassing, and gradually become a legendary existence in the hunting area. .

During the twenty days that Wu Ye left, the rain in the area where Yucheng was located had hardly stopped for a day. The city was plagued with disasters, and many slums died in the slums outside the city. Many people outside the city have symptoms of high fever, diarrhea, vomiting and headache. No matter how the high-rises of the city are decorated with peace, everyone knows that the plague has appeared.

The plague was not the first time to visit the city, and it broke out at this time last year. At that time, the drugs in the city were much more affluent than now, and the momentum was seized in time. The main cause of death was the slums outside the city. The plague failed to spread to the city. This year, the drugs in the city are very scarce, and the autumn rain seriously hinders the autumn harvest. A large number of mature rice and mature corn soya beans are rotten in the fields. The high-rise light in Yucheng is going crazy, and there are people who have the mood to manage fever and diarrhea. When the problem was serious, the shadow of the plague had enveloped the entire city.

Healing abilities are not omnipotent. Before the fourth order, their abilities were only useful for external injuries. They did not have any effect on the plague caused by this virus, or they could only rely on medicine. The current medicines in Yucheng are basically purchased from the settlements in Beijing. The settlements in Beijing must supply medicines for all the bases in China. The share that can be allocated to Yucheng is too small.

Now, the plague has spread from slow to fast, and there is not enough medicine. A new crisis is brewing.

The author has something to say: the original double scheduled for today is postponed to tomorrow, if tomorrow, the baby will eat five pounds! ! ! !

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