Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 1492: Back to the temple

Chapter 149: Endless Dantian Chapter 492: Back to the Temple and Sweeping the World

Mind enters the mind, forming a dark silhouette. The silhouette is not an entity but a complex mind, and rushes in to directly devour his soul, trying to occupy the body.

There was a language in the mouth that made people incomprehensible, making people drowsy, and Nie Yun's scalp was cold and sweaty, strange.

The other's actions exceeded his recognition of the world.

"It's not that easy to take me away. The road ring is three thousand complete!"

My heart was tense, but I didn't lose my measure. Nie Yun's spirit was highly concentrated. The talents gathered together to form a circle of avenue again. .

"woo woo woo woo!"

Seeing the change of Nie Yun's spirit, the figure made a sobbing scream, strange and unpleasant, irritating the eardrum and making people dizzy.

Nie Yun himself completed the soul without the slightest crack, and under the influence of this sound, there was an imperceptible crack.

"What language is this? Damn!"

Master Tian'er didn't understand what the other party said. Nie Yun's spirit was concentrated again, and a book flew out of his mind, brightening it.

It was Su Lin and others who got the book in the temple, killed them, and took it as their own, refining it.


The ancient chaotic texts in the floating air of the books floated out one after another, like the stars shining on the Quartet, the dark shadows were illuminated by this power, and the attitude of offense weakened a lot.


With the palm stretched out, the idea of ​​blessing from the avenue ring turned into the sea. Straight up to the shadows, covering every corner.

With the Avenue Circle, Nie Yun's soul power is more powerful and complete. Each impact is like a half step to dominate the strong and give it a full blow, but the silhouette in front of it seems as if it doesn't feel the slightest, and it still looks like a ghost in the sea of ​​thoughts, and doesn't care.


The silhouette roared again, and his eyes flashed in the twisted face. A dark light shot straight at the books in the air.


The book immediately seemed to be stained with ink, and the flying chaotic writings immediately faded, and the entire book lost its previous power. Fall from the air.


Seeing this scene, Nie Yun's face turned pale immediately.

This idea is too strong, even if this book written by ancient chaotic texts would take a great deal of effort to destroy, the other party just clicked. Just pollute it. The weirdness of the means is incredible.

At this point, Nie Yun understood that with the current ideas and strength, it is impossible to obliterate the other party. If he does not run away immediately, instead of stalemate, his body will be taken away!

Think of this. If you don't fight again, turn around and run away.


Seems to see his intention. The palm of the figure shrouded like a net, restraining his thoughts and unable to move.


Knowing that once he was completely trapped, it would be difficult to escape again. Nie Yun's spirit moved and he screamed loudly. The broken Shenzhou not far from the corpse was controlled by orders and burst into the air.


With the meaning of broken time and space, he slammed into Nie Yun's own body.


Broken Shenzhou slammed into the attack with his soul-destroying attack method, and blocked the soul of the silhouette. With his body stretched, Nie Yun was again in control of the body, fell straight on the boat, and rushed out in a blink of an eye.


For a moment, the broken Shenzhou stopped at a place in the ocean, and Nie Yun gasped heavily, his face pale.

Although the opponent blocked the puppet with a broken Shenzhou just now, it also had a great impact on his soul. Both physical and mental injuries were extremely serious.

Fortunately, if not, it would be difficult for the opponent's forces to surround them all before trying to escape.


After adjusting his breath for a while, Nie Yun felt completely recovered, and then he looked up.

The corpse in the distance is still the same as before, lying quietly in the ocean, and there is no other action, but Nie Yun knows that if the other party is allowed to continue like this, it will definitely be resurrected!

Once he is resurrected, the native beasts such as Wanli King, Xuan Chan King, and Aoba King will surely be swallowed up, and no residue will be left!

And depending on the strength of the opponent, I am afraid that it is not far from the resurrection.

I flipped my wrist and took out the book just now. I saw that the text above was completely contaminated. At this time, a powerful book had lost its effect and became completely waste!

It's just an idea confrontation, destroying a book that is more precious than the peak chaos soldiers, it is terrible!

"Master, how is it?"

Seeing his ugly face fled back, King Xuan Chan didn't ask much, at this time he recovered and asked anxiously.

Breathing out, Nie Yun spoke out her guess and the terribleness of the other party.

Hearing these words, the three kings stayed in one place at the same time and couldn't say a word.

No one wants to die, and they are no exception.

"He's just an idea right now. As long as we don't have a resurrection, we have a chance. If we can kill it, it will mean rescue!"

King Aoba's face was heavy.

"That's the saying, even the master's strength cannot be defeated, what can we do?" Xuan Chan Wang hummed.

Hearing it, the three great beasts were silent at the same time.

Indeed, even Nie Yun's strength cannot defeat the other party, and she must use the broken Shenzhou to self-harm to escape, and they must have no way.

"Hey, it would be great if the master had a master soldier. Although the opponent's idea is strong, there must be no way to meet the master soldier. You can kill it!"

King Aoba is sighing.

"There are only a few of the sacred moons that dominate the Divine Moon. How can they be so easy to find!"

Nie Yun smiled bitterly.

It wouldn't be so precious if the master soldiers were so easy to obtain.

"Yes, master, isn't it rumored that the ancient battlefield had the master soldier? Didn't you find it?"

King Wanli interjected.

"Not found!" Nie Yun shook his head.

He searched carefully, how can there be any masters?

"The Lord God Soldier is the Lord Lord's refining. The road is complete. I heard that if it is not used, it is no different from ordinary weapons. There is no particularly powerful power. Only by injecting power and activating it completely can we shake the earth and destroy everything!"

King Aoba knew a lot, he said.

"No difference from ordinary weapons?" Nie Yun froze.

When he was searching in the shrine, he didn't even glance at some ordinary weapons, only looking for some strong breaths, great power, wouldn't he ... miss the master soldier?

It's too frustrating to do this.

"Don't ..."

Suddenly, Nie Yun thought of something.

"I have also heard the legend. We have not seen the master of the soldiers. We do n’t know what it is. We only know that the power is great. The master ’s strength must be able to show now. No matter how strong the consciousness of the corpse is, it can certainly be killed! "

Aoba King.

"Oh ... where is the King of Heaven first!"

Nie Yun urged the broken Shenzhou to fly to the desperate place.

Since you have to think of something, you must do it, otherwise, if you really miss the master soldier, you will regret it for life.

Fully urged the speed of Shenzhou to break fast. After a short time, he flew out of the ocean of despair and returned to the tortoise shell of the King of Heaven.

"You are here, I will go to the ancient battlefield again!"

Nie Yun returned to the top of the tortoiseshell again, intending to hide the power in his body in the world of Nawu, but he was glad to find that the iron chain at this time was no longer repulsive to him.

After this period of time, the runes that have been integrated into the body have been linked to the blood, and the body has developed immunity to the iron chain. Even if it does not hide its power, it will not be rejected.

"That being the case, it is much easier to enter the ancient battlefield!"

Knowing this, Nie Yun's eyes lighted up, and he laughed, and without hiding his strength, he flew straight up the chain.

Before crawling, the speed was very slow, and it took seven days, but now the flying speed is extremely fast, less than one day. Once again, I see the spherical battlefield floating in the sky, quiet and indifferent.

"Go in!"

With the first experience, the road is light and familiar, and there is no problem anymore. The body has already entered the ancient battlefield.

The boulevard ring moves in the body, recognizes the direction, and flies straight in the direction of the temple.

An hour later, the tall temple appeared again in front of him, and the statue of Nie Tongshi, who was split by a sword in his eyes, stood quietly in front of the palace, just as before, without any changes. (To be continued ...)

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