End Times Dust Light

Chapter 829: Guilty conscience

   "Didn't you just want to reinforce?"

  When Nangong heard this sentence, his face was ashamed of horror. It was too late to think that Lu Ziming knew this sentence. However, among the evolutionary, there are people with unusually sensitive hearing, which is the legendary clairvoyance and wind ear type.

   "I just want to report the progress of the mission to the plains base. Since the two are unhappy, then follow the arrangements of the two," Nangong said very bachelor.

   "Really?" Lu Ziming smiled and said without a smile: "In that case, it's best not to play any tricks. Don't blame me for knowing you, and the sword in my hand doesn't know you!"

   "Yes, yes, yes! What did you say, what am I doing?" Nangong felt relieved, knowing that he had passed the test, at least now that his life is not in danger.

If it is concluded by this alone that Nangong has given up, it is that he dug a hole and buried it himself. Lu Ziming does not believe in Nangong, and Nangong will not believe in Lu Ziming, but Lu Ziming still does not want to clarify the matter. Let go of Nangong.

   "You seem to have other people here?"

  Nangong screamed badly in his heart, patronizing the hunt for Lien Chan, forgetting the refugees, but the relationship did not seem to matter, "It is some survivors and refugees, they are all locked in a room...".

"Survivor refugees?" It is not surprising to find the survivors, but it is strange how Nangong and the survivors and refugees got in touch, and there are things that Nangong didn't say, "What the **** is going on, where do these survivors come from? ?"

Nangong knew that there was no way to hide it. She had already killed all of them if she knew it would cause trouble. When it came to this, I could only bite the bullet and said: "I rescued these survivors and refugees from the high-tech park. I originally wanted to send them back to the plains base. , There is no time for a while!"

Lu Ziming's eyes lit up. There is only one high-tech park near Xincheng, and his mission this time is just to save the survivors in the high-tech park. I was bumped into by myself, "Take me to see?"

  Nangong didn't dare to say anything more, anyway, this matter is already like this, it can't be worse.

When Lu Ziming saw more than a dozen survivors in the room, his first feeling was that he wanted to vomit, and there was a stench in the room. The second feeling made him think of the mother and daughter who had just been rescued. They were both weak and the same. Helpless, like animals to be slaughtered huddled together, when Lu Ziming appeared at the door, the people inside seemed to have seen a ghost, desperately squeezing into the corner, as if this could give them a sense of security .

"Notify Dihuang, let him drive the car over, find more water by the way, wash them, get some food, and immediately send it back to the base." Lu Ziming couldn't bear to look any more. These people in front of him are a group of hungry Africans. , Struggling on the edge of the death line, anyone with a slight conscience will have compassion.

  Nangong felt that things were beyond his control, and Ming Rui felt that things were going bad. Whether it was saving Lien Chan or conflict with himself, all of this was easy to explain. But the meaning of helping survivors is different. Without the strength and background, helping survivors is to find their own way. When thinking of the bus driven by Lu Ziming, Nangong feels like she has overlooked something?

  Something is wrong! Something is wrong, these few people are definitely not simple survivors, they must have a lot of background!

  Nangong finally opened up, and a terrible thought flashed in my mind: Jiutun base, these people came to Jiutun base. From this point of view, what they said and what they did had profound meanings. How could they tell these people all the things they did?

  Nangong dare not think about it anymore. The Jiutun base and the plain base are not friendly neighbors. Although there has not been a direct conflict, the contradiction between them is obvious.

  If the Jiutun base wants to develop, it will definitely expand. The plain base and the Jiutun base are not too far apart, and the strength of the faint Jiutun base is still higher than that of the plain base.

   What’s even worse is that I personally told the other party about Lien Chan and that batch of supplies. Isn’t this sending the sheep to the tiger’s mouth?

   Taking advantage of Lu Ziming’s not paying attention, Nangong secretly hid in the dark, and then didn’t run to wait for a while, could it wait until the other party’s knife rests on his neck?

  Nangong finally understood for a while, but it was too late. He thought that Lu Ziming hadn't noticed him, but he didn't know that Lu Ziming's [Control] skill had been locked long ago. As soon as Nangong moved, Lu Ziming had already noticed it. He smiled contemptuously at the back of Nangong who was about to flee. With a wave of white light shot out, Nangong was nailed to the spot, with an incredible expression on his face. He didn't even know how to die.


  In fact, Lu Ziming misunderstood Nangong. The reason why Nangong wanted to run had nothing to do with these bony survivors, but thought that Lu Ziming might be from the Jiutun base. But Lu Ziming thought that Nangong was afraid that things would be revealed. Of course, he would not be merciful to such a scum. Moreover, when Nangong ran away, other than a guilty conscience, Lu Ziming really couldn't find a better reason.

  If Nangong knew what Lu Ziming was thinking, he wouldn’t run away if he killed him, but he didn’t regret selling the medicine, and his death would be considered a wasted death.

  Nangong’s men saw that his boss was killed by someone, and he didn’t mean to avenge him. Since he can't beat the opponent, then be honest and obedient. Do you have to work hard?

   "You all come to help, get some clean water, and cook some porridge. The thinner the better..."

  As soon as these people heard Lu Ziming let them do things, they knew that they would not die. They didn't have the meaning of complaining. They looked for water and cooked rice happily, looking like they had won the lottery.

   Soon Di Huang drove the bus into the gas station, "Team Lu, what can I do if you call me over in such a hurry?"

"Today's luck is good. All the survivors who ran away from the high-tech park were found. Our plan was completed." Lu Ziming was very happy. He thought that the mission would fail. When he was discouraged, God first sent a dual talent of ice and fire. The girl of, and then sent Lien Chan and the supplies to Lu Ziming. In the end, she didn't forget the good people to do it to the end, and to make up for the lost survivors. This luck has gone against the sky.

  Lu Ziming and Dihuang were immersed in joy, they heard Leng Meiren yelling: "Ziming, come and take a look, there are still people here?"

  In a room, Lu Ziming saw Jiao Didi wrapped in sheets and a short fat man who had been dead on the ground for a long time, "Who is she?"

"you guess!"

  Lu Ziming did not speak yet, Leng Meiren continued: "It's a woman from Lien Chan, she said it herself. Just now I thought we were with Nangong, and saw me desperately begging for mercy...".

  Lu Ziming knows what Leng Meiren means, but it is impossible for a man who has left his own woman to threaten him with a woman.

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