End Times Dust Light

Chapter 231: Anda

  Lu Ziming certainly would not believe the legends Zhuoma said. Don’t the Mongols use knives? When did you switch to swords? The sword of the king of farts is nothing but the whitewash of the victor. Behind it is the throne of power cast by the tired white bones, which can't kill the greed, cruelty, barbarism and desire.

  The unknown represents mystery, and mystery will leave room for imagination.

  He didn't believe in the holy mountains and holy swords at all. If they were spiritual pillars that were closer to reality, if there were too many falsehoods, they would become true when they even believed them.

"A few years ago, someone tried to enter the sacred mountain, six of the seven died, and one went crazy, shouting'Desperate to fight, desperate to fight," and no one dared to enter the sacred mountain in the future. ."

  "Then why are you entering the sacred mountain now? Don’t you be afraid?" Zhuoma seemed to have something to say. Maybe the sacred mountain really exists, at least in the hearts of the Mongols.

"Now is different from before. The warriors on the grassland have never been stronger than they are today. In order to defeat the mutant creatures, only by taking out the legendary holy sword and uniting the various tribes on the grassland can there be hope. In the past, we all hoped the goshawk on the grassland. Seltan can retrieve the holy sword, and now the one who has the most hope to enter the holy mountain is Daltai. The warrior Bala next to him is the most powerful person on the grassland."

  "Do you believe this legend, the holy sword really exists?"

"Of course it exists. The sword that Taiji wears is derived from the holy mountain. It is the sharpest sword in the camp. I heard that the holy sword is 10,000 times more powerful than it. It is the true king of the sword." Zhuoma He looked yearning at the burning flames, the blood in his chest surged, and he waved his fists, as if there really was a sword in his hand.

   "Why don't you participate, I think you are good at it, you should be eligible to enter the holy mountain?"

  After listening to Lu Ziming's words, Zhuoma looked like a frustrated ball, grabbed a piece of lamb in his mouth and said: "I am not a capable person, I am not qualified to participate in the Warriors selection competition."

  Lu Ziming wondered: "Why do you have to be able, can't ordinary people?"

   Zhuoma was unwilling to say: "Ordinary people can't enter the sacred mountain at all. According to the shaman, only the capable can enter the sacred mountain, so you can only choose the warrior among the capable".

  Lu Ziming was taken aback, if Zhuoma was right, the holy mountain is indeed a very magical place. Maybe there is some mysterious power that can affect ordinary people, but it has little effect on the capable.

   "Then do you want to participate in the Warriors Trial?"

   "Of course I want, but..."

   "Just because you are not capable?"

   "Yes, is this not enough?"

  Lu Ziming raised his head and looked at the noisy camp, a bold thought suddenly flashed in his mind, if Zhuoma became a superhuman, would he also enter the holy mountain, maybe where to find the legendary holy sword.

  He was immediately taken aback by his absurd thoughts, isn’t he looking for death? How could he, who had always been cautious, ever think of going to grab the Mongols’ holy sword, without saying whether he could grab it, even if he did it, could he be recognized by the Mongols? The best result is to return the Holy Sword to the Mongols. If the situation goes out of control, I will end up being chased by all the Mongols, and then I will not be able to get out of the grassland.

   What’s even more frightening is that he showed strong combat power, what would Sanar and the others think, and that Celtan’s killing of the Wolf King would be exposed. The Mongols worship heroes, but the object of worship is their own people, not a Han who popped up suddenly. He couldn't believe what kind of anger the Mongols would provoke after the truth was revealed.

  When I thought that I had just walked through the ghost gate, my calm and cautiousness in the past was almost taken away by the illusory holy sword, and there were some things that I could not get. There is a saying in the civilized era, if you want to destroy people, first make him crazy, and he almost lost his way just now.

  He calmed down and immediately gave up the idea of ​​getting the holy sword. No matter whether the holy sword really exists, it is not what he can possess now. A child holding gold is walking late at night. This is the way to die. The wise way is to throw away the gold in his hands and give up the temptation of greed.

   But now he needs a sword, a good sword, maybe it can be found in the sacred land of the Mongols. Entering the sacred mountain may be the only opportunity, he doesn't want to miss it.

Zhuoma's eyes did not leave Lu Ziming's face for a moment. The excitement, surprise, hesitation, fear and hesitation that flashed on his face did not escape Zhuoma's eyes. He didn't understand why the expression on Lu Ziming's face was like this. Rich, just like the first time he saw his wife who hadn't been through the door, did he miss women too.

  If Lu Ziming knew what Zhuo Ma was thinking at this time, he would probably get off the cart and beat Zhuo Ma again.

   "You must enter the holy mountain, provided that Zhuoma becomes a superhuman and obtains the qualifications to enter the holy mountain?"

   Thinking of this, he hesitated a bit. How could Zhuoma become a superman? Let him drink his blood, no! Once this secret is discovered, his current situation is even more dangerous.

I am now very much like the kid walking with gold in the dark. There are not many super people in the camp. On the contrary, there are strong people everywhere. He doesn't need to feel it to know this, otherwise the camp will not be limited to only Only super talents can select the qualifications of warriors.

   But if Zhuoma is not allowed to know that he is helping him, will he bring himself into the holy mountain? I need to let him know that I am helping him, and at the same time, I can't reveal my secrets.

  "I can help you become a capable person, but need your help?"

   "You said, as long as I become a capable person, I can do anything?"

Lu Ziming stopped the ecstatic Zhuoma said: "Let me finish talking. There is a bit of complexity here, not as simple as you think, and you have to swear that you can't tell anyone about this, otherwise I can't help you. ".

Zhuo Ma did not hesitate at all, just about to swear, as if feeling something was wrong, she quickly pulled Lu Ziming and jumped off the driveway: "We Mongolians will give our backs to our own Anda, I am willing to form life and death with you, Anda. I will never give up and never betray my vows, otherwise my body will be exposed to the sun and my soul will be swallowed by wild wolves."

Zhuo Ma pulled Lu Ziming down on his knees, and made a **** mouth in his palm with the knife in his hand. Regardless of whether Lu Ziming objected, he also made a **** mouth in the palm of Lu Ziming's palm, and then both hands tightened. Holding hands together, he said: "I, Zhuoma, and Lu today become Anda. If I betray the oath, I will be abandoned by the eternal sky and spend my life in fear and confession."

  Lu Ziming did not correct the mistake in Zhuoma’s name. He left the grassland and might never see Zhuoma again. Do you know the meaning of his name?

   "Anda! Road."

   "Anda! Dolma."

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