End Times Dust Light

Chapter 745: My destiny is in my own hands

  Speaking of now, if Lu Ziming does not understand what Zhao Zhuobiao is talking about, he can just hit the tofu with his head.

  Speaking of it, it is just that Zhang Yechang is optimistic about Lu Ziming's development strength, which is similar to venture capital. Since it is an investment, the issue of return must be considered, and no one hopes that it will lose money in the end. Zhang Yechang is also an investment in Harbin, and it is also an investment in Jincheng. However, after seeing Lu Ziming, Zhang Yechang changed the direction of investment and discovered the potential stock of Lu Ziming. Of course, he did not want to let go.

   "What does Professor Zhang mean!"

"It's very simple!" Zhao Zhuobiao said with three fingers up: "First, the two parties do not interfere with each other, and the research results can be shared with each other, but the freedom and research of the other party cannot be restricted; second, all the resources of Chiyou Space are open, of course Professor Zhang will never Will use the public for personal gain, let alone fill his own pockets; 3. Professor Zhang wants to keep a private arm of his own, the number is less than 100, of course it is not that he can't trust Brother Lu, it is completely out of future considerations, I don't know Brother Lu how about!"

  Lu Ziming was very upset, but his face calmly said: "Then what can I get, why should I agree to Professor Zhang's request?"

  Since it is a cooperative relationship, you must always ensure the interests of yourself and Chiyou Space. Like the base, there is no benefit to who is willing to make a loss-making business. Talking about the risk of selflessness is either a fool or an extreme hypocrisy. If you talk about things on the table, it doesn't matter if you don't agree. No one can guarantee that the other party will be satisfied.

Zhao Zhuobiao confidently said: "Professor Zhang has a scientific research team in his hands. In the last days, in addition to the evolvers, they are precious scientific researchers, but the number of evolvers is very small. It is impossible to count on the evolvers for many things, and ordinary people are not worthless. I Is that right?"

   "Say very good, go on!"

"Any base cannot lack its own research team. Although Chiyou Space can provide weapons and equipment processing, the technology is not as good as human hands in Chi You Space. Moreover, we can use Chi You Space technology to develop more advanced technology. It lacks high technology. How can scientific researchers. In addition, the science and technology in Chiyou space is dead, and there can be no new developments, but with the scientific research team, it is different, at least the science and technology suitable for human needs can be researched. At the same time, we also noticed that, The technology in Chi You’s space is relatively single, and the technology provided by each relic is different, and it is impossible for Brother Lu to own all the relics at the same time. At this time, the exchanges between scientific researchers are inevitable. Are these not enough?"

  Lu Ziming coldly snorted, “Is this brother Zhao’s meaning or Professor Zhang’s idea?”

Zhao Zhuobiao was taken aback, and immediately realized that Lu Ziming seemed to be dissatisfied: "Brother Lu, Professor Zhang and I just want to have an equal and safe place for dialogue, without interfering with each other. Wouldn't we not agree to such conditions? ?"

   "So, I have two good suggestions. I wonder if Brother Zhao would like to listen?"

"Please say!"

Lu Ziming put up a finger and said: "First, as you said, we don’t interfere with each other. As for what you want from Chi You’s space, you can exchange things; second, I can completely obey my command. Provide you with security protection and all the conditions required for your research, and will not interfere with the results of your research, but the results of the research must belong to me. You and Professor Zhang can consider these two suggestions and answer me!"

  Zhao Zhuobiao did not speak for a while. The second suggestion was the same as Zhang Yechang’s current situation. They were all attached to the base, obeyed the command of the base, and subject to the control of the base. There was nothing surprising. However, the first suggestion seems to be good. The relationship between the two parties is purely interest. Although there is full freedom and no binding force, if you want to get any resources and help, you must pay the corresponding price. This is also what Lu Ziming did. The biggest concession.

  It is really not easy for Lu Ziming to make such a concession. What are the senior researchers? Is there a hard fist?

It’s not difficult to see from the attitudes of other bases towards scientific researchers that if scientific researchers are obedient, the base doesn’t mind giving these people a little bit of benefit and power. If they dare to do small actions behind their backs or have strange thoughts, thunder means will come. This is power and the end times.

   "So, does it take a little more time to think about it!"

  Zhao Zhuobiao teased: "Brother Lu is a good idea. You can think of such suggestions. I still underestimate you. Okay! This matter can only be answered after I see Professor Zhang."

  Lu Ziming also didn't want to force Zhao Zhuobiao, what the situation of scientific researchers in the end times was like, he had found it by himself.

  In the past, when I didn't have the strength, I always had any thoughts that were always pressed in my heart. The better thing is: low-key, and the ugly thing is: cowardly, there is no resistance at all.

In the last days, a brand new chapter has opened. Lu Ziming no longer wants to look at other people’s faces and rely on the breath of others to survive. For the first time, his destiny is in his own hands. Since this is the case, why should he give his future to others? Hands.

What is scientific research? If strength is one's own life, scientific research is one's own armor. Ever since he mastered the Chiyou space, Lu Ziming has always dreamed of having the strongest scientific research team in the world, which will take oneself from the inside to the outside. , Armed from head to toe, truly invincible in the last days.

  Zhao Zhuobiao is not wrong. Others think that they are satisfied with the Chiyou space, wrong! Getting Chiyou space allowed Lu Ziming to complete the gorgeous transformation from pupa to butterfly. In the past, even if he had any thoughts, it was just a flower in the water and the moon in the mirror. Murong Bopeng threw himself a bone at the beginning, and he hugged it in his arms, but there was a thread tied to the bone, and the other end was in Murong Bopeng. In his hands, everything he gets does not belong to him, and perhaps waking up is just a dream of yellow beams.

  Now is different. Chi You Space is using Lu Ziming, and Lu Ziming is also using Chi You Space to seek the greatest benefit. The relationship with Chi You Space is like two grasshoppers on a rope, and they have the right to speak for the first time.

Zhao Zhuobiao may never understand Lu Ziming’s feelings, the feeling of marionette’s powerlessness. He used to be a chess piece, but now he is the one who wants to play chess. Maybe this is ambition, because he has the strength and has the control of his destiny. Lu Ziming will not give up or flinch from the opportunity.

Lu Ziming hugged Leng Meiren’s fragrant shoulders and laughed: "My destiny is in my hands, and my path is my own. If you and Professor Zhang are willing to follow, I will meet each other and treat each other equally, even if we can’t agree. It’s okay, my promise will always be valid, and you and Professor Zhang are welcome to join us at any time.”

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