Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2114: 1 defeat

"Are there any such claims?" Master Mingxin froze.

Obviously he had not heard such news.

This characteristic of Jinshicao is in the hands of a few people, because firstly there are not many gold mines, and secondly, who knows the secret death will not be leaked. Nie Yun knows it because Shennong Baicaojing tells all The peculiar properties of medicinal herbs, although rare, are not rare.

"If you say that, where is the growth environment of gold stone grass?"

Master Mingxin knew that the boy in front of him could say this, and it must be well-founded, and asked immediately.

"Yeah!" Nie Yun nodded, and then said, "However, if you write like this, you should still fall into the trap of the other side. You can write that it grows on top of the stone. Grow on gold! "

"Directly rooted in gold?"

Master Mingxin took a breath of air.

Although gold has a soft texture, after all, it is metal. It grows on metal and absorbs no nutrients.

"The leaves of Jinshi Cao can absorb moisture in the air, and they can grow with the sun. There must be no problem in writing Jinshi!" Nie Yundao.

The reason for this self-confidence is that the Emperor Shennong once planted this medicinal material on gold, and the Baicao Jing has a detailed record.

"Okay, I'll write it!"

Master Mingxin did not hesitate to write the answer.

After a while, the answer was sent up. Ye Tao and Ye Mingcheng were two young masters. After reading the two answers, their faces became strange.

"The answer is wrong!"

Ye Mingcheng's eyes lit up, and he laughed, as if he finally caught the handle, and he couldn't speak easily.


Master Mingxin stunned.

"Master Zhao Yuan's answer is the land rich in gold stones, but you write on it, can it be planted on it? Haha ..." Ye Ming's imaging came over like an idiot.

"On the top of the stone? Master Mingxin, how dare you write ... As a doctor, you won't know that there is no thing on top of the stone!" Hearing the answer, Zhao Yuan also sneered.

Planting on top of gold stones ... Isn't this a joke in his opinion?

"Your answer is that the land of stone is the most suitable growth environment, then I ask you ... the stone grass grows in this kind of place. How long does it take to mature?"

Facing the ridicule of the two, Master Mingxin's face only changed a bit, then he eased over and restored his confident smile again. Asked.

"This Jinshi grass is the seed and cultivation method I got in an ancient tomb. It is planted in a rich place of Jinshi, it can mature in seven years, and it can be difficult to grow without a century. death!"

Zhao Yuan was smug.

I am very proud to be able to replant the legendary extinct medicinal materials, and have matured in just seven years.

"Seven years ... Not much time, but what if I can make it mature within three months?" Ignoring his contentment, Master Mingxin laughed.

"Mature in three months? Did you dream?"

Zhao Yuanyi waved his hand.

What a joke, the planting method he used is the most advanced, it takes countless energy to care, it can mature in seven years, mature in three months ... In his opinion it is absolutely impossible!

"Don't dream. We can try it. Although the land of gold stone helps the growth of gold stone grass, it is not the best environment for the medicine to grow! If you don't believe it, we can immediately experiment and prove that your answer is wrong!"

Ming Xin Master said.

"Okay, this medicinal material is still about a month away from maturity. If you are right, it should be matured in about a day if you plant it now! But ... if you can't, you will not only admit defeat. I'm a peperomia! "

Zhao Yuan hummed.

He cultivated this stone grass at a great cost. If he died, he would naturally have to pay compensation.

"Okay, though. If I win, there is a problem with the answer you give, so ... you don't even have to ask the third question, you have already lost!"

Master Mingxin refused to budge.

Medical challenges, the challenger can question the other party's answer, once the answer is determined to be wrong. Regardless of the previous battle, the person who gave the wrong answer automatically confessed!

Because of this, those who don't know the answer or don't know the answer will not be released in the challenge.

"it is good!"

As soon as Zhao Yuan waved his hand, his palms shook, Jin Shicao flew over to Master Mingxin.

Reaching out to catch it, Master Mingxin only felt the palm sinking.

This medicinal plant looks small, but it is very heavy. Like a piece of iron goblet, it is startled.

"I wonder if there is gold in the hands of Master Zhao Yuan?"

Hold Jinshi Cao in his hand, Mingxin Master said.

He also had gold, but he was afraid he would not admit it, and then he would find other excuses before he spoke to him.

After that, you have figured out the problem, which is also your own, and you cannot question it.

Zhao Yuan knew what the other party meant, but he still didn't believe that gold could cultivate pebbles, his palms shook, and dozens of gold bars flew over.

Gold is also used as a treasure in some places, and everyone will have a lot of it.

"Come on!"

After receiving the gold, Master Mingxin placed Jinshi Cao on it. There was no action, just watching quietly.

Seeing his actions, Ye Mingcheng and Zhao Yuan were both disdainful. They were trying to ridicule two words, and all of them suddenly choked, as if they were pinching their throats by words and speechless.

I saw the immortal gold stone grass, as if smelling something delicious, and the thick rhizomes slowly spread down to the gold below, and immediately struck deep into it.

The root system of the plant is plunged into gold, and even if everyone is well-informed, they can't believe it.

The root system is completely inserted into it, and the color of the peperomia becomes brighter. The leaves and petals that were slightly stale before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time, I want to be coated with a metallic luster. Under the light of the room, it shines. Shenghui.

"Master Zhao Yuan ... I wonder if I have already won this way?"

Master Mingxin smiled slightly.

Looking at the look of Jin Shicao at this time, everyone knows that it will take less than a day to grow to maturity. You don't need to look at it again. You also know that the answer from Master Mingxin is the most correct. The answer given by Zhao Yuan is not wrong, But it's not the best.


Zhao Yuan's face was red and white for a while.

He has cultivated Jinshi Cao for so many years, and he knows the vegetation best, knowing that the other party is right, and it won't take long for this Jinshi Cao to fully mature and emit an attractive floral fragrance.

He said that the land of golden stones can mature at least one month, and the other party takes out gold and can mature without a day. Needless to say, he also knows that this game is a test and he loses!

The answer given is wrong ... indicating that the third question doesn't even have to be asked ... it has been lost, and it has failed! (To be continued.)

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