End Times Dust Light

Chapter 826: Insufficient greed

  Di Huang was secretly glad that he was not suspicious, and a naked figure suddenly ran out in the middle of the night, even before the end of the world, it can scare people to death, let alone the end of the world, God knows whether it is a human or a ghost.

   "Who, get out!" Lu Ziming suddenly turned his head and shouted into the dark scene.

  Rehmannia glutinosa is already extremely nervous. In the middle of the night, people will be scared to death. I don’t know how many mutant creatures are hiding around?

Before Di Huang could react, four black shadows emerged from the shady scene. The leader was wearing a dark blue factory uniform, with three armed belts on his body. The armed belts were filled with bright daggers, and the other three were sneaking. Dressed up, with a short knife and long spear in his hand, he was not alarmed when he saw Lu Ziming, but scattered around and surrounded Lu Ziming in the middle.

   "You haven't seen anyone running from here just now!" the leader asked very rudely.

   "Did you ask me?" Lu Ziming was not angry, with his hands behind his back, and he gestured to the ground yellow on the bus.

The person headed by    stretched his head and glanced at the bus behind Lu Ziming, before his eyes lit up: "This is your car?"

  Lu Ziming did not expect that the person on the other side would even ask about his car. This thought jumped too fast, "It’s mine, what do you do?"

  "Leave this car here, and you will get out of here!"

  The other party didn't seem to have any concerns about murdering others, but just letting Lu Ziming and the people in the car get out. It was polite to count.

   "What if I don't give it?"

   "Looking for death!" The person on the opposite side seemed to have lost patience. The figure dashed forward, with two more daggers in his hand, which pierced Lu Ziming's neck.

  Lu Ziming was not surprised when he encountered a robbery. This kind of thing is too common, but there are so many people on the other side. Is it strange if you don't rob yourself?

But there are still problems. The person on the other side seems to be a bit of a bad guy. Lu Ziming can basically conclude that they are the ones who chased the naked man just now, but now suddenly turned around and robbed him. For a while, Lu Ziming was a little overwhelmed. Doesn't he know what is called out-of-article branch? Or he thinks he is the boss and does whatever he wants.

Lu Ziming is a person who doesn't like to be troublesome. If the opposite man chases and kills a naked man, he will never stop him. Anyway, the two of them don’t know each other, and they don’t care about other people’s affairs, so I want to go early. Rest?

  But things turned out to be on their own. When Lu Ziming was a mud idol, he couldn’t make it.

  Lu Zi was angry, and the consequences were serious. As soon as the man on the opposite side took the shot, he greeted him up. The long sword in his hand slashed from top to bottom, several times faster than the speed of the opposite man.

"Dang!" A dagger in the man's hand was knocked out by a long sword, and then the long sword was picked on the man's wrist, a bright light flashed, and the man screamed, clutching a **** stubborn arm to the ground. Roll, roll to the side of the road.

"kill him!"

The man on the opposite side knew that he had kicked the iron plate today. He thought he would be able to dominate today. He had been with Lien Chan for more than half a year as a little brother. Thinking of meeting hard stubble.

  Lu Ziming cut off the man's wrist as soon as he met him. Even a fool knew the difference in strength between the two.

  It’s not the time to be inspiring, but fortunately, today I’ve prepared enough and brought a lot of men, and I finally gained my courage.

   Hearing the man’s exclamation, the black shadows around the man did not immediately rush up, but weirdly flashed to the side. Of course, they were not preparing to escape.

  The Dihuang behind him suddenly exclaimed: "Be careful!"

Before the voice of    Di Huang, there were more than a dozen people around Lu Ziming. They hid in the darkness, and only jumped out of the darkness after hearing the order. Each of them was holding a submachine gun in his hand. They did not hand in their guns or kill them, nor did they warn them. They poured bullets at Lu Ziming.

From the perspective of Scarface, Lu Ziming is indeed very powerful, and his evolutionary level is higher than himself, but the intensive bullet rain cannot be avoided by ordinary evolvers. Moreover, if you step back ten thousand steps, you can not kill Lu Ziming. It's easy to beat Lu Ziming mutilatedly and then clean up Lu Ziming.

  Scarface’s plan is no problem, nor is there a problem with ordinary evolvers. The problem is that Lu Ziming is not an ordinary evolver.

When the scar face appeared, Lu Ziming had already noticed that there were a lot of things hidden in the darkness. There was only one reason for these people not to show up, and they would launch a fatal blow when needed.

  It seems that Scarface is a bit bad today, and it is quite bad. When arresting the sneak attack Lien Chan, I thought well, using poison to subdue Lien Chan and make him lose his combat effectiveness. But he obviously underestimated the effect of the poison on the evolutionary and the time it took effect. This was not the first mistake Scarface made. After careful consideration, he arranged a second interception line.

  But the sky is not as good as the people, and I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. Scarface ran into the wall in a panic, and Lien Chan flew out of the gap with Scarface. A loophole appeared in his seemingly seamless plan.

  It is said that misfortunes never come singly, and the bad luck of Scarface is not over here. The only blame is that he is too greedy. Seeing Lu Ziming’s bus, he wants to take it for himself. What is this not killing?

Now that he knew that Scarface had an ambush, it was impossible for Lu Ziming to not pay attention. At the same time that Scarface yelled something, his figure had already rushed to the car. No matter how strong the evolver is, he hasn't practiced it yet. He was invulnerable, and he didn't have the super self-healing ability of Wolverine. Although he was wearing armor, he was hit by a intensive rain of bullets, and it felt really uncomfortable.


There was an ambush on the scar face, and Lu Ziming did not ambush. Leng Meiren quietly climbed to the roof of the car and heard Lu Ziming's order. The muzzle of the Gauss machine gun ejected circles of white ripples, like a white spiral. Extending from the Gauss machine gun.

  Speaking of shooting, the ten Lu Ziming is not a cold beauty opponent. The Gauss bullet seemed to have eyes, and it shot out against the sparks in the dark.

  A Gauss bullet threw the figure in the dark high, tearing the figure into two sections instantly, without even having time to make a scream.

   "Boom, boom, boom!" Submachine gun bullets can be compared with Gauss bullets. A Gauss bullet is like a heavy artillery bullet. Not to mention hitting the body, just scratching a little skin is not something ordinary people can bear.

  Under the precise blow of Leng Meiren, less than half a cigarette, the surrounding quieted down, Scarface and three of his men stretched out their heads from under the roadbed and looked around, not understanding what happened.

   "Come out! Wouldn't I ask you to come out?"

  A few searchlights turned their directions, stabbing Scarface and his men unable to open their eyes. At this time, Scarface finally began to panic, "Have you forgive me!"

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