End Times Dust Light

Chapter 775: Weird aircraft

  At the moment when a crack appeared in the trap restriction, Lu Ziming flashed and grabbed the cold beauty next to him, and rushed out of the crack.

The poisonous scorpion girl also came out following Lu Ziming, but she didn't have the consciousness to leave immediately, instead she blocked the way of Lu Ziming and Leng Meiren, and smiled coldly: "Do you both want to leave like this? ?"

  Lu Ziming did not panic, his eyes seemed to glance behind him unconsciously and said: "What do you want, do you want to make a move?"

  "Tsk! Really smart...", the venomous scorpion woman shifted her gaze from Lu Ziming to Leng Meiren's body and said: "Leave this woman here, you can go!"

"Oh!" Of course, Lu Ziming would not believe the words of the Scorpion Woman. Even if he believed it, he would not give the Leng Beauty to the Scorpion Woman. "It seems that we still have to fight each other." , Pounced towards the poisonous scorpion woman.

   "Looking for death!"

The poisonous scorpion woman didn't panic, her soft, boneless waist moved, and the black slender shining poisonous scorpion needle slammed towards Lu Ziming behind her, and at the same time the sharp claws also snapped towards Lu Ziming's head. , The speed is so fast that it makes people's eyes a flower.


   Just as the venomous scorpion female sharp claw was about to catch the top of Lu Ziming's head, the sharp claw suddenly stopped and hung in the air, and glanced around with puzzled eyes, "Phantom!"

There are no figures of Lu Ziming and Leng Meiren in front of the poisonous scorpion girl, and there is no energy fluctuation around them, as if the two have never appeared before.

"It's very fast, the monk can't run to the temple...", the poisonous scorpion woman showed a weird smile on her face, stretched out a seductive **** and licked her lips, as if she was enjoying herself very much. I've already noted the smell. When shall we meet again?"

Not long after the scorpion girl left, a bright light flashed in the dark night sky, and a weird aircraft appeared suddenly and quietly suspended in the sky. Countless rays of light shot out from the aircraft, scanning the entire area over and over again. Once again, it disappeared into the night again after a minute, as if it had never appeared before.

  Behind a hill, it looks no different from countless hills. It is also quiet and lifeless, unable to sense the existence of any breath of life.

  No one knows, behind this inconspicuous hill, two people are hiding in the tent and whispering: "Ziming, why did the scorpion girl attack us in the end? Isn't she afraid of gathering lightning?"

Lu Ziming leaned his head on Leng Meiren’s thigh comfortably, half-squinting his eyes and said: "It’s really strange. It stands to reason that the Scorpion Woman shouldn’t choose to attack both of us at this time. Do you remember the Scorpion Woman? After staring at you for a long time, I feel that her target is not me, but you!"

  The last sentence of the poisonous scorpion girl made Lu Ziming very puzzled, and the poisonous scorpion girl seemed to be very interested in the evolutionary. Of course, this kind of interest is not to communicate, but to eat the evolutionary in his stomach.

  This also confirms Lu Ziming’s original speculation from another aspect, that the dark creatures originally aimed at attacking the Dingxian base may really be evolutionary.


  Leng Meiren’s evolutionary level is not high. I have only eaten a Tier 5 Agave not long ago. She has just reached the peak of Tier 4 and is not considered a high-level evolutionary.

"The poisonous scorpion woman shot at the last moment, seemingly sharp and fierce, in fact, she did not die with me, but meant to repel me and take you away." Lu Ziming knows the strength of the poisonous scorpion woman very well, and see what follows The behavior did not mean to continue to pursue the two. Of course, there was a reason for time, and there were also venomous scorpion women who weighed the pros and cons.

   "So how do you say, the scorpion girl is afraid of you?"

"That's not..." Lu Ziming is not yet narcissistic to the point of being arrogant. If the two are desperately desperate, it is really hard to say who wins and loses, and both loses are hurt so much that they can be met. Now that they are both strong, You wouldn't do such a foolish thing when it is not a last resort.

"The strength of the Scorpion Woman is not inferior to me, and even slightly better in terms of speed and reaction time. Compared to me, there are not many advantages. Moreover, the Scorpion Woman's subordinates are not weak, and there is really no chance of winning... ."

  Lu Ziming was telling the truth. It was the first time to fight against the dark creatures of Tier 8. His strength made Lu Ziming surprised and scared, and the poisonous scorpion girl was in a dangerous situation.

  Leng Meiren did not expect to encounter such an enemy. Seeing that Lu Ziming was reluctant to say more, she avoided the topic and said: "Ziming, was the aircraft just the person who arranged traps?"

  As soon as the two of them left the trap, they covered their whereabouts with a tent, and released a phantom to hold the Scorpion Girl, but they didn't expect that the Scorpion Girl would actually launch an attack on the two. According to Lu Ziming's plan, if the scorpion girl can be held for a period of time, once the trap restriction is broken, the person who arranged the trap ban will soon come, and it will be hard to say that the scorpion girl wants to run.

  Thousands of calculations did not count the speed of the scorpion woman so fast, she found that something was wrong, and immediately fled. At the same time, Lu Ziming estimated that it was correct. Just after the scorpion woman left, the person who arranged the trap for restraint appeared.

Just looking at the weird aircraft made the two of them frightened. The shape of the aircraft is not special. The honeycomb hexagonal flying disc is the size of a bus, but the momentum and pressure it produces makes the back chill. .

   "It should be!" Lu Ziming suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly sat up and said: "No! Let's get out of here...".

  The two fled trembling all the way for dozens of kilometers before they stopped under a mess of rocks.

  "Ziming, why did you run in such a hurry, did you find something?"

  Lu Ziming did not find anything, but the sense of crisis made him immediately escape there. Many times it was this unspeakable sense of crisis that kept him away from danger again and again.

  "Yan! Have you ever heard of the hunting of dark creatures? Or the ruins have the possibility of capturing dark creatures." The appearance of the strange aircraft made Lu Ziming's heart beat and doubts.

  According to Lu Ziming's understanding of the ruins, no matter whether there are intelligent lives in the ruins, they will not leave the ruins under normal circumstances. When is the ruins modified, or is the weird aircraft not coming to the ruins? Lu Ziming was puzzled, but now he couldn't answer this question.

   "I don't know, but I feel telling you that the farther your aircraft is, the better!"

"Let’s rush back to Chi You Space immediately and let Zixin investigate the weird aircraft. Maybe there will be other discoveries?" Chi You Space is the treasure house of Lu Ziming’s knowledge. The accumulation of knowledge cannot be learned in a few days, just like those in Chi You Space. Elder Hao didn't want to say the same thing in the end, what is the final destiny of mankind, and where is the way out for evolution?

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