Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 1728: Who loses and who wins? (under)

"Huh! Something ignorant!"

Seeing that the second move was not much different from the first move, Shi Xing sneered, his feet suddenly rushed, and the whole human spirit snake rushed over.

The Mogo in front of me has an irreplaceable role in finding the crystals of Ayana. If he can catch the living, he will have a lot of confidence in entering the desperate cave to find the spirit stone!

So many people around me know this, and look at him with jealousy. Without this competition, everyone will inevitably fight for it. Shi Xing, although confident and powerful, wants to take Mogo from so many people, I am afraid Can't do it!

Because of this, he deliberately agreed to compete with him. In fact, he wanted to find an opportunity to take this boy down in one fell swoop, and even if others wanted to get involved, it would be difficult!

Holding this idea, his first shot was only a tentative test. The second move saw that the opponent still had this half-dead sword. The immortal power in the body was like boiling, and rushed over.

"Abominable, it's a trick!"

"I said why Shi Xing is so reckless, I have to agree to the test, the original idea!"

"This is bad, Mo Ge must have been taken by him ..."

Uh ...

Su Shi Xing suddenly made a force, the figure was like an electric mang, where everyone did not understand what was going on, they all showed remorse.

Once Mo Ge is captured by this guy, it means that he is in the hands of the lore sect. They are determined to escape, even so many people can't stop it!


Obviously, Mo Moge did not expect the other party to rush directly, his face changed.

They are fighting with such strength, they try to get close to each other. Because of a close collision, the danger is serious, and it is slightly careless. May lead to fall.

Moreover, Shi Xing is not a human being, the body is an ancient fierce sharp-billed crocodile, and the close combat power is strong. Once approached, it is equal to the result, no longer an opponent!

If he does not use these three techniques, he will not be able to defeat the opponent. At least in a short period of time, the other party cannot be approached!

But these three techniques are not only simple, but also open. Just let the other party bully him in one click, there is no way to avoid it.

"I shouldn't listen to him ..."

Su Moge gave birth to this idea, and secretly regretted it.

少年 Although the boy in front of him looks confident, his origin is unknown. No one knows who it is. Believing in him unconditionally, isn't that trying to kill himself?

"Forget it, just die!"

想法 This idea flashed in his mind, and life and death were coming, but he decided to rise.


Shi Xing came to him at this time, and the body surface suddenly produced countless fine scales. He grabbed the palm and grabbed his other arm. Let Mo Ge move.

动作 This action was extremely fast, and Mo Ge's second stroke was completely interrupted after only using half of it. Can no longer perform, but desperately, can only abandon and show the third move.

At this moment, the abnormal change suddenly occurred.

Liao originally had an ordinary three-stroke sword method. The second one was directly connected to the third one before the show, and it actually formed a special weird trace. No matter the sword strength or strength, it also increased a lot.

原来 "It turns out ... this is the essence of this sword ..."

Until this time, Mo Ge came to understand that these three moves are unremarkable. In fact, they are earth-shattering tricks. Only when the second move is interrupted and the third move is performed can they be connected and formed. New swordsmanship.

This is the essence of these three techniques.


He understands this, Shi Xing understands it, never dreaming of the same trick, he will suddenly burst out with such a powerful force, his face will change immediately, he will not care about the attack, and hurried back.

But he retreated fast, Mo Ge's sword speed was faster, the second half of the move combined with the beginning of the third, so that the sword in his hands became a cold mang invisible to the naked eye, one in ten thousand could not breathe. From Shi Xing's chest, the chest penetrated.


The blood flower splashed, and the third type just ran out, and Mo Ge pulled out his sword and pulled back.

"You ... you ... this ... impossible!"

Xun Shixing looked at the wound on his chest and felt the vitality kept detaching from his body. His rounded eyes were full of disbelief.

He never dreamed that he would actually die in the hands of a casual man with much lower strength, and ... it only took two and a half!


Yan Shixing's body fell to the ground.


死 The deadly silence around me.

Everybody's eyes widened, nobody believed.

The advantages occupied by Xun Shixing were clearly seen by everyone, and they were beheaded in the blink of an eye. There was no time to say a complete sentence. What happened?

"He really killed Shi Xing within three strokes?"

"Did you see the sword move just now? The second move was not fully performed, and the third move was hard. It was such a powerful sword ..."

"The previous person said that Shi Xing must be killed in the three moves ... Did it have long been guessed that Shi Xing's second move would adopt a close-up attack method, forcing Mogo to finish the second move and directly connect to the first Three moves? "

"If you can guess even this, this person is terrible ..."

Uh ...

After a short while, everyone reacted, one by one looking pale.

那个 The teenager just now is very confident that Mo Ge can kill Shi Xing as long as he learns his three moves, that is, it has been calculated that Shi Xing will attack in close proximity and interrupt Mo Ge's second skill!

The calculation is so accurate, and such a powerful sword is hidden in the ordinary sword tricks, let people learn ... Who is this guy?

How could it be so terrible?

Everyone looked at Nie Yun, and felt that they had taken a few steps back.

虽然 Although he didn't take any shots, he only taught one trick to let Moge kill Shi Xing. Everyone didn't believe that he and others could stop him.

"I ... I killed him!"

Compared to the shock of the crowd, Mo Ge first stunned, then looked at the corpse on the ground, and some could not believe it.

Xun Shi Xing raped his wife and made him helpless. He dreamed of beheading him, but he really killed the other person, and it was so easy, but he didn't expect it.

too fast!

Such a powerful person can be killed in less than three ways ... not a dream!

He looked down at the long sword in his palm, slowly dripping blood on it. Shi Xing's body was lying in front of his eyes ... He finally knew that the enemy ... revenge!

"Thank you for your predecessor's gift of art. What do the seniors say in the future, as long as one sentence, I will go to the fire and dance without hesitation!"

As soon as he turned, Mo Ge knelt down in front of Nie Yun and shouted loudly.

He knew that if it wasn't for the person in front of him, let alone revenge, even if he could live now, it would become a puppet to help the other party to find the crystal of Ayana, instead of the enemy with his hand, like now.

"Come up, I said that I can help you get revenge, not to kill this person, but ... to kill everyone who persecutes you!"

Raising his palm gently, Mo Ge was shrouded in a special force, and could no longer kneel, and stood up involuntarily.

"Should everyone who persecuted me be killed?"

Mo Mo Ge froze.

Shi Xing is his biggest enemy, but most of the others around him have helped. Many of these people are more powerful than Shi Xing. How can they be killed?

Besides, I saw the other side of the sword move just now. It is impossible to take the enemy closer and unable to get closer. How can he be killed?


Thinking of this, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Mo Ge shook his head. Although he wanted to kill these people, he also knew that with his current strength, there was nothing he could do.

"Refine this sword!"

Before he finished speaking, he heard the faint voice of the teenager not far away, and then a flower fell in front of him, and a sword fell in front of him.

剑 This sword looks unremarkable, but it exudes panic power, and comes to it gently, giving Moge a heavy feeling like a mountain.

"This is ... dominate the magic soldier?"

Mo Mo's pupils shrank.

He recognized the level of the sword in front of him, but it was ... dominate the magic soldier?

The other side gave him a master soldier? This……

Momo's whole body blood was burning.

"Revenge on his master soldier? Who is this person? Just teach such a powerful sword move, and easily take out the master soldier!"

"Even the monsters on the top 100 list cannot send others to dominate the soldiers!"

"Is it ... dominating the strong?"

Uh ...

Suddenly, in the crowd, a man realized what he was looking at, and looked at Nie Yun and others again. His pupils shrank sharply, and he couldn't help walking forward, and asked with a slightly trembling voice, "Can an adult be ... Nie Yun dominates?" "[To be continued] This text is provided by The Shining Shadow Group @ 影 承 Provided with @ 听风 的 狼 @ 字 书 文 @ 伤感 滴滴 @ 仙 波】

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