End Times Dust Light

Chapter 691: conspiracy

While avoiding bullets, Lu Ziming did not forget Lorraine beside him. He took Lorland’s hand and repelled him. As long as he stretched a distance and had time to contact Zixin, Ziming would immediately send him to fight. Robots, and block the entire processing area.

  Up to now, Lu Ziming hasn’t even figured out why he attacked himself. Isn’t fair dealing bad? Could it be that if you kill yourself, the base can get the most benefit, and you also risk Li Juan's capture...

Thinking of Li Juan, Lu Ziming, who had retired, glanced in the direction of Li Juan, and found that Li Juan was still standing there. Unlike her shock and anger, her face was puzzled and puzzled, and she was still asking these people where they were. do what.

  "Hurry up and stop, why are you doing this!"

  No one answered Li Juan’s words. Instead, he heard different words from the bodyguard around him: "Commander Li, come with us!"

  Two people rushed to Li Juan's side, but they were intercepted by Li Juan's bodyguards, "What are you doing? Who instructed you to do this...".

The bodyguard, like Lu Ziming, has countless doubts to ask, but the next scene shocked Lu Ziming and Li Juan at the same time. The two people who rushed up did not speak, but directly detonated the bomb hidden in their bodies. .

"Boom, boom!" Two loud noises suddenly sounded. Lu Ziming saw Li Juan and the four bodyguards being lifted by the explosion at the same time, and the bodyguards in front of Li Juan were blown into countless fragments. Even if it was Li Juan who was hiding behind the bodyguard, Lu Ziming saw that one of her arms was blown up, and the whole person was flying like a kite with a broken wire.

  If Lu Ziming thought that the attack was against him a second ago, then what is going on now? Is it because he misunderstood or was dreaming.

Suddenly the situation became more subtle. Everything seemed to have been carefully planned. Although it is still not clear what happened, the flying bullets and the ear-piercing explosions reminded Lu Ziming that all this is true. of.

  The huge robot crashed to the ground in the sound of the explosion. The explosion can destroy the robot's control system, but it cannot break the robot. Just as the robot was shaken and broken, the splashed blood and residual limbs were flying around the processing area like raindrops.

  At this moment, Lu Ziming at least understood why the base must conduct transactions in the processing zone. The reason is very simple, because there is no security defense system here. The security defense system inside Chi You Space is mainly concentrated in three places, at the entrance of Chi You Space, around the street public area and the core area, and no security defense system is installed in other places.

This is not to say that Chiyou Space does not have the ability to install security defense systems in any corner, but out of fear of intelligent life, that is, human panic and resistance, no one wants to live in an environment where there are surveillance probes and muzzles everywhere. This is not a normal social structure environment, unless Chi You Space itself is a huge prison.

  Don’t say that other people can’t stand it. Lu Ziming will feel uncomfortable if he stays in such a place.

  All this happened to be used by the base exploration. Instinctively speaking, Lu Ziming believed that Chiyou space was safe, but at this moment he knew that he was completely wrong.

If this is not a conspiracy, then what is the attack against yourself? The base is frantically using human bombs to attack the robot. This may be the best way the base can think of. As long as the robot is destroyed, the processing area will be destroyed. Controlled by these people, the situation has become so bad that it can't be added.

  Thinking about some things is just a few thoughts. After Li Juan was attacked, Luo Lan next to Lu Ziming did not choose to continue to retreat and evade, but rushed in the direction of Li Juan.

   "Lorland, come back soon, it's dangerous!"

The situation in the   processing area has become extremely complicated. Some people are screaming and shouting, running around in panic, and being hit by stray bullets. More people were at a loss, and like Lu Ziming, they didn't know what was going on. They stood there blankly, their eyes full of fear and panic.

Obviously some of these people were premeditated. They took out the weapons hidden under their clothes and began to attack the inside of the processing area in a planned way. They used explosives to open the gate in front of them, and behind the gate was the processing area. In the factory, the actions of these people are highly consistent. Obviously, they have been trained before, and someone has carefully planned the steps of the entire operation.

  Some people quickly rushed to the weapons and equipment to be traded, took out the weapons and equipment from the box, and then took out the bullets and energy to immediately form a strong combat effectiveness.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ziming can already conclude that these people are the special forces just formed by the base. Obviously, these people know very well the weapons and equipment provided by Chiyou Space, and even if ordinary soldiers get these weapons and equipment, there will be no time for a long time. You can't use it proficiently at all.

   "It seems that the base has already started planning this operation a long time ago! And I am so stupid to negotiate with the base what weapons and equipment will be traded, I am so stupid!"

  I was already very careful. All the transactions were carried out inside Chi You Space. Of course, this was because Lu Ziming was very wary of the base, and also to prevent the base from being frantic and attacking him, but all this still happened.

Everything before was an illusion created by the base for Lu Ziming. First, Fat Cat and Zidian were asked to test Lu Ziming’s attitude and bottom line, then Staff Tian was in contact with him, and then he said that the base’s materials were insufficient and slaves were used. We exchanged weapons and equipment with Chi You Space. After the first batch of weapons and equipment were exchanged, special forces were immediately formed. These special forces are the main force in attacking Chi You Space. By now, all the clues have been largely clear.

  There is one more thing Lu Ziming did not figure out. That is why these people attacked Li Juan. Isn't the whole plan planned by Li Juan?

  Lu Ziming has never been willing to think about things that are not clear. Conspiracy is not Lu Ziming's specialty. Now that it has happened, there is no need to regret it.

   However, Luo Lan's actions surprised Lu Ziming. After seeing Li Juan's injury, Luo Lan went to the rescue despite his own danger.

  At this time, Li Juan was about to be surrounded by the rebels. The body bomb killed two of the four bodyguards beside Li Juan. The remaining two were also seriously injured, hiding behind the pillars in the processing hall and resisting stubbornly. But this low-level resistance is like a candle in the wind, which can be extinguished at any time.

  After receiving the supplement of Chiyou space weapons and equipment, the rebels launched the most violent attack on Li Juan, and Li Juan’s situation was already precarious for a while.

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