End Times Dust Light

Chapter 851: Strategic intent

"You probably have heard of Lu Ziming's things before, but there are not many people who really understand Lu Ziming. If I tell you, as early as the end of the world just after the outbreak, Lu Ziming took less than a thousand people to prepare. Do you still think it's impossible to attack Fangcheng?"

  Lu Ziming may not have dreamed of it. One of Li Juan's favorite things to do is to understand Lu Ziming's past.

"What other people can't do or dare to think about does not mean that Lu Ziming dare not think or do. This is Lu Ziming, you don't understand Lu Ziming. Knowing yourself and knowing the enemy will never end, Lu Ziming will not let it go. If there are no problems in the counties, villages and towns that do not attack, but they have to chew hard bones and do thankless things, if there are no problems, you will probably not believe it!"

  Li Juan’s words make people who suspect Lu Ziming’s misconduct nod frequently. It is indeed a bit abnormal, as long as it is normal people will not do anything!

  Lu Ziming is either crazy, or has another purpose.

   "In this way, Lu Ziming's attack on the outskirts of Xincheng city is to prepare to attack Xincheng, and the purpose of attacking Xincheng is crystal. The reason is in the past, but does Lu Ziming have this strength?"

"This is the next question I want to talk about?" Li Juan said in a hurry, "Why should I rush to attack Huangyan County? In addition to training troops, I should become stronger as soon as possible. It is impossible for Lu Ziming not to know his own strength. Not enough, you will definitely find me to discuss jointly attacking Xincheng, you won't like being led by Lu Ziming's nose!"

   "Is this analysis possible?"

   "It's not possible, it will happen! Soon Lu Ziming will discuss this with us...?"

Before Li Juan finished speaking, the guard walked in from the door and said a few words in Li Juan’s ear. A triumphant smile appeared on Li Juan’s face, "Lu Ziming is here, Gu Cheng and Tie Xiong stayed and the others went back to prepare to attack Huangyan County!"

Everyone looked at Li Juan with shocked faces. This was too powerful. The whole thing seemed to be in Li Juan’s hands. I don’t know if Li Juan’s character broke out, or Lu Ziming was too weak, and the strategic purpose was unexpected. I was seen through by a little girl, and I was ashamed and thrown to the country of Java.

  Lu Ziming walked into the meeting room with Xiao Si like a door-to-door in the countryside, and found that the atmosphere was a little weird. He looked apologetic and said, "You are in a meeting. It seems that I am not here at the right time?"

  Li Juan said with a look of enthusiasm: "Lu Shuai, come here, what can you advise?"

  Lu Ziming was embarrassed to be called by Li Juan, and Lu Shuai also called the guards. There is no difference in size from the manager and the boss. The taste is different from Li Juan's mouth.

   "It's just a title, don't take it seriously, or call Brother Lu Shun Er, I have something to discuss with you today?"

  Lu Ziming never called Li Juan the head of the Li Jun. Li Juan didn’t seem to care. Anyway, he knew what he called and what he was thinking, and he was very open-minded.

   "What can the little girl help? Lu Shuai, please tell me, the little girl is obliged to help!"

Lu Ziming didn't care about Li Juan's ridicule, "That's it. After discovering the giant spirit world, Chi You's demand for crystals has increased sharply. You also know that crystals can only be obtained from zombies, and the place with the most zombies is Xincheng. , I am going to attack Xincheng in ten days, come to hear your opinion."

   "You want to attack Xincheng", Li Juan pretended to be surprised: "You are crazy, there are three to four hundred thousand zombies in Xincheng, and you want to attack Xincheng with just as many troops in your hand."

   "Oh! You think I can't attack Xincheng, so what good idea do you have?"

  Li Juan thought that Lu Ziming would persist, but realized that Lu Ziming’s tone was wrong. She didn’t know what Lu Ziming was playing with, and she didn’t know what to say for a while.

  It’s like someone bargaining with a profiteer. The buyer quotes a low price and thinks that the profiteer will not agree. Who knows that the profiteer agrees without hesitation. Should the buyer buy or not?

Tie Xiong on the side took a look and hurriedly said: "Brother Lu, we can understand your thoughts, but attacking Xincheng is not a trivial matter. I wonder if Brother Lu has any thoughtful plans?"

"Are you planning?" Lu Ziming glanced at Li Juan with a funny heart. All spying on intelligence found out about his backyard, but forgot that Xiangxiang never cared about killings, "Based on Chi You Space's current strength can only be prepared to cooperate with you. At this time, Xincheng combat plan, you can study it and see if there are any problems?"

Li Juanmu took the plan from Lu Ziming blankly, read it quickly, and handed it to Tie Xiong and Gu Cheng a few minutes later: "Lu Shuai is so courageous and courageous. He has done things that many people want to do but dare not do. , I don’t know what is the chance of success in this matter? Have you considered the possibility of defeat?"

"There is no perfect plan in the world. The war with the zombies has broken away from the previous form of war. I am afraid that no one dares to say that they understand the combat mode of zombies, so the combat plan can only be done to pick up the omissions. We must say combat. What is the chance of winning the plan, up to 50%. As for the possibility of defeat? Great! But what does it matter? Our goal is crystal, not Xincheng!"

A few minutes later, Tie Xiong and Gu Cheng read the plan, and the expressions on their faces were full of shock, incomprehension and doubt, "Brother Lu, the feasibility of this plan is worth studying, and the time span is too long. We need to seriously consider it? "

  As soon as Lu Ziming left, Li Juan said with a look of anger: "He is playing tricks on me, and he has made such a detailed plan, but it is only for crystals, and has not considered the impact of the defeat?"

  Tie Xiong looked at Gu Chengdao: "What do you think of this combat plan?"

"I'm not a staff or commander. I really don't understand this combat plan." Gu Cheng shook his head and said, "But I thought of a question. Since Lu Ziming didn't aim to capture Xincheng, why did he pull it up? Us, this obviously doesn't make sense?"

  Li Juan was so angry by Lu Zi, she didn't think deeply, when she heard Gu Cheng's words, she felt reasonable, and immediately asked: "Master Tie, what do you think of this matter?"

Tie Xiong said: "Leader Gu is right. If you look at this combat plan alone, Lu Ziming really does not have the reason for us to join. I don't know what Lu Ziming wants to do, just from Lu Ziming. Judging from the current strength, it is difficult to occupy Xincheng even if we pull on us. This raises the question of why Lu Ziming pulls on us, and judging from the combat plan, the purpose of this battle is to annihilate to the greatest extent. The zombies in Xincheng, the acquisition of crystals, if this is the case, is it the past?"

  Li Juan knew that Lu Ziming had invested a lot of crystals in order to enter the giant spirit world this time, and attacking Xincheng in order to obtain crystals could barely be said in the past, but the risks involved were too great, and it was a little more than worth the loss.

  You must know that zombies are not unique to Xincheng. Many counties also gather a large number of zombies, and it is easier to attack. There is no need to take risks. Is Lu Ziming really crazy?

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