End Times Dust Light

Chapter 764: Purple Spirit Vine (2)

  Lu Ziming shook his head, not because he was unclear, on the contrary, he felt so clear.

"I feel it, that thing is still in my body..." It feels weird, I can't tell what it feels like, it seems that the thing has been assimilated by myself and becomes a part of my body, but the process is quite long, I have not yet Take back control of the body, so give yourself an unreal feeling.

  Leng Meiren's face is full of horror, but she doesn't know what to say, don't talk about her, even Lu Ziming can't explain it clearly.

Lu Ziming squeezed out a smile: "The situation is not as bad as imagined, at least it is still me. I can feel the existence of that thing, how can I say..." It was difficult for Lu Ziming to explain to Leng Meiren what happened inside his body. The situation, comforted: "That thing seems to be alive,...I mean, it seems to have thinking...".

I don’t know how, Lu Ziming suddenly came up with the figure of a small insect in his mind. Leng Meiren has never seen a small insect. I don’t know the mysterious and mysterious way of communication between herself and the small insect. Would never believe it.

   "Thinking! You mean...that thing thinks like a person." Leng Meiren could not express this meaning either.

"I am afraid this is the case." After experiencing many fantasy things, even dark creatures will speak, and what is impossible: "That thing has evolved thinking, I can even feel its weakness, or it was originally It is in the early stages of development. For some reason, it cannot occupy my body, but is slowly controlled by my body...".

   Suddenly, Lu Ziming's body twitched violently. The scared cold beauty tightly hugged Lu Ziming in her arms, and Lu Ziming in her arms fell into a coma again.

  This time, Leng Meiren was unusually calm, perhaps because of her inexplicable trust in Lu Ziming. At the same time, she felt that Lu Ziming had just fallen into a coma and there was nothing unusual about her body. I don’t know how long it has been. Leng Meiren fainted and couldn’t hold on anymore. As soon as she lowered her head, her numb hands and feet couldn’t hold Lu Ziming in her arms. With a "plop", Lu Ziming in her arms rolled down. Ground, surprised! The cold beauty woke up.


  Leng Mei Ren wanted to stand up fiercely, and staggered down on Lu Ziming's body.

   "Hmm!" Lu Zi shook on the ground, and the two of them showed bright smiling faces in their eyes: "You're awake!"

  Lu Ziming stretched out on the ground, revealing two rows of white teeth, and said strangely: "You want to murder your husband!"

Leng Mei raised her hand in annoyance, thought for a while, put it down, pushed Lu Ziming unhappy, and said, "How is it now? Is that thing still in your body? Will it stay in your body in the future? …".

  Lu Ziming rolled his eyes, blinked at Leng Meiren, and said, "I will be lucky if I survive a catastrophe. Do you know what that thing is?"

  "Hurry up! What is it..." Leng Meiren said anxiously.

Lu Ziming's stiff body moved, he sat up hard, raised his hand and shook his hand in front of Leng Meiren and said: "Look at what this is?" Two leaf-like buds appeared in Lu Ziming's hand. , The naked eye saw that the two shoots turned into four, eight..., followed by a small slender vine burrowed out of the skin, wrapped around Lu Ziming’s arm, those shoots unfolded and turned into The thumb-sized leaves were attached tightly to the skin, and the color changed from lavender to dark purple, just like putting a dark purple wristband on the arm.

  Leng Meiren looked curiously at the vines and leaves on Lu Ziming's arm, her eyes were full of surprise and curiosity, and she touched the leaves with her fingers, not much different from ordinary leaves. Then he touched his arm, layer upon layer of scaly armored leaves, and found that Lu Ziming's body temperature was as hard as iron armor: "Ziming, what is going on? What is this?"

"I don't know, but when it became a part of my body, it had some strange information in my mind." Seeing Leng Meiren looking at herself with a confused face, it may be too unbelievable and beyond the scope of Leng Meiren's understanding, but Lu Ziming found it difficult to explain, at least there has been no similar situation before: "How to say? It should be called Zilingteng. It is a mixture of plants and organisms. You can think of it as a wise plant. , But, because the wisteria hasn't grown up yet, so the wisdom is low, it's no different from a five or six-year-old child?"

  Leng Meiren still didn't understand anything, only that this thing was called: wisteria. As for any wise plant, she couldn't accept it for a while.

  Lu Ziming laughed at himself: "Perhaps the purple spirit vine was in its infancy, so it got into my body without distinction and was assimilated by the cells in my body...".

   "You mean it... has become a part of your body?"

"I can't understand it this way, how can I say it?" Lu Ziming couldn't find a reasonable explanation, and could only say how he felt: "The purple spirit vine or the purple spirit vine, but it exists in my body, just like in my body. I have a pet...".

Lu Ziming felt it was weird to explain it this way, but the fact is that it is not enough if it is not explained: "When the wisteria is fused with my body, I perceive the information of the wisteria, and know a lot of information about the wisteria. Say it like this. Well, if the wisteria is in the adult stage, I am afraid that we are really bad this time. Maybe it is luck. The young wisteria is ignorant and can barely eat the dead creatures to grow. This explains why We will be caught and thrown into the gum pool. The purple spirit vine did not realize this, and went directly into my body, which gave me the opportunity to assimilate the purple spirit vine...".

  Leng Meiren knew that after the purple spirit vine entered Lu Ziming's body, Lu Ziming's body suffered much pain and torture, which caused Lu Ziming to be in a coma twice.

Of course, what Leng Meiren does not know is that it is precisely because Lu Ziming has fallen into a coma that he has the advantage in the confrontation with the wisteria. If the wisteria in adulthood will never wake up, among them Needless to say, the dangers and crises of the country.

"Now the purple spirit vine is still in its infancy. When the purple spirit vine matures, it will become a weapon of offense and defense in my body." It can only cover one arm. The mature wisteria is equivalent to wearing another piece of armor, and the wisteria can also be transformed into an attack form like a soft whip. The attack range is comparable to the evolution level of the wisteria. Correspondingly, it has become another powerful boost for me...".

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