End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 72: experiment

The nightmare of the rabbit boss began.

On the first day, after it was excited to swallow a crystal, it had not had time to enjoy the pain and happy baptism of the nucleus energy. It was forced to inject another powerful energy. Another energy smashed in its body, colliding with the nucleus energy and the energy it had already turned into its own. The huge pain made the rabbit boss only have time to scream - the street.

The next day, he hesitated to swallow a crystal, enjoying half a minute of nucleation energy, and was forced to inject another energy. This time the energy is smaller, but after just one minute, the three energy collisions once again compete for the initiative, and the rabbit boss squirmed for three minutes - fluttering the street.

On the third day, after hesitating for a long time to determine that there was no one in the room, he swallowed the powder crystals in the cage, and the more pure and powerful nucleus energy, let it swell for two minutes, and then the terrible human appeared again. It is. He once again injected energy into it, which is better than the previous two. He seems to have touched the trajectory of his own strength in his body. The battle of three forces has become two forces to kill. The rabbit boss has bravely persisted for five minutes, then seven miles. Bleeding - fluttering the street.

On the fourth day, the rabbit boss decided to put a nucleus hill in front of it, and it would never touch it. But it will soon discover that its insistence is meaningless. Another man who always uses Thunder, directly put a red crystal into his mouth. The rabbit boss has already prepared for the street again, but this time the external force and the power in it are overwhelmingly better than the nucleus energy. The nucleus energy is gradually integrated into the body under the guidance of external forces. The process is incredibly smooth. . The rabbit boss couldn't help but seduce, and swallowed a dozen red crystals in succession. It even went from the second-order peak to the third-order peak. When it thought it would be smooth and comfortable, the nucleus energy suddenly reversed, and the rabbit boss twitched all over the body. Blood stasis - fluttering the street.

Wu Ye was also countered by the nucleus energy. Wow had a big mouthful of blood and his face was white, and Qin Wuhua was also shocked. Busy to help Wu Ye, the sound of cold and magnetic has been a little trembling: "Is it okay? Do you want me to call Li Yuan to show you?"

Wu Ye is close to his arms, shaking his head is very innocent: "Nothing, I just want to slow down."

Qin Wuhua could not help but hold him to the upstairs bed and give him a good quilt. "Aye, do you want to drink some water?" Wu Ye has always been full of vitality, and now he has no blood on his lips. The pillows are still white, and Qin Wuhua’s heart is filled with negative emotions such as guilty grief and so on. I knew that this would be the case, and he should not encourage Aye to do experiments, but he should do it.

Wu Ye actually didn't hurt so seriously. He never saw Qin Wuhua so anxious. If it wasn't for Qin Wuhua's dark complexion, I was afraid that his face might be whiter than him. Wu Ye’s heart acid rises and seems to have a sweetness in fermentation. At this moment, he feels that if Qin Wuhua can always like him to care about him, then staying in this plane does not seem to be a bad thing. .

"No," said the poor and careless Daqin. "I think the next day will be more sleepy to make up." The healing power after the fusion of 'airflow' has a considerable advantage - In the case of internal injuries, as long as the "Basic Absence Method" is run, the healing ability will travel to the bloodline of each meridian that has been opened with the 'airflow', and the injury will be healed. In a few words, Wu Ye’s internal injuries have been better than half. Now his face is still pale because of the exhaustion of his abilities. Daqin’s fear of bargaining for a little benefit, and less psychological burden. Because this kind of subtotal two are often used on the old man's mother, it is not good.

At this time, let alone sleep, that is, two people want the stars in the sky. Qin Wuhua will not hesitate to agree. He touched his forehead and said softly: "I will not bother you if you sleep in the morning."

Two less excited, I forgot to install, and I sat up from the bed: "Really?" There seemed to be a big tail shaking and shaking, and they all turned into a windmill.

Qin Wuhua knew that he was fooled, and he was so angry and funny that he could only help but smile and scream at the fluffy hair: "Really." He hoped that Wu Ye would be healthy and healthy than being deceived. When I saw Wu Ye’s blood vomiting, he suddenly gave birth to a thought—he always wanted to leave Wu Ye’s long-lasting world in this doomsday, and Wu Yemingming could live a more stable and happier life. He would Not too selfish? The thoughts passed away, but they have left an indelible mark on Qin Wuhua’s heart.

Two less decisively fell and held the quilt for two laps. "Da Qin, you are so good!"

Qin Wuhua is not the first time to hear this new 'nickname' from Wu Yezui. It is very old-fashioned. It is very ironic in the heart, but the education still has to be educated. Forehead, Shen Sheng: "I won’t lie to me again in the future. Do you know how much I worried about? Well?"

I have always been humbly accepting the repeated teachings and not changing the two. I am serious and nodded: "The guarantee is not next time."

When Qin Wuhua saw him, he knew that he was a bit of a disappointment, but the peach blossom eyes that were flashing and flickering were too foul. Qin Wuhua was flashed by the pair of long and dense eyelashes with a projection, and the sigh of helplessness , defeated.

More than a day is the deadline for the mission. Wu Ye does not want to try to force the punishment of the mission failure - according to the system, it is more painful than unlocking the primary gene chain, and also deduct all the points. In order to avoid the failure of the task, Wu Ye took a nap for an hour, and the internal abilities disappeared. Most of the abilities recovered and went downstairs to continue to compete with the rabbit boss.

When Wu Ye was asleep, Qin Wuhua called Li Yuan to come over and he was injured by the dying rabbit boss. However, the rabbit boss is much heavier than Wu Ye, and Li Yuan’s ability is now only reaching the second-order peak. He can only hang his life and can't completely cure it. Wu Ye has consumed a lot of abilities to regain the health of the rabbit boss.

The rabbit boss really didn't want to experience the pain of living and dead again. When the second lesser reached the claws again, it decisively made the last trick and the killing of the bottom of the box with Wang Xingren.

Wu Ye saw the rabbit boss holding two front paws, and the fat head continued to make a pitiful request for congratulations, and almost could not bear it.

However, it is only ‘almost’.

auzw.com Li Xiazhi’s theory is established, and the reason why the mutant beast is getting more and more arrogant is indeed caused by the violent nucleus energy. Human beings are affected by the energy and resonate with the energy in the nucleus, and then re-absorb the nucleus into energy. The practice of the mutant beast is very simple and rude. The nucleus is swallowed directly into the stomach, and the energy bursts instantaneously in them, and the damage caused can be imagined. However, Wu Ye does not feel that he can teach the method of mutant beast cultivation, and can only find another way.

In the past few days, Wu Ye has repeatedly experimented with the rabbit boss and constantly used the airflow of the "Basic Breathing Method" to swim in the rabbit body. He has gradually found out the trajectory of the nucleus energy running in it, and even 'conquered'. The energy of its body moves from common confrontation to common guiding nucleus energy.

But this is not enough. Wu Ye always thinks that the 'beast' is the key to solving the mutated beast, and the system also said that when the mutant beast has to break through the third order, it will begin to condense the 'beast'.

Wu Ye’s current job is to help the rabbit boss first.

The progress of the matter was not smooth. It was not until the next day that the rabbit boss began to break through the third-order signs. Wu Ye’s foot was enough to help it condense the 'beast nucleus' until 9 pm, the rabbit’s mutated level stayed. In the third-order peak, the body has grown a large circle, and the body finally condenses a small 'beast core', and the second and the rabbit boss are both tired.

"How, the mission is completed?" Qin Wuhua gently wiped off the sweat on Wu's face with a towel, and then put a few hours of Matsutake chicken soup in front of him.

Wu Ye's tired and painful temples, called out the control panel, the task is still incomplete, but the progress has changed from 0 at the beginning to 50%, and the remaining time limit: 18 hours.

"Not yet, but the degree of completion has become 50%, at least to prove that our direction is right." Wu Ye looked at the extra 18 hours of thickening, and the little comfort in my heart disappeared.

Qin Wuhua looked at the buns his face and comforted him: "Don't worry too much, we still have time. Let's take a break and change our minds."

"Yeah." Wu Ye nodded.

For the first time, Wu Ye took out the spirit of hard work and tossed the whole night with the rabbit boss. In the morning, she couldn’t help but hold the half-dead rabbit boss and fell asleep on the table. After he fell asleep, the body began to run the "Basic Exhalation Method", and the nucleation on the table became the most pure energy into his body, beginning a cycle of endless life. At the same time, the long white ears of the rabbit boss shook, the energy in the body began to work with the beast nucleus as the center. I don’t know if it was too long to be tossed by Wu Ye in the past few days. The energy of both sides spontaneously resonated and began to resonate. Run it regularly...

Automatically popping up on the control surface in midair, Wu Ye's mandatory mission progress has finally changed from 50% to completed.

After Qin Wuhua’s training, he rushed home. Seeing Wu Ye’s asleep on the table, frowning, turned and went out to take a thin blanket and put it on him. I went to the kitchen and burned a large pot of water. I cooked a large bowl of chicken noodle soup for Wu Ye.

Wu Ye’s heart has been thinking about the task, sleeping too hard, and waking up when he smells the chicken soup. He threw away the rabbit master who slept very well and wiped his face: "I am going to brush a tooth." He said that he was about to close the control panel that blocked his view, and suddenly saw that the forced task above had become completed. status.

He rubbed his eyes repeatedly and said to Qin Wuhua, "Give me your hand."

Qin Wuhua stretched his hand and said that Wu Ye had not been able to come and ask questions.

"Does it hurt?"

"What do you say?"

Two less than three feet high, holding Qin Wuhua and jumping and laughing: "I succeeded, I succeeded!" At the end, I did not forget to send a kiss to the generous, Qin Wuhua directly carried his head, unceremonious Deepened this kiss.

Under the constant temptation of the chicken soup, the rabbit boss carefully opened his eyes and moved to the side of the bowl. He saw two stupid two-legged geeks who were not paying attention to the exchange of saliva. It decisively put The head is buried in the bowl.

The author has something to say: the background is not coming for a long time, a little late.

The second time may be slightly later.

Update is so powerful, evaluation is not to force, not open

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