End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 62: Overthrow (top)

Zhou Jiabao, who is only eight years old, has successfully evolved into a relatively rare woody abilities after the high fever and coma, and has undoubtedly become the youngest abilities in the city.

Before Zhou Sheng’s death, Zhou Jiabao’s days were better than many children of the same age. Before the end of the world, Zhou Sheng operated an auto repair factory, which was not a big rich but definitely exceeded the ordinary well-off level. Zhou Jiabao, as the only grandson of several generations of single pass, Zhou Jiayi, everyone and everyone can not wait to hold him in the palm of his hand. It is not easy for a child to be spoiled.

If there is no such disaster, Zhou Jiabao will probably work like a child, step by step, and then work. He inherited the savvy of Zhou Sheng, may be admitted to a key university, and then graduated to find a decent and high-paying job; or accept his father's auto repair factory, carry forward a gentle and beautiful wife, as happy as many people Happy after a lifetime.

However, the advent of the end of the world not only disturbed his established fate trajectory, but also took away his beloved mother's grandparents and many other relatives in the first place, leaving only his father and grandparents to live together. Zhou Sheng was the first group of people who awakened their abilities. After passing through the chaos and disorder of the early stage, he quickly settled down and developed his own power. Therefore, before Zhou Sheng’s death, Zhou Jiabao’s days have always been good. At least there are too many orphans who have no parents or relatives in the last days. However, the fate of impermanence is a little joke, and Zhou Jiabao has fallen to the average orphan. Not as good as it is.

The eight-year-old child has already begun to remember. The cruel environment of the end of the world has taken away the children’s innocence early. Even if they have been protected by their families, Zhou Jiabao witnessed his grandparents being killed alive and experienced being beaten and experienced. After being treated as a food to eat thigh meat as a food horror experience, his last innocence belongs to the child's innocence.

Zeng Xin and his wife Chen Yunyun are more sincerely out of Wu Ye’s orders. Both of them are very fond of Zhou Jiabao, who is familiar with things, but Zhou Jiabao has always kept the bottom line and only called their uncles and aunts, no matter how tempted by Chen Yunyun. He, he always refused to call him a mother.

At a young age, he is not only reluctant to change his parents, but also deeply remembers a hatred - Wang and his betrayal of his father, colluding with Xie Yudong to seize his family property and killing his grandparents. One day sooner or later, he asked them to report this **** feud.

Whether Zhou Jiabao is too premature or not, he knows that what he has done is very 'not awkward' in the eyes of adults. Wu Ye and his non-prostitute, why should he be delicious and good for him? 'Bad child' Zhou Jiabao was afraid of being abandoned, fearing that he would be driven out of Yucheng once again. After being awakened by nightmares several times, he boldly made today's decision.

Of course, Zhou Jiabao has always had the idea of ​​going out to hunt down zombies with the adults since he was awakened, but in the face of Qin Wuhua’s cold and serious face, he did not dare to speak anyway. Instead, he has been with the real boss for more than a week. He feels that the boss is humorous and has no shelves. He often plays with him and An An, and often stuffs some candy and chocolate snacks for them, um, like a brother. So he finally couldn't help but say what he had been saying for more than twenty days.

Wu Ye's three mouths put the remaining buns into his mouth, laughing and patted Zhou Jiabao's head with oily claws: "You haven't had a gun, how can you kill the zombies?"

Zhou Jiabao’s cheeky cheeks were a little bit burned and he hurriedly argued: “I can use the power, I, I am very powerful.”

An An recently played very well with Zhou Jiabao. As a brother, Zhou Jiabao not only helped him to run errands, but also gave him a lot of food. He immediately lifted a small arm with a slight length of meat: " Boss, boss, Jiabao brother is super powerful, the dishes in the yard are all family treasures, and Dad said that he is particularly good."

Planting vegetables and killing zombies, Wu Ye is unscrupulously associated with the world-famous Plants vs. Zombies. If Zhou Jiabao can grow up to his awkward body shape, he can still act as a corn cannon. Just now, this small bean-like dinosaur can only be regarded as a small sun flower. Is it a snack for the zombies?

"I can still control the vines, the vines can bind the zombies very powerful." Zhou Jiabao saw Wu Ye clearly disapproved, and his eyes were red.

Since Chen Yunyun took over the task of taking care of Zhou Jiabao, ‘madness’ has hardly been committed again. He is busy with his brother Wang Suyun, like a normal person. Now when Zhou Jiabao wants to go out and kill the zombies, she immediately shows a bit of anxious and stupid appearance. She pulls Zhou Jiabao’s hand and panic: “There are monsters outside the baby, can’t go, monsters want to eat people, can’t go.”

Zeng Xin was so busy that he dropped his job and came over to marry her. She stubbornly pulled Zhou Jiabao and refused to let go. Although Zhou Jiabao refused to call Chen Yunyun's mother, he was still attached to the warmth of her mother because of his young age. It was this meticulous warmth that made him through the initial fear and pain. Zhou Jiabao knew that Chen Yunyun’s spirit had problems. He cleverly held her hand and then looked up at Wu Ye.

Like Wu Li, Wu Ye shaved his small nose with a close relative and smiled. "Oh, I know that you are very powerful. I am sending a task to you now, are you confident?"

Zhou Jiabao stood upright and tried to put away the bulging belly. He learned to answer loudly like Qian Xin: "Yes!" The tender doll sounds particularly pleasant, and in the dining room, except Chen Yunyun and Zhou Jiabao laugh. Up, even Qin Wuhua's cold face has a smile, of course, the spring breeze is proud of ice and snow to eliminate anything, Qian Xin and Ji Yun two single dogs expressed envy and hate.

"Leave at home to help you Chen Ayi to take care of the vegetable fields, protect Anan, and learn from your grandfather Li and Li Shushu." Wu Ye paused and watched Zhou Jiabao's eyes faint like abandoned puppy. After the bad words, the second half of the sentence: "When you are qualified, I will take you out of the city to do the task." Because of Wu's relationship, Wu Ye likes to tease children, but also has a child. To say how good his relationship with Zhou Sheng is, there is really no, only one cooperation, Zhou Sheng impression of the sleek event is better than Xu Yan and Chen Baoguan. At the beginning, Zhou Jiabao was rescued from the morality of men. On the other hand, he did not have the meaning of thanking Xie Yudong.

Now that Zhou Jiabao is so clever and sensible, Wu Ye is a bit more sincere. In any case, Zhou Jiabao is still too young, he can not enslave child labor.

Wu Ye’s concept has always stayed in another world – children, it’s time to be pampered. It’s time to read and play, to play, to kill the zombies and make money. Those things that adults should do.


Wu Ye did not dream of dreaming now. His concept of being 'backward' and ‘woman’s benevolence’ in the last days would have cultivated a loyal ‘baby’ legion for him in the near future.

Zhou Jiabao got Wu Ye’s promise and completely let go of his heart. He helped Chen Yunyun to clean up the tableware. When he was busy, he went to Professor Li’s studio to run his errands. The fat little face was a little more smiling than in the past. While absorbing the energy from the nucleus given to him by Wu Ye, he ripened the vegetables in the yard. Anan held a big umbrella with a serious and proud expression, covering the two.

In the autumn rain, two small vegetable plots under the small building are covered with green cabbage, shallots, leeks, tomato seedlings and eggplant seedlings. These seeds are brought by Wu Ye in another plane. Under the birth of Zhou Jiabao's ability, it has grown a lot in just a few days. The little guy is now looking forward to the ripening of these dishes. Complete the task assigned by Wu Ye early.

In addition to growing vegetables, there are ten chickens in the small building. The rest of the meals in the house and the weeds in the vegetable fields have all entered their stomachs. It has been raining recently. After the chickens are bought, they have been kept in the utility room. in. Zhou Jiabao and An An took the task of feeding the chickens. Don't look at the fact that they are not very young. The chickens are taken care of by the two of them. During the day, they basically go to see them once every hour, adding food and water. The chicks are fed one by one and are not afraid of being very cute.

Leaving the small building, Wu Ye summoned the loyalists to the next ‘luxury’ meeting.

The autumn rain has been going down from the beginning of September to the beginning of October, and it has been going on for a whole month. The food that the top officials of the city have carefully manipulated is almost destroyed. The rice matured in early September and it was barely rainy and grabbed most of it. Corn, soybeans, these unripe foods, in the rain and at the right temperature, the rotten roots of the rotten roots, the germination of the sprouts, even if they are snatched, these things can not be eaten, and the output definitely fell below the high-rises of the city. The psychological bottom line.

The situation of grabbing the recovered rice is not good. The hot and humid weather is too easy for the mature seeds to germinate. However, after a day or two of work, all the soaked rice will produce white roots. The top of the city can only find the dryer, and try to save everything, but the results are minimal.

Wucheng has no energy and no large-scale military production line. It is a planting settlement that relies solely on land output. However, now that the rain has become a disaster and the food has been destroyed, the foundation on which the settlements depend has been destroyed. The food in the settlements has been supported by the end of this year. When the survivors of a planted settlement are facing the dilemma of starvation, the settlement is undoubtedly a short-lived life. Without food, Yucheng did not have the resources to trade with other settlements. If you only use the nucleus to trade, don't say anything else. Just one grain is enough to make the whole city go bankrupt.

In addition, Yucheng was originally inhabited by nearly 110,000 survivors. With the plague plundering, the population of Yucheng has been reduced to 90,000. The first to die are the frail elderly and children and women. Of the remaining 90,000 survivors, a quarter of the population has been infected with the plague, and death can break out at any time.

Wu Ye brought several Chinese herbal medicines from another world and brought a lot of antibiotics. However, this time the plague virus is very strong, and there is no specific drug for the same as Wanjin Oil. At the same time, for the survivors of the whole city, the medicines brought by Wu Ye are really a drop in the bucket, only enough for a small number of people with purchasing power to buy.

Survivors are struggling until they are forced to commit suicide by the end of the world. They are all very strong in life. No one wants to die, and no one wants to die in the plague.

In the middle of the night last night, thousands of survivors undoubtedly gathered together and smashed the only two pharmacies in Yucheng, where the drugs were looted. The patrols intercepted these survivors in the first time. In the crazy and fierce battles, only a very small number of people managed to escape. Most of them died under the patrol and the city defense squad, the patrol and the city guards. Many people have died.

The survivors who came to grab the medicine were almost all infected with plague. Their blood stained every inch of the street on the grocery street. The grocery street is now a restricted area, and no one dares to step in.

The top officials of Yucheng did not expect that they would be so bold. The hawks headed by Xie Yudong advocated adopting the measures of the company to severely punish the families of the perpetrators in order to stop the chaos and stop the hurricane. Otherwise, letting these violent people develop, they will inevitably suffer more serious blows and even be ousted.

The doves, headed by Ji Xiang, advocated appeasement and focused on curbing the plague disasters and trying to get a batch of medical supplies from other settlements.

The two factions have always been inconsistent, and the current financial emptiness of Yucheng, Jixiang’s original allies also began to fall to Xie Yudong.

In fact, all along, regardless of the five major forces in Yucheng, how to short-sighted greed, under the leadership of Ji Xiang, the overall atmosphere is relatively democratic and free. There are many small and medium-sized small-scale settlements, especially high-pressure control. There are even some slavery settlements, and the survivors are regarded as the 'culture' settlements.

Xie Yudong never gave up the idea of ​​the emperor. Compared to solving this crisis, he is more inclined to use this crisis, establish absolute authority, and completely control the survivors of Yucheng. In the face of today's dilemma, it is hard for the managers of the city to be impressed by him.

Now, the final decision of the top of the city has not yet come out, the atmosphere of the city has been tense to the extreme, as long as a star, it will blow up the entire city.

Compared with the anxiety of many people, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have realized that the opportunity they have been waiting for has finally arrived.

The author has something to say: In the afternoon, the idiot thinks that the stupid author finally has a good excuse for rest today. He went out to play with friends and came back very late. As a result, the ** was restored, so he worked hard, so there is only one more today. Let me smoke~~~

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