End Times Dust Light

Chapter 612: Mystery

   "I don't know what to promote, what is it!" Seeing Du Guang had just left, the old Qian began to curse.

"Okay! Don't let this broom star sweep everyone's happiness, as long as we don't say, even if Du advertising goes to the regiment department, no one will pay attention to this matter. At most, we will be reprimanded for a few words. Let us be careful next time.", He knows the style of the regiment's handling of such matters, and he doesn't take it seriously. On the contrary, Du Guang is a time bomb that people have to guard against.

   "Platoon Commander Lu, be careful of Du Guang in the future. You killed the soldiers who disobeyed the order. I guess they should be a group. Maybe you have offended someone on it. Someone is going to put on your shoes."

   However, Lu Ziming himself really can’t think of offending a big man. He is a small soldier now, so he can make him feel angry? Maybe there is something else I don't know.

At 11 o'clock in the evening and 2 o'clock in the morning, the dark creatures launched two more small-scale sneak attacks. First, the scale of dark creatures' sneak attacks was reduced. To cause too many casualties.

  But Du Guang’s third squad lost another soldier. The soldier with a crooked neck was bitten off by a beetle that didn’t know where it climbed up. In a panic, his weapon almost escaped to kill Du Guang.

The Rehmannia trumpet began to broadcast: "God doesn't have eyes! If the bullet is two centimeters to the left, it will hit Du Guang in the head, but now he has half of his ears gone, I don't know if he can be proud! "

  After the dog meat incident happened yesterday, Du Guang probably also knew that he had offended the 164-row old man. He went to the regiment headquarters and collected a lot of ammunition. It seems that he is well-known in the regiment headquarters.

After receiving the ammunition, Du Guang seemed to be more confident. During the second dark creature attack, he did not ask Lu Ziming for help. However, after sacrificing the crooked neck soldier, he found Lu Ziming and asked to defend the first floor of the small building. , Lu Ziming agreed.

  I don’t know what Du Guang did before, and Lu Ziming could not see his data files anyway. He thought that there would be no danger in defending the first floor, so he was very wrong.

The first floor has the danger of the first floor, and the second floor has the shortcomings of the second floor. In order to prevent dark creatures from rushing into the small building, Lu Ziming sent people to close all the doors and windows on the first floor of the small building, and piled a lot of them on the front. Flammable materials can be ignited as a defense when the war is tense.

When the dark creatures launched their third attack, except for some small crustacean dark creatures that entered through the gap, they were basically not dangerous. This was the main reason why Lu Ziming had Du Guang stationed on the first floor. There is the meaning of training soldiers.

  Maybe Du Guang feels that the task is too easy, a little overwhelmed and negligent, maybe Du Guang is an unlucky ghost who can find dark creatures wherever he goes. A low-level dark creature unexpectedly escaped from other places, and plunged into the first floor where Du Guang was stationed, scared the few people inside to flee lifelessly, leaving Row 164 with all their faces.

  Fortunately, the dark creatures did not cause much damage, but Du Guang ran irresponsibly and hated that the roots of the 164 soldiers were itchy. Isn't this adding to the chaos?

   "Forget it, Du Guang's background is not simple. For such a big thing, it is a big taboo to escape immediately. It is said that shooting is light, but the regiment seems to have not seen it..."

  Breakfast is a bowl of rice porridge and two steamed buns. I don’t want to talk about the porridge. I drink it as water, but the steamed buns are made smaller every day, and one bite is stuffed. The old money jokingly calls the cream small steamed buns.

   Rehmannia grumbled: "If it wasn't for the dog meat meal last night, just this meal, I'm still fighting!"

  "Don’t worry about it. It’s not like ours. There are more than 20,000 people in the entire position. Are they all eating these? I think in a few days, I’m afraid I won’t even have this!"

   "The dark creatures killed every day have gone there, so they won’t be corrupted by them, right!"

   "The dark creatures we killed are not omnipotent. Some dark creatures carry viruses. If you eat them, you will die. Do you dare to eat them?"

  Although the dark creatures have mutated, some are still edible, especially the dark creatures with bright red blood, which are generally fine. If you switch to dark red blood or other dark creatures with blood, the light ones will become crazy after eating, the heavy ones will be poisoned and die, and the undead will become half-zombies and half-dark creatures. These common sense ordinary people understand. Many of them.

  Eating breakfast is the rest time. Now the sleep time is completely reversed. During the day, except for the soldiers standing guard and guard, there is basically no one on the ground moving.

  Lu Ziming sat leaning on a wooden bed, the bed was directly spread on the ground, and some straw was sprinkled on it. A quilt was a place to sleep. Looking at the ceiling with blank eyes and thinking about things, there was nothing to do during this period of time. After the ground defense position was contracted, the entire base was surrounded by dark creatures, and it was impossible to go out without disturbing the army.

   "What are you thinking about? A cigarette after a meal, happy like a fairy, there are not many cigarettes left, smoke one to relieve boredom!"

"You can't sleep either!" Lu Ziming took the cigarette, and to be honest, he was dying of sleep now, but he couldn't fall asleep during the day. Offensive, isn't it all right?"

"Dang!" Old Qian took the ZIP lighter Lu Ziming gave him and lit his cigarette: "I have a very bad premonition. Dark creatures can launch attacks on the base all day long. This way they can attack. The efficiency will be higher. We don't even have a chance to go to the toilet, unless they have other conspiracies."

"We can't stand it anymore. If it's like what you said, the base will be over in less than a week." Lu Ziming took a deep breath and choked his lungs, but he still endured it. Living.

   "Platoon Commander Lu, why do you say that the dark creatures directly attack the ground position, and have to attack the base from the ground. Isn't this unnecessary?"

"Lao He! Come here and tell Lao Qian why the dark creatures have to attack the underground base instead of attacking the ground position first." Lu Ziming and Lao He deduced various possibilities and came up with a seemingly most common understanding. Possibility.

  Lao He hit the middle of the two, and the three of them leaned against the wall and looked at the ceiling and smoked, all seeming to be wandering.

   "Old money, what advantages do you think dark creatures have?"

The old money said without hesitation: "Does this still need to be said? Number, size, speed, strength and various weird skills. Some people say that the number of dark creatures is more than one million, and some people say that there are five or six hundred thousand, which is better than us anyway. The base has a large number of people".

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