End Times Dust Light

Chapter 677: guess

The division of day and night in Chi You’s space is strictly simulated according to the earth’s time and weather, which means that the northern hemisphere of the earth is now entering winter. In Chi You’s space, the celestial phenomena and temperature seen and felt will also decrease, but this decrease is not very obvious. , Only those who have lived in Chi You's space for a long time can feel it.

  Fat Cat and Zidian slept beautifully in the newly rented room in Chi You's space. It was already ten o'clock in the morning when they woke up. Soon they felt that the comfort of Chi You's space was beyond their imagination.

When the two opened their eyes from their sleep, the first thing they saw was the image projected from the void. The appearance is the same as that of a human on earth. "Good morning, Mr. Fat Cat and Miss Zidian! I am your housekeeper. , Which is the smart program of this house, number: 07568. You can set a humanized name for me, or reset my personality and appearance. In the next month, I will provide you with the best Good service and consulting service. Just now, the system detected that you need to replenish energy, which is the food you said. I have configured several sets of nutritious meals according to your physical conditions. You can match them according to your own taste..." .

Zidian screamed and wrapped her body in the quilt. Yesterday, she was so happy and crazy with the fat cat. Now the body in the quilt is still bare and ugly: "You..., how did you come out, why are you now? Come out?" Zidian was very angry. If he knew there was a smart program in the room, he wouldn't have done anything with Fat Cat yesterday if he killed himself.

The figure in the phantom seems to be very aggrieved, "I'm sorry! I'm very sorry to disturb the two of you. According to the system settings, there is no room owner calling, I will not be activated. At the same time, the system is also set. If you contact me within an hour to go online, you will be judged that you do not know the existence of the smart program, so I must show up to meet with you?"

Yesterday the two were so excited that they forgot to check the room manual. Naturally, they didn’t know that there was a smart program. The room manual was placed on the bedside of both of them. Of course, Fat Cat and Zidian also saw it, but both Didn't care.

   Zidian's face was embarrassed, and he kicked the fat cat under the bed. This sin would naturally be vented on the fat cat's head.

  Fat cat hugged his lower body in both hands and shouted: "Okay, now you can close it, we need privacy!"

The appearance of this scene made Fat Cat and Zidian dumbfounded. After reading the house manual again, they found that there was indeed an introduction to the smart program. At the same time, the two also found that there are many functions that they could not imagine. It is no exaggeration to say , As long as you have enough crystals, you can live a lifetime comfortably without going out. Of course, the price is also amazing.

  "This place is decades more advanced than any city on the earth before the end of the world. No! It is hundreds of years advanced. Even if we are both capable of hunting, I am afraid that we can't live for a year!"

Who would want to take risks in a comfortable environment, but not in Chi You Space. Everything here uses crystals as currency. Once the crystals are recovered by Chi You Space, it is impossible to put them on the market like the country’s arbitrarily printing currency. That is to say, crystals cannot be flooded, and the risk of devaluation will naturally not exist. The only thing to do is to constantly obtain more crystals from the outside world. This is the cornerstone of driving the entire Chiyou space.

"From what we know, the entire operation of Chi You's space is maintained by crystals. As Chi You's space itself, it will not produce extra materials to support the base. From this point of view, Lu Ziming's words may be right! "

  Zi Diandao: "If your judgment is correct, wouldn't Chi You Space be useless?"

"Things need to be divided into two. We can treat Chi You Space as a factory. If there are no raw materials, that is, if external resources are supplemented, Chi You Space will not be able to maintain it. In other words, Chi You Space cannot help the base for free! "

Zidian still puzzled: "I can understand these words, but Chi You's space has existed for countless years, and it is impossible to have no reserves at all. Otherwise, wouldn't Chi You's space have long disappeared?"

"This is really the second question I want to talk about. Why does Chi You Space need a master? To survive, Chi You Space must exchange materials with the outside world, and this exchange also requires a civilized spokesperson, that is us. Generally speaking, the CEO of the company, Lu Ziming is the CEO of Chiyou Space. He represents the contact between Chi You Space and humans on the earth, and this person must be outstanding in order to have the existence of the trial field of life and death!"

Zidian nodded, and Fat Cat made a lot of sense. The Chiyou space was not built by Lu Ziming. Of course, it is impossible to interfere with the inherent operation law of Chi You space. Lu Ziming said clearly in the military department, but it seems that there is no People are willing to believe his words.

  "If your analysis is correct, it is really difficult for the base to get help from Chiyou Space. Whether it is Lu Ziming or Li Ziming, it can't change this reality. The people at the base think too simple."

  Fat cat smiled and said: "Things are not as pessimistic as we thought. Although Chiyou Space cannot help the base, but Lu Ziming can help the base?"

   Zidian's eyes lit up and said: "What did you find?"

"I didn't find anything, but I can infer other things based on some phenomena. For example, Chiyou Space has finally found a master. It is impossible to let go, and it is impossible not to leave Lu Ziming with nothing, that is to say. , Chiyou Space must protect Lu Ziming. They should be interdependent...?"

   "Oh! What did you find?"

"It's hard to say, these are all speculations. For example, the extra weapons in Lu Ziming's hands, but you didn't find out. At the beginning, we saw the points list in the life and death trial field. Many of the above medicines were not sold in the processing zone. But There is a list of points. Another example is the high-tech weapon Lu Ziming brought out, but there is no list of points..."

  Zi Dian was confused by the fat cat, "What do you want to say, hurry up! Don't be circumspect, okay?"

  At this time, the breakfast ordered by the two has appeared on the dining table through the dedicated passage, and the Fat Cat 6 crystals were fully used, making the Fat Cat feel painful.

"Listen to me, in addition to being redeemed for points, where are the things that appeared on the points list at the beginning, and where the high-tech weapons in Lu Ziming's hands were obtained from? We connected the two things. Together, it’s not difficult to come to a conclusion that Chi You’s space left Lu Ziming with a fortune, so that he can grow up quickly and have the ability to stand alone against the outside world. Of course, this is what Lu Ziming deserves. of."

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