Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1141: Genki Dantian promotion (on)

"Dugu is dead?"

"Huang Fuqi is dead?"

"The top ten ancestors didn't have time to shoot?"

The remaining eight homeowners of the ten largest families looked at the two corpses lying on the ground in front of them, their eyes were widened, and their brains could not turn.

In their original opinion, the top ten ancestors of beasts were besieging a kid who was not an immortal. They must be able to catch them without any casualties. At least they were safe, but they never dreamed of it. This kind of result would appear without any injuries. And ten of the people here have already died two!

"Invincible God Fist! Give me death!"

The old ancestor of Du Dugu saw his descendants killed in front of him, his beard burning with anger, his narrowed eyes shot out a powerful killing, and a punch came out.

的 Invincible family's trick, invincible **** fist!

The space in the hall was consolidated by the ten ancestors, and it would not easily break. This is the case. This fist appeared, and the air flow in the air still appeared chaotic. Under the pressure of the powerful force, it sent a fierce roar. , Harsh and unpleasant, let the soul lose heart.

Invincible Shenquan not only hurts the body, but also has a great impact on the soul!

Swim all the heavens and heavens in all six ways!

"This boxing method just wants me to die? You dreamed! A sword breaks the dust!"

With the previous experience of fighting against the immortal monarch, Nie Yun turned his sword, and a sword struck, and the antelope hanged its horns.

The strength of the ancestor of the Dugu family is not much different from that of the West Mi Buddha. The West Mi Buddha is not an opponent. At this time, Nie Yun's strength is increased. How can the other party win? The Jian Mang in the air seems to exist, but it does not seem to exist. In nothingness, even if the Junjun strong encounters, he will feel scalp tingling.


With a loud cry, the fist of the lonely ancestor was cut off with a sword, and blood spurted wildly.


"The lone ancestor was defeated by a sword?"

Pu Duo's ancestor shrinks his pupils. Everyone else was stunned.

The situation in front of her eyes subverted their cognition.

I am not a cricket ant of Xianjun. One sword cut off the arm of Xianjun's strong man. I heard it before as an absolute joke. Seeing with their own eyes, they couldn't laugh anymore.

"That sword!"

"Beidou sword!"

"The Big Dipper's Beidou Sword was actually controlled by him!"

"I thought the Big Dipper would fight with King Shura with the Beidou sword. I didn't expect him to stay ..."

I wondered for only a moment, and everyone recognized the name of the sword in Nie Yun's hands.

Beidou sword!

The great treasure of the Big Dipper is flying across the heavens!

"If this thing is given to me, my strength will definitely increase a lot!"

"With this sword, I will not be afraid even if I meet an ancient fairy king like the Nether Phoenix King!"

"this is mine……"

Each of the ten oldest ancestors showed intense fieryness.

Beibei sword is not only a forged fairy, it is also a highly ranked treasure in the forged fairy. This kind of good thing is the treasure that every fairy king dreams of. How not to be jealous!

"If you want the Beidou Sword, it depends on whether you have this strength! Yantai Chuangyu, I said that looking at Yue'er's face will spare you a life. However, death is lenient and living crime is inevitable, let you play. The price I paid! "

Seeing that everyone was deterred by the power of Beidoujian for a moment, no one shot. Nie Yun looked at Huantai Chuangyu again, and spoke loudly.

I want to say who he wants to kill the most, naturally it is this platform Chuangyu!

As the father of Yantai Lingyue, Xun refused to consider her daughter and wanted her to become a god. This cold-blooded beast can't be killed more than a thousand times!

If it wasn't for the sadness of Yue Er, kill him first!

"Your name is Nie Yun, you must be mad!" Just when Nie Yun wanted to shoot against Taitai Chuangyu, a sudden imprisonment surrounded the space and time, and a figure came over.

The ancestor of the Huantai family, who has never been shot, Huantan Moyun.

"Although you can use the Beidou sword to temporarily burst out of the level of immortal monarch, but you want to survive in our hands, there is no door! Now I give you two choices!"

"First, killed by us, the spirit is flying away, and eternal life must not be born! Second, obediently hand over the Beidou sword, get out of the way, eternal life and never see Yetai Lingyue!"

Hutai Moyun's voice was so powerful, he struck gold and stone, with supreme majesty.

"Let me surrender the Beidou sword, old dog, did you wake up!" After hearing what he said, Nie Yun laughed, licked the corner of his mouth, and **** eyes appeared.

His face has been torn, no need to be merciful. Even if he confessed and surrendered the Beidou Sword, the other party will still kill himself. Saying these nonsense at this time is simply an insult to many years of cultivation.


I heard Nie Yun call the ancestors of the Yantai family directly, and Motai of Yantai was an old dog, and everyone was crazy.

I have to say, this boy is too brave!

"Since you're looking for death, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Yantai Moyun's face was also stiff, and his lungs swelled instantly.

He is a magnificent monarch and a peerless power of grandfather Ling Yue. He has been in control of heaven for many years. When did he receive this insult and he was called to the old dog!

"Old thing, you don't need to be merciful, I'll see what you have!"

Nie Yun laughed, and the whole person seemed to be in a state of magical epilepsy. In the sound of humming, the body turned into a sword and came straight.

Bei Beijian in his palm, instantly changed from one to two, three, four ... Less than one ten thousandth of breath, it turned into a sky of rain.

Each Jianmang has the power to destroy time and space, as if descending in nine days, unstoppable.

"Good swordsmanship, it is really effective against ordinary immortals, but it is not enough to deal with me, stay!"

Xutai Mo Yun sneered, and suddenly pointed his finger forward.


The time and space around the maggots were frozen together instantly, and Nie Yun seemed to fall into a thick mud, even if he had used all his strength, he could not extricate himself.

The trick of Yan Beidou Jianhua under his finger also seemed to have no effect and could not be exerted at all.

"So strong!"

Nie Yun's pupils shrank.

It seems that the top ten immortals in the room, this 澹台 Mo Yun is the strongest, has been stronger than imagined!

If you compare the strength of the Emperor Simi Buddha, Mo Yun in front of him is definitely ten times, dozens of times!

Singles may not be able to defeat alone. Not to mention the situation at hand.


I know this Motai Yunyun is strong, and Nie Yun knows that his body shrank suddenly when he didn't bump into him. The whole body shook, and a golden light poured out of the body.


The end of Jinguang. A huge towering star palace appeared in the sky, immediately crushing the surrounding imprisoned space into powder.

I know that with his current strength, it takes a while to break free, and during this time the other party is enough to kill himself countless times. Nie Yun did not hesitate to directly sacrifice the Big Dipper Palace!

The opening of the palaces of the Xingxing Palace is equivalent to complete refining. Suddenly sacrifice it out, and the peerless power of the fortune-making artifacts was immediately revealed. Although Motai's method of confining the space was powerful, he was shocked by Xinggong. There is still no obstruction.

"Sorry, you die first!"

Nian Yun knew that each of Xianjun had superpowers. Once he was entangled with Hun, the trouble was not small and his body turned. Eyes fell on the owner closest to him.

Yang family owner Yang Zhen!

家伙 Since seeing this guy, he hasn't said anything good in cold words. At this moment, he was the closest to him. He killed two of them anyway, and it did n’t matter if he killed one more.

If you let others know what he thinks now. Definitely fainted.

每 Each of the top ten family members is a fellow who is in the spirit world, and the top king, killing two by more than a dozen breathing exercises, is actually too small, I really do n’t know what his heart does.

"You die first!"

Seeing Nie Yun's gaze come over, Yang Zhen's heart twitched suddenly, sounding the tragic state of Du Gongfang and Huang Fuqi just now.

He will be dead as soon as the other party takes a shot. What he can do now is to make a move in advance.

"Give me down!"

Yang Zhen discovered Nie Yunzheng's intentions, and the ancestors of the Yang family naturally found out. He grabbed the palm of his hand, and a huge palmprint struck Nie Yun instantly.

掌 This paw print is lava-colored, extremely hot, and the air makes a "Zi Zi!" Sound, which is completely burnt.

Big flame palm!

Yang's strongest martial arts!

With the strength of Xianjun, the other party used the strongest force as soon as he shot!

"Boy, since you have the strength of Xianjun, we don't care about identity, let's die!"

"I want to be fierce again, I see what you do!"

"For shameless things, I feel that you have not reached Xianjun, I am sorry to besiege. Since you are looking for death, I will complete you!"

Uh ...


As the ancestors of the Yang family shot, several other immortal monks shouted and shot at the same time.

这些 These are all immortal monarchs. Decreasing their status to deal with a person who is not an immortal monarch already feels very lost. It is difficult for them to join forces.

However, when I saw Nie Yun killing the Ten Masters one after another, I couldn't help it anymore, regardless of the so-called inside shot at the same time.

概念 What are the top ten immortal kings shooting at the same time?

The power of the sky is like the tide of the sea. The fierce waves capsize from the air. Nie Yun seems to be caught in the rapids at the moment. The core of the storm, if accidentally, will break up and break down. com ~ Seeing everyone attacking at the same time, Nie Yun did not dodge, but his eyes became more and more bright, and the whole person fell into a strange state.

The martial arts master reached the fifth form, making him even more eager for battle. Although the Ten Great Immortal Kings are terrible, they will undoubtedly die in the eyes of others, but in his view, they can make him **** and more excited.

The martial arts master, born for martial arts, simply fights to nothing, the harder it is to overcome, the more it can inspire courage and strength!

Otherwise, how can it be a special talent in the top ten?

"Thunderfield on the other side, break me!"

With a loud roar, Nie Yun raised her palms and slammed.


With a loud noise, Huantai Chuangyu's face became pale, and Nada Dantian exploded. A round thunder ball suddenly appeared, and a pale blue thunder sea evolved.




[To be continued] "This text is provided by @ 情 不知 所 起 j". If you like the work, welcome to support the author. 】

【道 果】 Introduction:

Yi asked: what is the Tao?

Answer: Sexuality is God, and life is immortality, and immortality is God.

Twenty-two asked: What is the avenue?

A: Life is the first avenue.

Twenty-three asked: Why is it seen as an avenue.

A: I punched you and lost my life. What else do you cultivate?

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