End Times Dust Light

Chapter 753: Dual skills

  Lu Ziming is not good at speed, his level is not low, but the speed of the ghost face spinner is too fast, except for the instantaneous high speed, it is almost impossible to escape the air pursuit of the ghost face spinner.

  Although it has an instantaneous speed, it cannot last long. Moreover, the ghost-faced spinner mosquito is in the air, no matter how fast it escapes, it can’t escape the ghost-face spinner’s sight. For a while, Lu Ziming could not pay attention. The main reason was that there was no good way. He could only use his vigorous hands to attack the ghost face stinging mosquitoes behind him, trying to find a way while running.

   Running and running, I felt another bite by the ghost face stinging mosquito on his waist. I didn't even think about it and grabbed it again. Before my hand touched the ghost face stinging mosquito, I felt a wave of energy enveloping myself.

   "Huh!" Lu Ziming's eyes lit up and he was extremely depressed and said, "That's all right!"

  Some things have not been done, and I don’t know if it will work. The vigorous hand that was supposed to be a means of attack can also become a protective shield, just like forming an invisible and solid protective cover around the body, wrapping itself tightly. Although I don’t know how strong the defensive effect of the vigor cover produced by this vigorous hand is, it can at least resist the attack of the ghost face spinner mosquito. Perhaps the attack power of the ghost face spinner mosquito is too weak to penetrate the protection of the vigor mask. The attacks of the thorn mosquitoes are blocked outside the scope of the force cover.

Lu Ziming's pressure was suddenly relieved, and he immediately realized that the vigor shield evolved from the vigor hand is a brand-new protection skill. The attack of a ghost face thorn mosquito has little effect on the vigor shield, but one hundred, One thousand, or even ten thousand?

"It must be verified." Thinking of this, Lu Ziming deliberately slowed down, and did not use his vigorous hands to attack the ghost face spinner mosquito, but divided some mental calculations, and paid close attention to the ghost face spinner mosquito's attack on the vigor shield, and the impact on the vigor shield. s damage.

  This is the first time that I have realized a brand-new skill. Maybe this skill has existed a long time ago, but after all, it was just discovered by myself and no one has ever used it. As for the effect, I can’t guarantee it.

A ghost-faced thorn mosquito rushed over, and its sharp and slender mouthparts hit the power cover, like a moth hitting a high-speed train, and a very faint cracking sound was faintly heard, as if the ghost-face thorn mosquito had actually hit the air force cover. What a hard object. Although the real existence of the vigor shield is invisible to the naked eye, the powerful perception tells Lu Ziming that the vigor shield forms a huge invisible shield one meter from the body, and it provides 360-degree protection. This defensive effect is equivalent to the body. Wearing a super armor, it didn't affect his actions in the slightest.

Lu Ziming felt ecstasy in his heart. Defense was also his weakness. Although he had a pretty good mutated turtle armor, he was too heavy to wear and restricted his movement. Secondly, it was impossible to protect the whole body. There were always some parts. What can't be protected, such as the head and neck, can't be dangling around with the helmet on the sky!

The sudden appearance of the vigor cover made Lu Ziming's heart ecstatic. For a long time, he had not carefully studied the impact of the devouring talent. I can't blame myself. I have been running around all the time, and the time to really calm down and practice is getting more and more. Less, more are troubled by everything.

  Respect for strength in the last days. Without strength, even an ant is inferior to being abandoned and trampled at will.

  The vigor cover was not static. At first, the vigor cover was wrapped around the body, but as Lu Ziming ran, there were signs of dissipating, like a cloud of smoke blowing away in the wind. It is necessary to continuously inject strength into the vigor cover. If there is no attack from the ghost face stinging mosquito, the speed at which this strength dissipates is not something Lu Ziming can bear. But it won't work if you don't inject strength. Once you don't have the support of strength, the strength cover will quickly disappear.

  As the vitality in the body is continuously injected into the vitality cover, it may be a collateral effect from running. Lu Ziming suddenly noticed that the vitality cover around his body was slowly rotating. I didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning, this kind of rotation is much like the airflow wrapping the body, forming the same effect as a tornado. The dissipation speed of the vigor becomes weaker with the speed of the rotation, and even a weak wind blade effect is produced.

  Whether it is a vigor hand or a vigor mask, strictly speaking, it is a form of vigor use, but my ability to use this kind of use is a bit lower.

  Lu Ziming was shocked, he seemed to have opened a brand new door. Behind this door was a brand new world, an unknown world he had never seen before, waiting for him to develop, explore and research.

   But these things will not be discussed until I have left the dangerous place. Under the impetus of vigor and divine consciousness, the vigor of the whole body gradually formed a small vigorous storm cover.

  Different from the vigor hand and the vigor shield, the vigor storm is a melee skill that integrates offense and defense, which is equivalent to combining the vigor hand and the vigor shield with each other. How to prevent Lu Ziming from being ecstatic. Regarding the strength hand as a primary school student, the strength cover is a junior high school student, and the strength storm is already at the level of a high school student.

   Although I don’t know what kind of surprise the vigor will bring to me in the end, there is no doubt that the power of devouring talent is not something that Lu Ziming can peek at now. Having mastered the fur, he has discovered a lot of mystery.

  It’s no wonder that some people say that only fighting can make a person grow up quickly. If there is no ghost-faced mosquito, I don’t know when I can master the skills of vigor shield and vigor storm.

  Although he was caught in a dangerous situation, he knew nothing but a blessing, but he mastered two new skills and could not get Lu Ziming out of the current danger. The ghost-faced thorn mosquitoes above the head are endless, killing one and another, killing another and appearing a bunch, covering the sky, and Lu Ziming can't breathe even more pressure.

  Strong storm should be an advanced skill. Since it is an advanced skill, it has a huge demand for energy and consumes a lot of energy all the time. In a short period of time, there were no shortcomings, but the ghost-faced spinner mosquitoes obviously would not give up. Waves after waves of ghost-faced spinner mosquitoes that did not know what they were dead swooped down from the air like a fighter jet, and rushed into the storm of strength. It seemed to have fallen into a meat grinder, torn, strangled, and crushed, turned into a blood mist and minced meat, and then was thrown out fiercely.

  Lu Ziming's speed slowed down, his peak state fell to the middle stage, and he could only keep throwing energy potions into his mouth, and the consumption rate was far greater than the speed of replenishment.

  This is the first time that I have faced a mosquito infestation and felt powerless in the face of a ghost mosquito. Is there really no other way? The joy of having just mastered the double re-skills was wiped out.

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