End Times Dust Light

Chapter 863: Crisis emerges (1)

Lu Ziming is not as angry at Li Juan’s seizure of power as it seems on the surface. After all, the army is the foundation of Li Juan’s standing, and he dare not really hand it over to Lu Ziming for command, otherwise he would not be able to guard against thieves 24 hours a day. Looked at Lu Ziming.

  Of course, Lu Ziming did not take this kind of cooperation on the beach too seriously from the beginning, but just wanted to deepen the mutual understanding through constant contact.

  Lu Ziming did not argue with Li Juan about the consequences of the seizure of power. Instead, he put his arms around his chest and was ready to watch the show, with an indifferent attitude.

   "Attention all combat units! I am Li Juan. Now I order you to hold on to your position. The zombies are ready to launch a counterattack. The standby combat units are on alert and are ready to support the frontline troops..." Li Juan gave the combat orders in an orderly manner.

Needless to say, after several years of training, Li Juan's command and combat capabilities are now well-formed and fairly satisfactory. There is nothing wrong with it, at least there are no obvious mistakes and loopholes.

  Li Juan looked at Lu Ziming triumphantly. The first wave of zombies had been found on the light curtain, attacking the army of the food factory.

  Because of the early warning signal, the first wave of zombies attacking the food factory did not cause the army to panic. Instead, they quickly switched from defense to offensive state, and the zombies were quickly driven out of the food factory.

A few minutes later, intensive gunfire and artillery fire came from all over Xincheng, staining the sky around Xincheng with a touch of red clouds. The army and zombies all over Xincheng encountered encounters, which was almost as expected by Li Juan. The battle was one-sided from the beginning.

  The battle reports from all over the place came in. The six main offensive points have driven the zombies out of the battlefield after a brief panic, and annihilated more than five thousand. Li Juan listened to the report triumphantly, and from time to time she praised several combat units who had fought bravely, and strengthened her confidence in annihilating the zombies in Xincheng.

   "Thousands of zombies were found in Lantian Community, and they have returned to the city after being attacked by artillery fire...!"

   "The gymnasium has successfully blocked the attack of more than 3,000 zombies and captured thousands of zombies. They are being pursued, and they are requesting reinforcements from the follow-up troops!"


   "Commander Li, the 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Division encountered a tenacious attack by zombies near Longchuan Supermarket. The sky is too dark. Please retreat immediately!"

One hour after the battle, some combat troops went deep into the periphery of the city. You must know that the entire area of ​​Xincheng can be considered as the third ring, and beyond that is the suburbs and the urban-rural junction. The terrain here is complex, Lu Ziming and Li Juan used It took nearly a month to clean up, but it does not really control the suburbs.

  The first ring of Xincheng is mainly municipal government agencies and parks (if the concept of the first ring), the second ring is a commercial area and company office area, and the third ring contains 80% of Xincheng’s population. Although most of the zombies in Xincheng gathered within the second ring, there were also a lot of zombies in the third ring. The chain reaction caused by the army venturing into the third ring was unimaginable and controllable.

  "Hurry up and let your troops come back!" Lu Ziming began to worry.

"What is it? The attack of the zombies has been repelled by my army, and the follow-up troops are taking over the leading troops." Although Li Juan grabbed Lu Ziming's military power, she also knew that it was unwise to launch an attack at night. Responding to the vanguard forces, on the one hand, the vanguard forces stop continuing to chase the zombies, and slowly retreat to wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Lu Ziming opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he saw Li Juan's self-satisfied look, he swallowed the words back, but in the end he couldn't help but throw a word out of the command post, "Let your army Withdraw from the battlefield as soon as possible and I will take a look at the front line."

  Not long after, Lu Ziming and the red-haired woman appeared on the top of a water tower. It was already within the scope of Xincheng Third Ring Road, and the whole Xincheng could be clearly seen.

   "Da Shan, Lao He, report your location?"

  "We are at the exit of Xincheng's east and west cities, and we can see the army that is fighting fire. The task is arranged and we wait for the next order!"

   "Leng Meiren, where do you have any new discoveries?"

   "The zombies in the second ring of Xincheng haven't moved yet, but a large number of zombies are found moving around the third ring, and there are more high-level zombies, waiting for the next order?"

  "The sniper battalion can freely attack high-level zombie targets around Li Juan's army. Pay attention to concealment and don't take risks!"

  High-level zombies are the souls of zombies. There are signs that high-level zombies play the role of the human brain and coordinate the offensive operations between zombies. Sniping high-level zombies is equivalent to destroying the zombie's command system, which has the effect of beheading, containing and alleviating the pressure on Li Juan's side.

   "Master, Li Juan just took your military power? Why did you help her!"

   "The power of the army was originally hers, why can't it be taken away?" Lu Ziming is very open at this point. It's not that his own will never force it, don't you say it is not sweet? "I'm not helping her, but helping her army, you won't understand it!"

  "You humans just like to make things so complicated. She is obviously a wayward and irrational woman, but she is promoted to a high position. She does not constrain at all. She thinks that she has taken the initiative, but she doesn't know that she is embarrassed on all sides!"

  Li Juan denied Lu Ziming's strategic thinking, and also discarded the red-haired woman's judgment. Red-haired women would not be circumspect, but Li Juan just said it directly when it was not pleasing to the eyes.

"You dark creatures have no right or wrong right from wrong. You only have to say whether you should or shouldn't. Go hunting when you are hungry and drive away if you don't like it. It is indeed much simpler than humans. But you forget that dark creatures exist as individuals, and humans are. Animals living in groups must learn to communicate, tolerate, compromise and tolerate. Li Juan’s approach is certainly wrong, but her personal behavior cannot represent everyone. To me, Li Juan’s feelings are not important at all, so human beings are emotional and tolerant. An animal that combines rationality!"

"Human beings are so complicated!" The red-haired girl shook her red hair, staring at the night of Xincheng, and said: "The good news is that there is no zombie wave in Xincheng. The bad news is that around Xincheng Third Ring Road. All of the zombies have changed, and a fierce battle is inevitable! The best retreat time has passed. You don't seem to be in a hurry, do you want that stupid woman to learn something!"

"Lessons are like tuition. If you don’t want to pay, you have to pay. It’s a matter of paying more and paying less. Whether you pay voluntarily or compulsively. purchase!"

   spent some time with the red-haired girl, and found that the red-haired girl is far less complicated than human beings. They are more reckless and distinct in love and hatred. They promised to stay in Chiyou space and never thought about when to take the opportunity to escape.

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