End Times Dust Light

Chapter 794: Modified vehicle factory

  Yu Peng’s good days haven’t been enough yet, but he doesn’t want to go back to the old days, “I’m sorry for this matter to your sister, and I have to be punished to admit it!”

   "The words of Brother Yu are out of the ordinary. The matter between you and the younger sister is something that you and I wish for. Even if the negotiation fails, the younger sister has no such blessings. I can't blame Brother Yu!"

The more Moustache says this, the more Yu Peng can’t be cruel, but then again, the little moustache’s sister is indeed good, and a reasonable person is also virtuous. The key is to cook a good dish, otherwise he will not be greedy mistaken.

   At this moment, Yu Peng looked up and found Lu Ziming coming from a distance, hurriedly greeted him and said: "Team Lu, are you back?"

  Lu Ziming laughed and said, "Why is there something on my mind?"

  Yu Peng's expression changed, and he said nervously: "No...I haven't rested well these days...".

   "It's hard for you during this time..." Lu Ziming said without doubt: "The crisis in Jiutun has been resolved. I have to suffer for you in the past few days, and wait until the matter is over before taking a good rest."

  Everyone had a hard time during this period. At the base of Dingxian County, the dark creatures chased and killed them all the way. When they arrived in Jiutun, they were spotted by the dark creatures. No one could bear it. But this is the end of the world. People who don't want to worry about it are lying in the soil, and the days have to go by day by day. This is the reality.

  Yu Peng said unnaturally: "What did Lu team say? If it weren't for you, I don't know where it is now...?"

   "Don't talk about this..." Lu Ziming didn't want to listen to others' grateful words all day long: "How is the auto repair shop going? Are there any difficulties?"

  Seeing that Lu Ziming was unwilling to say more, Yu Peng felt relieved: "Team Lu, this time we have solved all the things we wanted to do but did not do before in one breath?"

   "Oh! Can you tell me something?"

  Yu Peng said excitedly: "Didn’t Team Lu want to form a team before?"

Lu Ziming nodded and said: "Why? Is this something interesting?" I want to go back to my hometown. There are a lot of inconveniences when I can go back to my hometown. Just find a car. There are mutated creatures all the way, and ordinary cars will be scrapped after three or two. So I thought of forming a long-distance team.

  If you want to form a long-distance fleet, some people certainly can’t. They also need cars and vehicles suitable for the end times. Apart from other things, large vehicles are needed to eat, drink and sleep along the way, heavy vehicles are needed to defend against mutant creatures, plus defensive weapons and consumption, if an apocalyptic long-distance convoy is really built, it really can't be done by thinking about it.

In Lu Ziming’s plan, the Doomsday Fleet needs at least five special vehicles, one is a mobile reconnaissance vehicle, one is a command vehicle, and one is a rest vehicle. At the same time, repair vehicles and oil tankers are required. This is already the minimum. Configuration, even such a configuration is difficult to get together. In the last days, there are scrapped vehicles everywhere, but there are very few vehicles that can be used, and the plan has been shelved indefinitely.

   "Team Lu, do you think the scale of the auto repair shop here?"

"What's wrong?"

When Lu Ziming first discovered this place, his first feeling was that it was big, amazingly large, with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, and four or five workshops. The second feeling was that there were so many vehicles here that he didn’t know him. , It’s strange why there is such a large auto repair shop here.

  Yu Peng smiled and said, "Team Lu! Actually, this is not a real auto repair shop at all?"

   "What did you say, this is not an auto repair shop! So what is this place?"

When it comes to understanding cars, Lu Ziming will not be able to catch up with Yu Peng even after he has been studying for another ten years. He mysteriously said: "This is indeed not a real car repair shop. Strictly speaking, it should be an underground illegal place. Car modification plant!"

  "How did you know?" Talking about professional issues, Lu Ziming has mastered the seven faculties---know nothing.

  At this time, the mustache came up and said: "Team Lu! My name is Hu Xueyan. I used to be the equipment section chief of a small car factory. I have been here before the end of the world and I still know the situation here...".

  For Hu Xueyan's self-recommendation, Yu Peng naturally would not be happy, but he dared not express it in person.

"What do you think?"

  Hu Xueyan's eyes brightened, knowing that his chance was here, and finally found God, "Team Lu, this looks like an auto repair shop on the surface, but is the location here too biased...".

Without Hu Xueyan, Lu Ziming also knew that the location here is indeed a bit remote, otherwise Li Juan would not plan to rebuild the base in Jiutun, and it is only more than 20 miles away from Jiutun, and the nearest city, Yicheng, is 30 miles away. In Duoli, such a large auto repair shop is built in the wilderness, and everyone sees problems in it.

  "Do you mean this is an illegal, copycat underground repair shop?"

   "It can be understood this way," Hu Xueyan said with a smirk: "Team Lu should have heard of underground illegal car modification factories!"

  Lu Ziming nodded. He has never eaten pork or heard pigs cry. It is no secret that many wealthy people seek out people to modify their vehicles privately in order to pursue the high performance of their cars.

Hu Xueyan continued: "The reason why this underground illegal car modification plant was built here is that it is located in a remote area, far from the main transportation hub, and there is also a war prepared road here. There are very few vehicles passing by, so it is very suitable. Testing modified vehicles...".

This has nothing to do with Lu Ziming. What Lu Ziming is interested in is the vehicles and equipment here. No matter who it belongs to before, this place is his own now. "Since this place is good, how about the implementation of the next plan? ?"

Naturally, Hu Xueyan didn’t know what Lu Ziming’s plan was. Yu Peng finally broke in and said: “There is no shortage of vehicles and equipment that Lu team needs. Just give me some time and I will soon be able to refit what Lu team needs. vehicle".

  "How long will it take?"

  Yu Peng thought for a while and said: "If Lu team only needs five modified cars, it will take at least a month?"

   "Such a long time?" Lu Ziming said displeased, this is very different from his own plan, but after all, he is not an expert in this area, and it is hard to say anything, "Can the time be shorter?"

"This is the fastest time," Yu Peng said with a look of sadness: "The special vehicles requested by the Lu team have never been in contact with those of us before, especially in the installation of protection and weapons. No one has experience in this area. If anything goes wrong...".

"Okay! That's it. If you don't have enough manpower, you can find it again. You must complete it as soon as possible." The special vehicle that Lu Ziming needs is actually stronger than military vehicles, with greater firepower and outstanding off-road performance. It must be suitable for long-distance driving. , Many requirements are indeed a bit difficult for Yu Peng.

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