End Times Dust Light

Chapter 849: Fertility is a big problem

  Yu Peng is also very dizzy. I don’t know what Lu Ziming is having cramps. I don’t know what Lu Ziming is doing. I don’t even need to work in the laboratory. What are you doing? Are you planning to live in Jiutun? But Yu Peng knew that Lu Ziming had something to say, but those who were interested did not ask.

   "Is it weird!"

   is not surprisingly fake. When replaced by other people, they have long been scolded as lunatics. "The Lu team must have a deep meaning, and you will know if you don’t ask. The reasoning must be for the development of Chiyou space!"

   "Slippy!" Lu Ziming scolded with a smile: "Your kid is not too vigilant. Are you smart or stupid?"

  The two stood on the platform and looked at the little lights in Chi You's space. This is already a rare night scene in the last days. The surrounding area is silent, there are no insects and birds, let alone the bustling crowd. Ordinary people have no extra energy consumption at all. Anyway, they don’t need to eat and they have energy left to sleep. Whoever has nothing to do with a nightlife, of course, there is no nightlife in Chiyou Space.

  "How about the machinery factory, do you want to expand it a bit!"

  The dinner finally came on stage, and Yu Peng immediately beamed his eyebrows and said, “Team Lu, if you have anything to do, please tell me. I would have died without you. Why should I be polite to me?”

Unexpectedly, Yu Pengting would speak, Lu Ziming would naturally not be polite to Yu Peng, "I am going to expand your machinery factory into the Electrical and Mechanical Services Bureau. In the future, all matters related to machinery and electrical appliances will be handed over to you. At the same time, we will set up one as soon as possible. The recycling department specifically organizes personnel to recycle waste materials everywhere. This matter must be done as a top priority. If you have any difficulties, come to me?"

  Yu Peng felt more excited while the pressure on his body became heavier, and he dared not immediately agree to Lu Ziming, "Lu team, didn’t anyone recycle waste materials before? Why set up a special recycling department?"

"In the past, profit and waste were all personal behaviors. Directly dealing with Chiyou Space, there is no work around, and Chi You Space will not provide any help. The newly formed recycling department can be regarded as a middleman! The business is much more flexible and can be provided to individuals. You can provide transportation and release the required information. If you still don’t understand, treat yourself as a peddler and earn the intermediate price difference. The key is to start the recycling business as soon as possible, the sooner the better!"

   "It's that simple?" Yu Peng couldn't believe his ears. This is a great thing for pie in the sky. You can make money at home, just like a state-owned enterprise.

   "Is it beautiful?"

   "Yes..." Yu Peng shrank his neck and realized that he had said what was in his heart. He looked at Lu Ziming carefully and said: "In fact, many people can do this kind of thing, why let me do it?".

  Lu Ziming looked at Yu Peng with a smile and said, "Because we are very familiar with each other, it would be convenient to deal with an accident, what do you think!"

  Yu Peng got down in a cold sweat, and found that Lu Ziming was very insidious, and the benefits were given. The big slabs were also raised, and he would be shot to death if he was not careful.

"I don’t want to say more about other things. The ultimate goal of this matter is to solve the problem of redundant people working in Chi You Space. I don’t say that you should also understand the current situation of Chi You Space. If you want to make people want, you need to eat. Stomach, if you dare to mess around, I won't deal with you, and Zi Xin won't let you go!"

When the talk ends, I believe Yu Peng will understand. After the headaches are dealt with, Lu Ziming stuffed Yu Peng a candied date and said: "Your woman who is outsourcing raises, let her find Xiangxiang tomorrow, and Xiangxiang will arrange things for her. , Don’t think about stuffing people into your own unit, it’s not good to hear rumors and rumors!"

  "Yes, yes! So...isn't it also changed?" Yu Peng hesitated.

"Let him take care of the warehouse. If it's too long, he will look at the door. If he does a good job, he will re-arrange the work. I will say this." Lu Ziming was disgusted with the person who walked through the back door to send the girl off, but looked at Yu Peng. For the sake of face, he is not going to be beaten to death with a stick. If you don't know what is good or bad, you can only rush to look at the gate.

  It was midnight after finishing the work on hand, and he crept into the room, preparing to send Xiao Si into the room first, but found that the light in the living room was still on. I felt dizzy and knew that something was coming!

   "You haven't slept yet!" Lu Ziming asked knowingly.

  "It's over, leave it to me!" Xiangxiang took Xiao Si, who had already fallen asleep, over and sent him into the room.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" It was too obvious. The two women suddenly sat in the living room waiting for themselves. Nothing is strange. "It's Xiangxiang who has something to do with you. You must pull me to tell you." , Leng Meiren's expression is not very natural, and her voice is getting lower and lower: "Xiangxiang wants a child,...I have checked, there is no problem with her body, are there other problems...?"

   "It turned out to be this thing," Lu Ziming secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Xiangxiang is not easy to ask, let you ask? Do you know the answer too?"

  Leng Mei wanted to nod her head, her face flushed, "Actually..., I also found out, but I knew you would have thought of it, so I didn’t ask?"

  Lu Ziming sat down, and saw Xiangxiang entered Xiaosi's room but did not come out, "Let Xiangxiang come out! Don't be suspicious, there is nothing hard to say between husband and wife."

  Xiangxiang came out of the room, lowered her head and did not dare to look at Lu Ziming, as if she was a little daughter-in-law who had done something wrong, and she was affectionate.

"I thought you were busy with things all day, so you wouldn't think about it. It's not that you can't say it directly. In fact, I am also responsible for this matter. I thought you didn't care? In addition, there were so many things during this time that I didn't have time to go. I deeply thought, I delayed this matter.” Everything is difficult at the beginning, and Chi You's space has finally stabilized. I really didn't treat this matter as the same thing.

  The two women looked at Lu Ziming, waiting for Lu Ziming to finish speaking.

"How can I say it, if Xiangxiang goes to Zixin to check her body, Zixin will definitely tell you what's going on. This matter is simple to say. The higher the level of the evolve, the lower the chance of giving birth. Xiangxiang think about it," For babies born in the hospital recently, how many parents are evolutionary?"

   Xiangxiang was anxious all of a sudden, Lu Ziming said that he really remembered that there was something like this, "Then evolutionary can't have children?"

"It's no secret that evolutionary people can have children of their own, but the probability of fertility is lower than that of ordinary people. The higher the evolutionary level, the lower the probability of fertility. This may be the way of heaven." Lu Ziming talked and watched. The worried two said: "In fact, it's normal to think about it. Everything in the world has only a law of operation. Tyrannosaurus rex occupies the top of the food chain, but their offspring are very few. If the fertility of Tyrannosaurus rex was like a mouse that day The same, isn’t the food chain broken, do you think this is true?"

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