End Times Dust Light

Chapter 833: There's a ghost!

  Lu Ziming tried his best to hope that the little girl could understand that she was out of good intentions, not the big badass in her mouth, who knew she was dry and did not move the little girl to make the little girl believe that she was a good person.

Lu Ziming really wanted to continue to persevere in changing the little girl’s thoughts. The robot with a similar appearance to the purple heart suddenly gave the little girl an injection, immediately calmed the little girl (fainted), and embraced the little girl. In the medical warehouse.

  After being troubled by the little girl, Lu Ziming realized that the medical warehouse did look a little scary, and the little girl's weak heart was greatly harmed.

   "Why didn't I see it before?"

The two-meter-long transparent medical chamber lies tightly there, the translucent nutrient solution envelops the human body inside. There is no sound, and the cool light looks lifeless, which reminds people of the coffin in the funeral home involuntarily. .

  "It's a coffin!" It's too much like a coffin, at least the little girl thinks so, which makes people shudder.

Lu Ziming has nothing to say. If he is stimulated, he sees a nutrition bin like a coffin, with lifeless bodies lying quietly in it... All he can think of is horrible human experiments. .

  "Brother...Brother, she...why...not moving!"

  Xiao Si was very curious, and found that the little girl in the medical warehouse was lying in the medical warehouse without crying or making trouble, curiously grabbing outside the cabin, and patted the bulkhead with her hands.

   "She is very weak and needs treatment immediately, let's not disturb her!"

   "Will she...play with me...?"

  Xiao Si is very lonely. Apart from herself and Xiao Yuan, she basically doesn't communicate with other people. It is rare to see someone about his size, and she has a keen interest for a while.

It’s not that Lu Ziming didn’t consider finding a few playmates for Xiao Si, but Xiao Si’s situation is too special, not because she grows faster than ordinary children, nor is she thinking that her strength is greater than ordinary children, but Xiao Si’s body There is a weak zombie virus in it, and it is easy to cause cross infection when playing with ordinary children, unless the other party is an evolutionary.

It’s not that there are young evolvers, but the number is scarce and comparable to the rare creatures in the country. This is mainly due to the impact on the body of ordinary people when they evolve. Mutations in the body will put people on the edge of life and death. Mutation becomes a zombie, so young evolvers are rare.

   "When she is cured, I will let her play with you!"

   "Okay!" Xiao Si was very happy to find a playmate, and stood outside the repair cabin to wait for the little girl to come out.

  Lu Ziming pulled the reluctant Xiao Si and left. The little girl's treatment time takes a week, and her mother takes longer to get treatment, and it takes less than ten and a half months to get out.

  After two days of rest in Chiyou Space, Lu Ziming set off again with Leng Meiren and Dihuang. This time the goal was a private research institute located in the suburbs of Xincheng.

  Xincheng actually does not occupy a large area. Before the end of the world, there were only 700,000 to 800,000 permanent residents. Except for a few main roads that belonged to the city center, all other places belonged to the suburbs. Later, the whole country was engaged in real estate, and many houses were built in the suburbs. Some houses were not sold until the end of the world. Now they belong to the ruins of unfinished buildings.

   "Team Lu! Don't we want to save people? Why are you here?" Di Huang asked in confusion.

   "All the rescue missions were robbed by those people. Our goal is actual combat training, not just to save people!" Lu Ziming said depressed.

   "Hehe, in fact, it's not very useful to save people. They are all hungry survivors. They look like we are going to rob them, and I don't want to think that they are already like that. What else is worth remembering!"

Lu Ziming put his legs on the window of the car and looked at the pedestrian trees outside the car that kept retreating. "You were hungry for a month that day. See if you still said or not, they are already very miserable, but there are still people beating them. That’s why it’s like seeing everyone seeing a ghost."

  Rehmannia confidant did not say any more, and drove the bus concentratively, rushing into a compound in a rampage.

   "Team Lu is here! It looks quiet here?"

  Lu Ziming also noticed the extraordinary quietness around him. What's even stranger was that there was no corpse of a mutant creature around, as if the people in the compound had disappeared out of thin air.

   "Watch out!"

  Lu Ziming raised his arm, turned on the detector and scanned it, and found that there were no traces of mutant creatures around.


  The compound of the scientific research institute is not a real estate in a ruined building. It is impossible to have no one at all, or everyone here has disappeared, but at least there are a few corpses!

  "Don't get off the car, I'll check it out first!" I've seen strange things, and Lu Ziming has to be careful and careful.

  It didn't take long for Lu Ziming to return in a hurry.

   "Team Lu! Have you found anything?"

   "No! Nothing?" Lu Ziming frowned and said, "Not only was there no mutant creature found in it, but even the equipment that should be there was not seen...".

   "Is it empty inside?"

  Leng Meiren climbed from the roof of the car, "Did someone get on first?"

   "Maybe!" Lu Ziming still looked confused: "It is understandable to remove the equipment, but it is difficult to understand that even the body of the mutant creature has not been found?"

  "Then what shall we do now, return to Chiyou Space?"

  Lu Ziming didn’t understand what was happening here, he was a little unwilling to say: “Since I’m here, I can’t go back empty-handed. I will stay here for one night tonight. By the way, look around and see if there are other discoveries?”

The three of them parked the bus in the compound and searched again, but nothing was found. The search scope was expanded again, and it soon became easier for the zombies entrenched to meet head-on. After the fierce battle, the three found some supplies, but they all found some supplies. Not the main goal of this outing.

  The three returned to the compound in the evening, ready to spend the night here, and if they haven’t found it the next day, they will change to another target.

   "Team Lu!" Di Huang approached the bonfire, looked around vigilantly and said, "What the **** is there!"

"What nonsense, even if there are ghosts, you will still be afraid!" Leng Meiren concentrated on guarding a pot of mushroom soup, smelling the fragrance floating in the air: "We haven't seen anything. If there were ghosts in this world, it would have been long ago. Found".

   "You can't say that. We don't know many things. It's better to be careful. What do you think of Team Lu?"

   "What you said is correct, I don't know if there are ghosts in this world, but I know that even if there are ghosts, you don't need to be afraid..." Although Lu Ziming said that, his eyes were staring around, as if he had seen something.

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