End Times Dust Light

Chapter 629: Back to base

People in the apocalypse are generally very courageous. As long as the risk factor is not high, it is guaranteed that someone will rush to do it. Just like the previous two search teams, it was originally not a difficult task. It was almost annihilated because of negligence and carelessness. result.

"Team Lu, there are still two trucks available, and the remaining vehicles are all destroyed." The two search teams have 6 trucks and two jeeps. A truck and a jeep escaped in the chaos, and the remaining vehicles also interacted with each other. Bumped together, it's hard to repair.

  "Remove the machine gun from the scrapped jeep and install it on our car, collect all the weapons on the ground, and hide it in Beihu Village in a while!"

  Lu Ziming would not be silly to exchange these things to the base. When he went out next time, he still didn’t know what weapon he would give Yiming team, so that he would leave a way for him to take precautions.

  Walking into a small supermarket, there are some moldy food scattered on the ground. The shelves and counters are empty. A few bones on the ground indicate that the place has been looted and the possibility of finding food is no longer large.

  Di Huang walked in from outside the door and said: "Team Lu, we have already searched here, and we haven't found anything of value!"

There are still many places in Lou Township that have not been inspected, not only because of the mutated poultry, but also because there is not enough time. "Let him gather together, let's go back to the base!"

  When passing by Beihu Village, Lu Ziming found a concealed place to hide the extra vehicles and weapons, and returned to the base with only food and some cooking oil.

  As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the base, the Yiming team was stopped by the soldiers guarding the entrance.

  The old money stopped doing it: "We will send the weapons to the weapon store by ourselves. Why let us get off here? We are the search team and we have to go to the logistics department to hand in the task...".

  Several guard soldiers slammed their guns at the humans in the car and said: "This is an order, and the rebels are killed!"

  Lu Ziming pulled a handful of old money, and there is no need to reason with these soldiers: "Then what should we do with our mission, will it be handed to you?"

  "You can register here. As for whether the task is completed, the logistics department will notify you after reviewing it!" The soldier said with a cold expression on his face.

  "Okay! Let's get off the car and leave all the weapons in the car!"

  Lao He quietly walked to Lu Ziming's side and whispered: "Team Lu, I feel like something is wrong. At the beginning, the logistics department didn't say that. Could there be other reasons!"

Lu Ziming didn’t know what had happened, maybe the rules were changed. Anyway, the Yiming team has completed the task, and they are not afraid of any tricks they play: "Let’s go back first. Isn’t it clear if you just ask?"

  Although I feel unhappy, I can only do this, unless I want to conflict with the base, what else can I do. Fortunately, I didn't put all the chips on the base and kept a hand in Beihu Village, otherwise this time I really lost a lot.

Lu Ziming didn’t know. Just after he left, a few people walked out of the room at the entrance. One of them said with a smile: "Thank you for your help, Chief Du and Company Chief Yu. The rewards are sent, I must thank you both!"

The man who spoke was the officer who pointed his **** to Lu Zi, and the two people around him hurriedly said: "Captain Shu is polite, these trivial matters are not enough, besides, the food was originally yours, but it was picked up by the Yiming team. It makes sense everywhere."

   "That's right! The members of Yiming team also want to go out to perform tasks, and don't look at their own weights, that is, Captain Shu does not care about Yiming team, otherwise it will be light to lock them up."

Battalion Commander Shu waved his hand embarrassedly. He was just a deputy commander. He was expecting to go out to earn some military exploits, but he almost lost his life. He hurriedly said: "I don't want to make a big mess. I just want to get me back. Yiming’s food is enough. The Yiming team said it was just a little better luck. In the future, they will count on the two of you to take care of you!"

  While speaking, Commander Shu commanded people to drive the vehicle into the area of ​​the logistics department. After the task was handed in, the reward would not be issued until after the review, so it was useless for Commander Shu to be in a hurry.

  Of course, Lu Ziming would not know these things. It is said that Lu Ziming and his party returned to the room, took out part of the hidden dry goods, and asked his fellow to process the dried shrimps. It's not that Lu Ziming doesn't want to cook by himself, because the underground base can't cook at all, so he can't make the room "smoky".

  Lu Ziming opened two bottles of good wine, poured himself a small glass, and toasted: "Cheers to Yiming Team’s first successful outing!"


To say that the food of the Yiming team is already top-notch in the base, a bowl of braised sea cucumber is enough to exchange several hundred catties of rice, and I can’t find it if I want to eat it. There are a whole bowl of tea tree mushrooms, fungus, and kelp piled up. How old people drooled.

Dihuang’s mouth was stuffed with half of the sea cucumber and said: “Just eating this meal, it’s worth it to die right away. I didn’t expect that there will be so many good things when going out to search. I think the Yiming team will rest for two days and take a few more tasks. ...".

   "Just be content, you didn't see the first two search teams, more than 30 people survived in the end, without the Lu team, you think we can come back alive this time!"

Lu Ziming smiled and said, "No matter how great an individual's power is, it is limited. If I encounter a large group of mutant creatures, I will turn around and run...! The Yiming team clenched together is an invincible fist, as long as we are in the same heart. Together, such a good day will continue every day."

   "Team Lu, let me go out with you next time. I can walk now. Driving shouldn't be a problem. One more person will be a lot more work." Xiao Xia only suffered extensive burns, but now, she seems to be recovering well, and she doesn't want to stay in the base to eat leisurely.

   "Okay! I'm afraid I will have to wait a few days when I go out next time. Go for a walk and get some insight. It will help your body and experience!"

  Madame is also a bit embarrassed. If the most useless person is now, she will not go out on the battlefield or go out with her. It seems that she will be alone in a leisurely meal.

   "Team Lu, take me with you next time you go out. Although I can't play any role, I still have no problem with the little things that go out to cook and watch out?"

Although others didn’t say anything, Lu Ziming knew that everyone thought Lu Ziming liked Xiaoyuan, so they didn’t let her go out on adventures. Naturally, no one said anything about eating idle meals. Only Xiaoyuan knew that Lu Ziming. It doesn't mean this at all.

   "No, Xiao Si wants you to look after him, who will take care of Xiao Si when you go out", Lu Ziming rejected it without even thinking about it.

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