This is a hunt.

The giant zombies and their younger brothers should have been hunters, but when they approached the prey, the prey miraculously disappeared. The role of the hunters, who were carefully hiding in the dark, turned into hunters.

The vine-shaped fan-sized leaves climbed through the window, easily ignoring the sight of the zombies. More wise than some low-level zombies, the giants are zombies, and they can't see, hear, or smell the food. In addition to making a loud scream in the industrial park, they have no way.

The old core team members have seen the powerful power of the zombie eviction agent, but the new batch of people who have joined have not seen the zombie eviction agent, and have never seen the giant zombies. They only heard the horrible deeds of the giants, and the rumors that Zhou Fatzi was twisted into twists. They all were nervously holding guns, and they were all scared. The rabbit boss killed the zombies in the past few days and finally killed a bit of courage, but when he heard the terrible roar of the giant zombies, he immediately stunned, and his head was squatting at the foot of Wu Ye, and the wind and the sound of the cranes and the grass were all poor.

Wu Ye gently licked it and whispered: "All my mother gave me the spirit, don't look like a good one! The giants in the area will scare you like this, then you will still According to the level standard given by the system, the giant zombies are only the fourth-level zombies, which is the lowest level among the middle-class zombies. There is also a top ten corpse, and the giant zombies are compared with the higher-level zombies. At best, it can only be considered a small soldier.

Wu Ye’s innocence in the eyes of the giant zombies is a stimulating addition to the twelve new abilities. The giant zombies are always wandering outside, and they have not found any signs. They are gradually loose. Take a breath.

Qin Wuhua did not think that the speed of zombie evolution would be so fast. Two months ago, Qingyi County had just born the first giant zombie, and now there are five in one breath. Looking back at mankind, the fourth-order abilities of the entire Chinese nation have come across a slap. After a winter last year, a large number of second-level zombies emerged. Will there be a lot of giant zombies after this winter? A single giant zombie is not difficult to deal with, even if the ability can't do it, humans have hot weapons to snuggle, the horrible giant zombie's ‘calling power’.

Time passes by, and everyone is as quiet as possible. As the sky gradually darkened, the corpse surged again, Wu Ye and others did not reveal the slightest breath, and the zombie army never found food hidden under their eyelids. The plan can't keep up with the changes, and everyone can only stay here for the time being.

There are only a few broken chairs in the small meeting room, as well as rotten corpses and fist-sized locusts. Under the drive of Wu Ye, the rabbit boss would be so impatient that he would spit out a lot of ice ridges and kill all the mites that crawled around the house. Several wind-powered abilities joined forces to use the power to roll things in the room, and Su Jianbang lost a group of fires. Soon, these things were burned to ashes. After that, Qian Xin blows these cooled ash. Make fertilizer under the mutant vines.

There is no sunlight at night, plants can not carry out photosynthesis, not only can not synthesize oxygen itself will also produce carbon dioxide. However, the mutant vine found in Dongling Mausoleum can give it oxygen even if it is given a few powder crystals at night. Driven by the power of the Tomb of Dongling, the layers of green leaves on the vines of the vines shrouded all the windows, and a glimmer of light could not be seen.

Everyone brought dry food. In order to prevent unexpected situations, Wu Ye’s space ring contained a lot of food. In front of these kind of loyal people, he did not hide it, taking out fresh food directly from the space ring. Take it out for dinner. I also asked the system to buy a cauldron and hold a large pot. Su Jianbang already has a conscious voice of “sound-controlled smart stove”, which directly drives the abilities of the fire without anyone else saying it.

Yang Lina's backpack is filled with a variety of spices, and even a few packets of very rare hot pot. Wu Ye added enough water to the pot. After a few hot pots were boiled, Yang Lina threw all kinds of cut ingredients into the big pot and cooked for a while. Everyone sat on the floor and ate with metal chopsticks. Hot pot.

Outside the cold wind, the corpses roared. They hid in a secret room hundreds of meters away, and they ate a small fire and ate a small wine to eat hot pot. For the newcomers, it was definitely a novel experience.

After the meal, Qin Wuhua ordered a few abilities, let them take turns to watch the night, pay attention to the situation outside, others with guns and clothes leaning against the wall to sleep. The abilities of the versatile are good, and there is no need to worry about cold or cold. The old core team members have fully experienced sleeping in the case of a group of corpses, and the nerves that have been stretched for a day are already tired, and they are confused after a while. The newly added players will not work. The ears of the abilities are very good. Listening to the screams of screaming and whistling outside, they hold the hand of ak47 tight and tight.

Wu Ye barely suffered such a sin. The buttocks sat on the cold floor for a long time, and the upper body leaned against the wall, and it was cold and hard to sleep. He also has to take care of being the face of the boss. He bluntly refused the request of Qin Wuhua to let him sleep in his arms. When he couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t stand it, but he could only stand hard and die. The rabbit boss is much more open than he is, and he is directly on his legs, and he is old enough to sleep early.

Qin Wuhua knew that Wu Ye couldn't sleep, and he did not say that he would take him to his arms. The second was struggling for a moment and decided to pretend that he was already asleep. He didn't know anything. With Qin Wuhua giving him a meat mat, listening to his strong and powerful heartbeat, he slept unconsciously.

In the middle of the night, there were a few loud noises in the bang, and all the people in the secret room woke up. Everyone walked quickly to the window, and saw a giant zombie through the leaf slits, which was hitting the door of the pharmaceutical factory, just a few minutes later. The door bolts of the gate were directly broken, and the giant zombies poured into the pharmaceutical factory park with a large number of younger brothers. Qin Wuhua gave everyone a few gestures. Everyone took the gun and watched it with caution. The cranial number hides under a big card, and after quietly starting, it cuts off energy and kills it. The giant zombies wandered downstairs, the gates under the office building were locked, and the zombies couldn’t get in. They wandered to the building of his building. In the hundreds of zombies, the number of three-level zombies actually accounted for one-third. In contrast, the number of first-class zombies that were slow to respond was the least.

The zombies are evolving throughout the country.

This cognition made everyone's mood very heavy. In the middle of the night, except for the rabbit boss, they were still asleep, and no one could sleep.

The giant zombies wandered aimlessly in a factory covering more than 300 acres. In the end, I didn’t know if I was tired. I sat on the music fountain in front of the office building. By the time the sky was getting brighter, the zombies who had been stunned for a whole night were finally quiet, and occasionally a few weird embarrassments were heard. Qingyi County became extraordinarily quiet.

Wu Ye also asked the system to purchase two bottles of intermediate zombie eviction agent. Qin Wuhua took out the control terminal of the cranial number and manually opened the craniotomy number. The cranial number quietly came out from the chassis of the truck. Under the control of Qin Wuhua, the ghosts were quietly approaching the giant zombies. Wu Ye prepared the rocket launcher. Yang Lina took back the metal on one of the pieces. Yang Qi waited for the machine to open the window. Qian Xin sprayed the intermediate repellent while trying to build a thin wall with wind, trying to keep their odor out.

The nose of the fourth-level zombie is very sensitive. It smells abnormal almost at the moment the window opens. However, it just turned around, and a strange rocket was firmly caught on top of it. It didn't even have any sound. The 'bang' sounded loudly, and the rocket directly smashed it. The smell of citrine poured out, and the nearby zombies were all violent.

As the zombies were attracted by the smell of Huang Jing, Qian Xin slammed into the window, and Yang quickly closed the window. Yang Lina quickly blocked the gap with metal. Everyone hid behind the vines and the room became a secret room.

The cranial number was closest to the fourth-level zombies. Before the other zombies arrived, they successfully grabbed Huang Jing, hid them in the intermediate isolation box, and quickly slid to the side of a rock pile to hide.

The three-level zombies lost their targets, and the bodies of the giant zombies screamed, and some hungry low-level zombies began to eat the black and gray stinking brains of the giants. Half a minute later, four four-level zombies arrived at the drug factory park at the same time. Everyone carefully hid in the secret room, and even the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

After the angry four-level zombies couldn’t find Huang Jing’s venting in the park, two four-level zombies left the park, and two four-level zombies were still in the park.

In hunting, the weaker side wants to capture powerful prey, means, timing, and patience.

In the afternoon, there was only one fourth-level zombie left in the park. Everyone successfully hunted it.

However, this time, three other four-level zombies were outside the drug factory park. They heard the explosion of the shells and smelled the smell of citrine, and rushed over the first time, even though the cranium successfully grabbed Huang Jing. This time, they discovered the human hunters hidden upstairs.

The four-meter-high giant zombie, with enough hands to be more than six meters high, can easily be on the third floor, a fist smashed, the glass of the conference room is all broken into slag, and a huge spider appears on the whole floor. crack,.

Wu Ye reacted very quickly. When the giant zombie hit the building, he fired a rocket at almost the same time. Two loud bangs sounded at the same time. The rocket exploded at a close distance and directly smashed the floor of the third floor. Wu Ye stood outside, and the whole person was still immersed in the recoil of the rocket. His feet were loose and he fell out along with the cracked floor.

"Aye!" Qin Wuhua shouted, and had no time to catch Wu Ye.

Wu Yeping's second lack of brain made the most accurate judgment at the moment of life and death. He tried his best to adjust his posture in the air, trying to make himself hug on the body of the giant zombie. Wu Ye successfully landed on the back of the giant zombie's zombie. He had some numbness in his legs, but he was not injured. He quickly got up and prepared to run away. The other giant zombies were faster than him. The huge palms stretched out and he looked. I want to grab Wu Ye...

The author has something to say: the second is more, what?~~

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