End Times Dust Light

Chapter 845: Lu Papi

  "Xiao Pan's suggestion is good. Although it is a bit negative, it can temporarily stabilize the opponent and solve the current dilemma. Even if the opponent wants to start, there is no reason for the time being..." Lu Ziming basically agreed to Xiao Pan's suggestion.

  Since you can't find a better way, then drag it until the day when you can talk on an equal footing, this time will not be too long.

"There is another problem we have to guard against," Xiao Pan said again: "We can consider the problem from another angle. If I am the person in charge of another base, knowing that Lu team is delaying time, it is precisely that Lu team cannot be found. At this time, Lu team is in In the giant spirit world, what would I do?"

"The opponent cannot wait for Team Lu to return from the giant spirit world. It will inevitably take other actions, such as squeezing people into Chi You space. As long as you squeeze your own people into Chi You space, Chi You space will not be able to develop, even if it passes one hundred more. It’s very difficult for Chiyou Space to develop in the year. For example, creating some instability factors, whoever joins Chi You Space will hit those who join Chi You Space, causing trouble to the people in Chi You Space outside, etc., no one, it will be difficult for people to gather together once their hearts are scattered. NS!"

  Everyone looked at Xiao Pan in amazement. The expressions on his face became rich and colorful. Xiao Pan didn't usually say much. Did he take the wrong medicine today or forgot to take it? Suddenly, his brain was open.

  Looking at Xiao Pan, who played at a super level today, Lu Ziming was a little surprised. He quickly recalled the information that Xiao Pan had registered in his mind and smiled.

  Xiaopan, whose real name is Pan Xuyong, majored in business and economic management, was waiting for work at home before the end of the world. After graduating from university, he worked in community property management, small company human management and other jobs, and dreamed of entering a multinational company to engage in personnel management work.

  "Do you have any good solutions?" The question was raised by Xiaopan, and it is impossible to not think about it.

Xiao Pan obviously has entered the state, and he didn't rush to speak: "The identity recognition system currently implemented by Chi You Space is very good, but it is not enough. Now anyone can enter Chi You Space. A set of standards should be established outside of Chi You Space. Enter the system, who can enter, how to enter, how to examine the identities of these people, etc.".

"In order to prevent someone from taking advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and disrupting the development of Chi You Space, Chi You Space and Li Juan must be separated, except for Li Juan who is willing to join Chi You Space. Since not many people know the Chi You Space yet, Chi You Space must be isolated from the outside world. Divide the Chi You space into two parts, inside and outside. The inside is the core member of Chi You Space, and the outside is the peripheral personnel of Chi You Space. This distinguishes treatment and makes it easier to manage!"

  "May I ask a question?" Leng Meiren said: "What about the people who are stranded in Chi You's space now!"

  Lu Ziming looked at Xiao Pan, waiting for him to answer this question?

  At present, most people in Chiyou Space can’t even afford to rent a house, so they can only sleep on the streets of Chi You Space. If these people are really driven out of Chi You Space, the population will be drastically reduced, but at the same time they will also lose popular support.

"This is not difficult," Xiao Pan said confidently: "First of all, determine whether these people are useful to Chi You Space. If Chi You Space wants to develop, it is obviously impossible to carry this heavy burden on its back. Secondly, how to treat these people, there was a saying in the past. "There is no **** in the world, only treasures that are misplaced. This sentence is the same for these people."

"Team Lu! I hope that these people will slowly integrate into Chiyou space. There is nothing wrong with this, but we don’t have time. We must adopt some radical strategies. As the saying goes, the troubled times are heavy, and many people outside are not full of food and lazy all day long. There is nothing to do, not that they are lazy, but there is indeed no suitable job to do. It is unrealistic to expect everyone to pick up a gun and go to the battlefield. If we can find a suitable job for them, even if it is forced OK, at least some people can be distinguished..."

Xiao Pan said it for a quarter of an hour, Lu Ziming showed a happy smile on his face. Xiao Pan's ideas coincided with him. This method has been implemented in Fangcheng and the effect is not bad. Some people's resistance is normal. Yes, after all, most people want to have a bite to eat.

  "Your suggestion is very good. Originally, I also had a plan to implement it after returning to Fangcheng. Now it seems to be implemented in advance!"

Lu Ziming paused, then laughed at himself: "When I was alone, I never thought that there would be so many things. The most rare thing in this world is not to study technology, but to figure out people's psychology. In this regard, my ability is very good. Poor, if you do something wrong in the future, you often remind that individualism is easy to make extreme mistakes!"

"Some time ago, Yu Peng, David and Idita all wanted manpower, thinking about waiting, after all, there is no stability inside and outside, and they don’t want to add any more troubles. Everything is based on stability. It seems that the situation is pressing. I can’t even think about it. After the meeting, I will study the impact of this incident on Chiyou Space with Zixin. If it is feasible, I will implement it immediately, and finish it before the information of the giant spirit world is leaked."

"Let’s discuss the second issue below, because the giant spirit world may be exposed soon. After the arrival of the various forces, many things will be affected. It is not appropriate to focus all energy on actual combat training, so the second stage The plan needs to be changed."

"The first phase of the plan is good for everyone. A total of 361 people were rescued, and a large number of crystals, fortified meat, and weapon materials were obtained. These will be credited to your respective accounts. In this plan, Dashan and The bear found a wholesale warehouse, Lao He and Lao Qian found a steel wholesale point, and others also found a lot of supplies. These were all rewarded according to the expected commission."

  In order to increase everyone's work enthusiasm, as long as they find the materials needed to find Chi You's space, they will be given a commission according to their value. The method is roughly the same as that of Lien Chan.

Lu Ziming felt that he was like Zhou Peiping. Dashan seemed to get a lot of rewards, but compared with what they consumed, he couldn't make ends meet. He needed money for equipment, money for upgrading, and money for trials. They even have to pay for meals every day, and now each of them still owes himself a debt. If he didn't lend to them that day, Dashan and others immediately became negative.

  Lao Qian joked that Lu Ziming was the landlord with the largest space in Chi You. He didn't even talk about plucking the feathers, but also caress about it. He called it the rules of Chi You space. Earning less than spending, eating well, living well, you don’t have to worry about it all day long, and weapons and equipment have also been upgraded, but Lu Ziming emptied his wallet. Often, the debt collectors came to the door before the money was available. The whole day owed Lu Ziming's favor, and was depressed home.

  Rehmannia is more extreme. I have never seen what money looks like in my pocket. Of course, there is no banknote in Chi You's space, but the fact is that the money in everyone's hands is used to improve their strength.

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