End Times Dust Light

Chapter 760: Alien

  In the woods, Lu Ziming had a weird feeling, just like Leng Meiren said, as if he was stripped and stood in the downtown area being watched by countless people. When I saw the tentacled root system of living creatures, this feeling became stronger and stronger, and I even began to wonder if the trees around me were also alive. Of course, living in this sense has nothing to do with ordinary trees, and more like a legendary tree. People exist.

  "Yan! I found that if we stand still, those tentacles will entangle us, but once we move around, these tentacles will not entangle us!"

  The cold beauty also felt that when the underground tentacles all retracted into the ground when they jumped up, they might not be interested in living things? Of course, this is just the two people's guess, and they need to prove it before they know it.

The two of them walked deeper into the dense forest. As long as the two of them made a sound, large and small gums would fall on the tree, a bit the size of a soybean, and a bit as big as a washbasin. Fortunately, both of them were dressed in grass. Only then can it pass through without risk.

   "Stop!" Lu Ziming stopped suddenly, looking around nervously.

"What's wrong!"

   "Do you feel it, as if something is approaching us?"

   "No! Are you too nervous?" Leng Meiren turned her head and looked around. The surroundings were still quiet, there was nothing but two of them.

   "Really?" Lu Ziming breathed a sigh of relief, and just about to lift his leg to continue walking, suddenly he leaped and kept the cold beauty and rolled aside. At this moment, from the place where the two of them stood just now, a vine with the thickness of a bowl sprang out from the ground, shot straight into the sky, followed by a spiral of vines, and slashed at them like a whip. .


Lu Ziming pushed away Leng Meiren, the vines hit the ground between the two with a "swish", followed by bounced like a spring, shaking in the air, the steel whip turned into a soft whip Leng Meiren swept over her legs. Leng Meiren hadn't slowed down and got up from the ground, she felt her legs entangled by something, and she followed as if someone grabbed her legs and dragged her.

  Leng Mei was struggling desperately, her hands clasped the ground firmly, grabbing the bare grass on the ground, but the dragging force was very strong, and her body involuntarily pulled a trace on the grass.

   "Ziming, help me!"

Lu Ziming’s life was also difficult. While pushing away Leng Meiren and rolling to the side, two vines with a bowl-thickness were drilled from the ground, and Lu Ziming was wrapped around him and pulled Lu Ziming’s. The body sinks underground.

  In the beginning, Lu Ziming was still surrounded by two vines, but while Lu Ziming was struggling, more and more vines came out of the ground, and the number was uncountable. At the beginning, Lu Ziming seemed to have turned into a silkworm chrysalis, covered with layers of vines. In the end, Lu Ziming could not be seen from the outside of the vines, only a bunch of vines tightly entwined together. It's like a huge vine woven sphere.

  Leng Meiren’s situation is also not good. When she discovered that Lu Ziming was wrapped in vines, she swung a sword and cut off a vine that was entangled around her feet. She just jumped up and prepared to save Lu Ziming. I saw more vines protruding from the ground below my feet, like water plants in the water, but these water plants are not static.

The cold beauty jumped up to a height of more than three meters, but the vines around him suddenly jumped to more than five meters high, entwined with the vines above her head, like a large net covering the cold beauty in the air, she pulled hard, Leng Meiren fell from the air, and then a few more vines bound Leng Meiren’s body tightly, and then sank down and disappeared on the ground. At this time, looking from the ground, Leng Meiren seemed to have never The same happened before, and everything around me fell into the same calm as death again.


  Speaking of the UFO that Lu Ziming and Leng Meiren found in the shuttle, the time was set back to four days ago, above the rain forest in the southern hemisphere.

  Over the rainforest in the southern hemisphere, the sky is clear, there is not even a trace of clouds, the whole sky looks like a pale blue jade.

At this moment, a water ripple appeared in the beautiful jade-like sky, breaking the flawless beautiful jade, and the water ripples quickly spread to the surroundings, and then the sky seemed to be abruptly torn open by a crack, a dark ship. An elongated elliptical object with a metallic luster appeared in the air, and then hung there motionless, as if there was a little black spot on the beautiful jade, which seemed superfluous.

  The oval-shaped object is floating there quietly, and a whole day has passed since the moment it appeared. The creature that had been panicked also began to calm down, only to look up by accident, and then left as if it did not exist. The bird in the air seemed to be close to an elliptical object, but as soon as it flew to a distance of one kilometer from the elliptical object, it was intercepted by invisible force and could no longer get closer.

During this period, several flying planes tried to get close to the oval object, but before they could get close, the planes swayed and fell to the ground like a drunkard. The pilot parachuted to escape, but countless mutant creatures were waiting. Next, no one knew when it happened afterwards, and no man-made aircraft were seen approaching the oval object.

Two days later, someone suddenly discovered that the oval object in the sky had disappeared. It just disappeared out of thin air. No one knew where it went, and no one knew what happened. It was just forgotten by people, just like never. The same happened.

In an inaccessible dense forest, a huge black creation lay quietly there. The creation looked like an elongated and enlarged football. The surrounding light seemed to be swallowed up by the creation, under the abdomen of the creation. , A door slowly opened.

Elina wore a purple dress-like dress like blooming petals, walked out from the door of the spacecraft, took a deep breath, stood at the exit of the spacecraft, and asked, "Is this the earth here? Primitive planet, this planet looks so beautiful, and everything here is mine!"

Behind Alina stood 6 people wrapped in black clothes. The 6 of them were guards of the planet Eritna, equivalent to special forces and royal soldiers on the earth. Each of them reached a height of 2.5 meters. Above, the figure is stronger than the two professional basketball players combined. The skin shows a mysterious sapphire blue. The appearance is somewhat similar to that of the earth, but there are several obvious differences. The four ears, the top of the head and the whole body have faint scales. , There are traces of fish gills on the cheeks. They stood motionless, completely integrated with the black creation behind them. If there is no sound, no one knows their existence.

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