Endless Dantian

Vol 4 Chapter 2228: Question of Yunlang Medical Immortal


Chapter 2228 Questioning Yunlang Medical Immortal

Seeing Nie Yun interjecting, the prince Dobo looked at him with a grim look, and his voice was cold.

"I can get an invitation from the emperor. It only shows that you have good luck, but luck ... It is impossible to be there forever. When you should be low-key, what should you do! Your head is too long, and you don't know how to lose it. of!"

For this birthday feast, he prepared it several years in advance, at the cost of a huge price. He thought that he could succeed in one fell swoop and get the first place, so that everyone would be impressed, and stepped on Prince Ruxia and Prince Liumu ... … I didn't expect it, only a third!

Although the two princes Ruxia and Liumu were also stepped underneath, they did not have the slightest air of joy, but were full of humiliation.

Because of this, he was full of hatred for this "first place", and he couldn't look at it anymore. In addition, Nie Yun couldn't help but speak against his subordinates "Ye Xin". He was not polite in tone, but took Threatening.

"No grass by the river

!! "

For his threat, Nie Yun didn't bother to talk nonsense and said lightly.


Prince Dobo's eyebrows frowned, and anger flew up.

Just now Nie Yun used this sentence to say Mr. Ye, the meaning is very obvious, blame him for nothing to interrupt, now the same sentence, the purpose is very simple, you are also a mouthful donkey, don't interrupt!

Also, when the two of them made a gambling contract before, why didn't you discourage it or talk about it? At this time, you lose clearly, but speak, what is not talking?

Besides, Nie Yun and Ye Tao talked about Ye Xin. It doesn't matter to you, what do you do with this mouth?

"This Nie Yun is not going crazy!"

"Yeah, Prince Dobo is the most promising person to inherit the Putian Dynasty. It would be unwise to offend him!"

"You are still young. In the palace of Emperor Yuanyang, Prince Dobo didn't dare, but as soon as he was out of here, I'm afraid his hospital will be closed and people will be arrested!"

"It's good to have spirit. It's too strong, and I don't know how to avoid it. It will only bring disaster to myself!"


Looking at this scene, everyone couldn't help shaking their heads.

Who is Prince Dobo? His high-spirited prince, who has the greatest possible inheritance of the throne, is not dare to offend even those in ducal residences such as Ye Guogong and Feng Guogong. The owner of a medical museum, who was lucky enough to get an invitation, had a shallow foundation and dared to say so, just like killing!

It is foreseeable that once you leave here, you will definitely be ruthlessly revenge by Prince Dobo!

To say this directly to Prince Bobo, Nie Yun is not afraid of revenge, but ... there is no way!

Today, my wine gourd won first place. Having already offended the prince, coupled with Ye Xin's affairs, there is no room for manoeuvre. Rather than beg for mercy.

This is a blatant offense. Once something goes wrong, everyone will point the finger at Prince Dobo, and it will give him some pressure. Publicly offending him, Prince Ruxia and Prince Liumu must be very happy. If you can't figure it out, you can help.

The enemy's enemy is a friend, and this sentence is universal everywhere.

"Notary, now that the gambling agreement has come to fruition, shouldn't you also talk? Haotianlou has always been known for its fairness and fairness. You should not do irrational things!"

Ignoring the prince Dobo who was about to explode, Nie Yun looked at graphite lightly.

This guy and Ye Xin wore a pair of pants. They used to be a notary public, and then they were puppets. Now you give me justice!


Graphite looked ugly, his fists clenched.

He had to be a notary public before and after life, because he felt that Ye Xin had full confidence. Now that full confidence has become what he looks like, what other notary? If it is true, not only offend Ye Xin, even Prince Dobo will offend!

But ... it's hard to ride a tiger at this moment!

The young man moved Haotianlou in front of him. As one of them, if he could not deal with it fairly and affect his reputation, let alone the person in charge of Yunzhou City, he would be immediately transferred back for investigation.


"Hurry up, they bet twice, and you are both approaching, and threatening to be a notary, you can end with an apology, or kneel and admit your mistakes, you should know better than me outsider!"

Nie Yun continued.

This graphite originally wanted to harm him, and has already violated the inverse scale, of course, he must be severely beaten at this moment.

"Ye Xin, what are you hesitating about? Since the gambling contract failed, you should kneel and admit it!"

Gritted his teeth, graphite shouted.

At this point he had no choice, if the notary did not do justice, he would lose everything!


Seeing Prince Bobo interjected, he was said to be a multi-mouthed donkey, no longer squeaking. Graphite also said that at the moment. Ye Xin's teeth were bitten tightly, and he was about to take a step forward.


A figure came out from behind Prince Dobo, who was the Yunlang Medical Immortal.


Ye Xin did not want to kneel to admit his mistake. Hearing this, he was relieved and stopped in a hurry.

"Does Yunlang Yixian think he can't perform the gambling contract?" Unexpectedly, at this time, the medical master would come forward to stop him, and Nie Yun frowned.

"It doesn't matter to me whether he executes the gambling contract or not. I just have some doubts. I can't figure it out. I want to ask Master Ye Tao!" Yunlang doctor said.

"Speak!" Ye Tao bowed. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Jiupin Julingdan is the secret of the Emperor Shennong. It is more precious than the seven-day return soul Dan! I want to know that the gift you gave to the emperor is a complete Danfang, but it was only obtained in ancient books. Part of it ... has it been verified that it can be refined into a complete elixir! "Yunlang Medical Immortal said:" I'm not questioning the emperor's ability to discern, but I feel that refining the elixir has many difficulties. You lose all over the board. A Danfang without a finished product needs to be evaluated to be valuable. If it can't be refined into a Dan, even the best prescription is useless ... "

He said this, and the people around him immediately calmed down.

Although it is nice to say, it is not a question of the emperor's judgment. In fact, he is still saying that Ye Tao's ranking is not right. There is no value for Dan Fang, which is not confirmed by the finished product! You are not eligible for second place!

Once it was confirmed that his words were right, Ye Tao's ranking would drop straight, and he could not make it to the top seven, so that he would be able to release Ye Xin.

I have to say that he has a good way of drawing salary at the bottom of the kettle.

Admit the bet, but ... you won't win the bet!

"My Danfang ..."

After hearing the questions, Ye Tao did not know how to answer, but before his words were over, Nie Yun's voice rang.

"The things Ye Tao gave to the emperor were neither complete Danfang nor part of the ancient books ..."

Nie Yun smiled slightly: "Instead, a piece of paper, five words, Jiu Pin Ju Ling Dan!" (To be continued)

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