End Times Dust Light

Chapter 698: Reality and Dreamland (2)

Lu Ziming clearly remembered that the reason why he said goodbye to her was precisely because he lost the gift he was going to give her, and at this moment the gift was taken away by the other oneself, and he took away the other one’s gift. This led to another reason why he didn't appear, which was ridiculous and inconceivable.

All this is too weird. I remember that I was desperately looking for the missing feathers in the dormitory, but I couldn't find it. As a result, I spread grievances on the students in the same dormitory. For this reason, I became more isolated, the initiator of all this. It turned out to be myself, I stole another gift I prepared, so who would believe it?

  At this time, the school bell on campus rang again, and the reluctant figure left the garden, and saw another one dragging a long shadow behind the statue. It was a lost figure disappearing into the shadow.

  How many times have I wanted to rush over to tell another self that the gift is in my own hands, but my reason tells myself that although all this is a dream, it should not be destroyed.

I don’t know what kind of reflection will be produced when two selves with the same identity but different experiences appear together. Maybe the dream will be broken in the next moment and pull myself back to reality. I don’t want to do this, I want to stay more. Take a look at her.

  It was a very strange feeling, as if she had noticed herself and glanced up at the tree deliberately or unintentionally, but saw nothing, leaving the campus with a sense of sadness and frustration.

I don’t know what she is thinking about at this time, whether she will think of another herself, and the other her own feeling is the feeling of her now, and there is something wrong with it. It seems that something is changing. At this moment, I am confused. NS.

Looking at the distant back, I suddenly remembered that there is an important thing that has not been done. Now I have an essential difference from the other myself. I don’t know how I will react when I appear in front of her. I can tell. Is it different from yourself?

  I can’t take care of a lot now, and I have fulfilled another one of my own wishes. Maybe this dream is over. This is the best explanation for why I appeared at this time.

  Lu Ziming's figure disappeared from the tree. In his dream, he still had the strength of the seventh-order evolution. Soon after, he found the car she was riding in at an intersection. In order to conceal why he suddenly appeared at the intersection, Lu Ziming pretended to be panting and rushed to her car.

  She found herself in the car, with shock and confusion on her face, she rolled down the car window and said, "Why... why are you here?"

"After a delay, I finally caught up. This is my gift. If you like it, can you like it..." At this moment, Lu Ziming didn't know what to say, did he only appear to complete a missing dream? ? There was still some elusive mentality in his heart, and the whole mind suddenly became confused.

When I saw her smiling face, I knew that all of this was not necessarily true. It only appeared here because of a shortcoming. There was nothing to worry about. Looking at the car in the distance, Lu Ziming found that he was disappearing. , A self that shouldn’t have appeared, fulfilled another one’s wish, and the other one knows all this?

  As soon as I fulfilled another wish of my own, my heart moved suddenly, and the feeling of separation disappeared. I and her will meet again at some point in the future, as if it was destined.

  What will happen in reality? Is everything happening here really dreams? Lu Ziming was completely lost. He didn't know what was true. It was as if he was looking in a mirror. When he appeared in front of the mirror, there was a self in the mirror, but when he left, did the self in the mirror also leave?

  One after another logical paradox appeared in his mind. Lu Ziming suddenly opened his eyes and found that he was still in the medical repair warehouse. The difference was that he no longer knew whether everything in front of him was real.

"I don't know how long I have stayed here." Watching the robot outside the medical repair warehouse opened the hatch, there are still two women lying in the two medical repair warehouses beside them. Their injuries are much more serious than their own. Take longer to repair.

After spending 18 hours in the medical repair room, Lu Ziming subconsciously checked the time and found that the time lost in the dream was also exactly 18 hours. Numerous mysteries appeared in his mind. Is he really in reality now? ?

The dream has left an indelible deep impression on Lu Ziming. It is an indescribable sense of reality. It is definitely different from ordinary dreams. This is why and why I have such strange dreams. After Luolan and Li Juan wake up, they must Ask them if they also had the same dream. Could it be a side effect of the medical restoration warehouse?

"Master, how do you feel when you wake up? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Zixin appeared in front of Lu Ziming, still with that lively and innocent face, with an innocent smile, and found that Lu Ziming seemed to be He looked worried, a little uneasy.

"Nothing, just take a rest, maybe it will take some time to adapt." If Lu Ziming's injury is treated by human medical technology, I am afraid that he will not be able to get out of bed within two or three months. The medical repair room will only be used. In 18 hours, even the wounds on his body disappeared, which is really unaccustomed.

  "Humans will have a false sense of discomfort after using the medical repair warehouse for the first time. This is a normal thing. Just rest for a day or two," Zi Xin explained.

  "How is their situation?"

  When Zi Xin's eyes rested on Li Juan's body, her eyes were full of anger, "Master, why do you want to save her, wouldn't it be better to let her die?"

   "You don't understand this. Before this matter is clear, any guesses may be wrong. Maybe she is also a victim of a conspiracy, and there is not much hatred between me and her..."

Zi Xin's expression seemed to be in a daze, and the next second there was confusion in her eyes: "Master, I found a very strange thing. There are genes in her body that are similar to those of her master, and this gene is Chiyou Space. An existence that cannot be controlled yet, I wonder if it is because of this that the Lord saved her?"

"There are the same genes," Lu Ziming smiled and said: "Every human being has similar genes. I saved her only out of morality and because of Lorraine. No other factors are involved in it." .

"It's really different. I have carefully checked that this gene is not in another woman's body. This gene affects human feelings, just like the bond between relatives. It is beyond the scope of normal understanding. More data is needed to test before it can be judged!"

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