End Times Dust Light

Chapter 861: Dull fight

  Today's suburbs of Xincheng have been cleaned up by Lu Ziming and Li Juan. Not to mention zombies, even dark creatures can't be found. The entire suburbs of Xincheng seem infiltrating and quiet.

  Just as the hour hand of the clock pointed to one point, Li Juan issued an offensive order. A howling shell landed on the southwest corner of Xincheng, and then explosions sounded one after another. Following the rapid reaction force, they approached the houses on the outskirts of the city, finally determined the direction of the wind, and threw barrels of blood-filled bottles on the street, and then continued to sprinkle them while retreating.

Li Juan looked at the image sent back from the front line and said: "Is this useful? I know that chemical hormones were used before, but the amount, direction and time of the injection are very easy to cause a large area of ​​commotion among the zombies. After a few mistakes, there are very few people. Dare to use it!"

  There is a more important reason why Li Juan likes to be by Lu Ziming's side, and that is the problem of poor communication of information. Temporary hypothetical telephone lines can only serve as remedial measures, and it is difficult to grasp the real-time change of the battlefield on the battlefield, let alone command on the fly.

In this respect, Lu Ziming’s conditions are more than ten times better than Li Juan. Unmanned aerial vehicles and ubiquitous monitoring probes, coupled with Purple Heart's analysis and screening of useful information, Lu Ziming can do the whole thing. The 360-degree 24-hour uninterrupted monitoring of the battlefield, not to mention the zombies on the edge of the city, even the zombies in the city center can be caught with a blink of an eyelid. How to prevent Li Juan from being jealous.

  "The flesh and blood of dark creatures has a natural temptation to zombies, and the effect is mild and long-lasting, and will not produce the side effects of chemical information hormones. The only consideration is the issue of the point of delivery and the direction of the wind?"

  "Then what do you do with the corpse of a dark creature?"

  Lu Ziming rolled his eyes and said: "Zombies smell the blood, if they don't see a trace of flesh and blood, do you think they will go to the outskirts of the city stupidly?"

The Xincheng battle plan is simple to say. Use the flesh and blood of dark creatures to lure zombies out of the city buildings, kill them in batches, and then use elite soldiers to advance gradually to avoid large-scale frontal conflicts with zombies and at the same time. Stuck in the quagmire of urban street fighting.

  The combat plan is very simple, but the combat steps are extremely cumbersome, even reaching the point of appalling and frenzied.

The whole battle plan has three characteristics: 1. Shoot a shot to change a place. The zombies are not stupid, and they won’t go to the street stupidly to wait for people to kill, especially when there is a high-level zombie command. Zombies were completely wiped out in the locality, so the zombies should not be allowed to take the initiative in the battlefield, and they would often change the direction of the attack, and proceed in an orderly manner.

  Second, it has a long span of time and high-intensity rounds of battle. During the day, humans have the advantage of combat, and the zombies have the advantage of the main battlefield at night. The offensive will be day and night. During the day, large groups are mainly engaged in coordinated operations, and at night, the evolutionary focuses on cleaning and attacking. Often zombies will not stay in one place, they often move around, and they like to launch raids at night. That’s why someone proposes to concentrate superior forces to annihilate the zombies in the city in one fell swoop. But in fact, the effect is not obvious, and it is easy to fall into the quagmire of urban warfare.

Needless to say, it’s a long time span. Whether it’s attacking Xincheng or training troops, it’s not wrong to attack Xincheng. The real purpose of attacking Xincheng is not to occupy, but to crystallize and strengthen flesh. At least Lu Ziming said that, and so did Li Juan. Think so.

  Three, mainly to lure ambushes, supplemented by strong offensive assaults, take into account key breakthroughs, and fight a fixed-point clearance battle. Zombies hide in every corner of the city. Even with countless probes, it is difficult to grasp the movements of all zombies in the city, and when zombies die in large numbers, they will cause a certain degree of riots. This is the inducement of the zombie tide.

  How to avoid a large-scale zombie wave, this is the first problem that many attackers have to solve. This problem has not been solved well so far.

  Lu Ziming of course can’t, but it can avoid this to the greatest extent, which is one of the reasons why this battle is strange.

  "But not all zombies are lured out. There are always some zombies hidden in the dark. I encountered this situation when I attacked several counties! Lost a lot of soldiers?"

   "What you said is not wrong, that's why this battle is under my command!"

"Then I want to see how you commanded it." Li Juan was about to sit on the sidelines and was not worried about Lu Ziming's conspiracy. Her army was scattered around Xincheng. Unless all the zombies in Xincheng went crazy at once, the most Not many people will be lost in a bad situation.

  The battle in Xincheng was extremely dull from the beginning. There were no large-scale assault operations, and no large-scale corps operations. It was basically based on battalion-level units with small-scale company operations interspersed in the middle.

The battle has just started in a residential area in the southwest corner of Xincheng. The soldiers responsible for the lure are mainly Lu Ziming's men. They look more like stragglers, who retreat from the zombies. Sometimes they can lure hundreds of zombies, sometimes only a dozen. , Gunshots are also sparse and common. What is even more puzzling is that the battle is over after tempting three or four times in one place.

The same situation will soon reappear on the other side of the city. There are still more than a dozen people running into the city to lure zombies, or three or four times in and out. No matter how many zombies can be lured, they will be transferred immediately as soon as the time is up Position, never stay in one place.

  Li Juan used seven thousand troops this time, but from the afternoon to the evening, less than one thousand troops were being put into battle, and the rest of the troops were resting on the periphery.

   "This is the effect you want?" Li Juan was almost asleep after watching the battle in the command post all afternoon.

  "Why is the effect unsatisfactory?"

  What if Li Juan can be satisfied? "How many zombies have you wiped out in one afternoon? If the zombies have not been wiped out like this, the military will be scattered!"

  Lu Ziming scratched his head embarrassedly and said: "More than 2,300 zombies were wiped out in one afternoon, and the effect seems to be less obvious than when you besieged a county town?"

   "Do you know what to say?"

  Lu Zi mingled for joy, and he didn't feel anything ugly at all, "This battle was meant to be a long-term plan. Have you forgotten?"

   "I'm not talking about this, you know what I mean?"

   "But in today's battle, we didn't have a wounded person, don't you see this," Lu Ziming said with complacency.

  Li Juan is really going to be mad by Lu Ziming. There is no sacrifice in a war. The battle is measured by victory and defeat and how many enemies are wiped out. Lu Ziming doesn't even understand this.

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