Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2095: Congenital medical body

Shi Gui understands this too, so he doesn't have too much demand for medical talent. As long as the other party is an ordinary person, he can reach 30% of recognition, but unfortunately ... it has not been successfully realized until now!

"You can't get the approval of Shennong Baicao Jing. Although you have passed two levels, you can't inherit Yanhuang Hall. You can only let you leave. After you leave, you can't tell any secret about Yanhuang Hall, otherwise you will suffer the same. To kill! "

The stone tortoise looked a bit low, with short paws swinging.

The Shennong Baicao Jing is the largest inheritance left by the owner of the Yanhuang Hall. Failure to obtain approval means tantamount to refining, so even if you can pass the six levels, it is useless.

"Don't be busy, do you say that congenital medicine can increase recognition?"

Seeing that the tortoise ordered by the tortoise, Nie Yun was busy.

"Yes ..." Seeing the young immortal, Shigui frowned.

I kind of liked this guy before. He was humble and respectful, not humble, but how could he be rejected after being rejected?

Congenital poisons, which are in conflict with medical treatment, 15% is already the limit, and it is impossible to increase it!

"All right, wait a minute!"

Frowning, he saw the teenager sitting cross-legged.

Seeing this scene, Stone Turtle couldn't help anger.

What's the use of waiting? Wouldn't it wait for the recognition to increase? Dream it!

"Leave it right away and I will send you out. Although you missed the Yanhuang Temple, you also got the first three styles of the Da Yan Tianji Sword. It is a reward. If you don't give up, you still want to stay here and do needless struggle. I There is no guarantee that it will not kill you! "

The stone turtle's tone was a bit cold.

If it fits, it fits. If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. Why is this person so dead?

"Please don't worry, give me a joss stick time. If my recognition is less than thirty, it's not too late to drive me away!"

Seeing its unhappiness, Nie Yun explained with a grin.

His situation is different from anyone. No explanation at all.

After saying this, he no longer cares about the stone turtle on one side, and his soul is full of body. All of the poisonous gas incorporated into the blood was recovered. At the same time, Musheng Dantian was operating, and the thick wood-born gas was incorporated into the blood, flooding every cell.

Musheng Dantian was promoted from the treatment of Dantian. He was born with the same characteristics as medical ethics, and this talent was integrated into the whole body. Should increase recognition a lot!

These are complicated to say, and easy to do. Fusion of talented qi with the whole body has been done countless times, and time is not long. The woody qi has been completely fused with the blood, and the physical condition of the whole person has also changed.


Nie Yun stood up, smiled slightly, and looked at Shi Gui: "I want to try the recognition, I hope the seniors are successful!"

"Try again? You congenital poisonous body. Even if you try again, it's a shock, and leave right away. I can't do anything that doesn't happen, otherwise ... it will not only take back your cultivated Da Yan Tian Ji Sword, but also make you suffer! "

The stone turtle scolded.

I have tried it just now, it is an inevitable fact that the congenital poison is rejected by Shennong Baicao Jing, and it is useless to try again!

"I beg your senior to answer, if this time I can't reach 30%, I am willing to accept any punishment!" Nie Yun held his fist.

The congenital poisonous body is eliminated, and the woody air is carried through the whole body, if it has not reached 30%. He'll hit him!

"Will accept any punishment? Great! Don't blame me now that you're trying to die!"

I didn't expect this boy to be so stubborn. The stone turtle hummed, his head lifted. The Shennong Baicao Suspension suspended on his head became bigger again and shone.

"Unidentified ghosts, the recognition test is physical fitness, not other, physical fitness exists in nature, it is impossible to change ..."

There was a stream of air flowing from the nostril of the stone turtle. Looking at the stele not far away in the cold hum, before the word "change" was spoken, the eyes were suddenly rounded, and the huge turtle shell kept trembling.

"This ... impossible ... what happened?"

In the trembling voice, the stele not far away originally had only the number of fifteen, and kept jumping upwards, the blink of an eye became twenty.

Then it became thirty.

After reaching thirty, the rate of increase has not decreased, and there is even a faster and faster trend.






With less than three breaths, there was only fifteen approvals, which has reached as much as eighty!

Ordinary people, 30 degrees of recognition, 60 degrees of recognition, is equivalent to possessing a very high level of medical talent.

The first two who passed the assessment were only fifty ... how could it be eighty at a time?


The numbers seem to be beating.


Finally, it stopped.


Recognition is 99% ...

"Congenital medicine?"

Such a word came up in the stone turtle's brain.

Only the innate medical body can make the recognition reach 99! The distance from the highest one hundred is only the last point.

"This this……"

The stone turtle's lips were narrow and speechless.

what happened? Wasn't it congenital poison just now? The recognition rate is only 15%. Why does it suddenly become an innate medical body?

Could it be this guy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Medicine and poison are congenital, born with two special constitutions?

It's ... impossible, never heard of it!

This is as if the killing demon and the savior's hand are combined into one person, it is hard to believe that even if the stone turtle has lived for more than 100 million years and has an infinite life, it is incredible.

"Is this okay?"

Under the light, Nie Yun glanced at the stele with relief.

It seems that the decision just now is correct, and the body that has been fused with the spirit of wood has gained enough recognition.


The stone tortoise still felt numb, and blinked hard to make sure that it was read correctly. Then the spirit moved, and the Shennong Baicao of the sky flew down.

"Are you innate poisonous body or innate medical body?"

Withdrawing the scriptures, the stone tortoise could not help but ask.

"I ... is an innate medical body. The reason why I had such a low recognition just now was because I had been poisoned before, and I just completely eliminated the poison!"

Nie Yun said casually.

Dan Tian's talents are not intended to tell anyone, although the other party is only an instrumental thing or the like, he does not intend to say anything.

Besides, even if it is said, it is hard for the other party to believe it, it is better to push it directly to the poison, anyway, the poison is resolved at this time, and there is no way to trace it.

"Anything like this?"

Shi Gui saw his insincerity and did not believe this statement. However, after thinking about it for a long time, he could not think of a better reason, so he shook his head, his spirit moved, and the flying Shennong Baicao Jing fell into Nie Yun's palm.

"Now that the recognition reaches 99%, you can refine this scripture now! As long as you refine it, you will immediately become a disciple of Shennong and possess the most enviable medical practice in the world!" (To be continued) )

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