Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 485: I'm not a virgin anymore?

10 million elephants, the boundary between the flyover realm and the realm, reaching a strength of 10 million elephants, is equivalent to already being a strong flyover realm!

Nie Yungang has such great power just after breaking through the realm of the field, saying that going out will definitely scare people directly!


Finally, the power stopped at 12 million elephants.

The cultivation itself has reached the middle of the field.

With 12 million elephants of true strength, 1 million physical forces, and the amplitude of Dali Tianda, he is equivalent to having a huge force of 22 million elephants, which is comparable to the average mid-level strongman in the overpass!

Overpass in the early 1000-1999 Vientiane, in the middle of 2000-2999 Vientiane!

Of course, when you reach the overpass environment, pay attention to your understanding of the heaven and earth. Even if you have 22 million elephants in your heart, if Nie Yun has great strength, if the overbridge environment is prepared, you may not be able to defeat it at the initial stage!

Reaching the fifth level of mystery, heaven and earth perception is even more important, and pure power cannot be the criterion for judging battle victory.

"It's a pity that King Kong's glass body is only successfully condensed by the glass soul this time, and the physical strength has not continued to increase ..."

The power stopped. Nie Yun knew that his strength of Vajra's body had not increased. Only the soul of Liuli was promoted. The soul of Liuli made himself successful. Although the souls are still in the late spiritual level, they are just like Liuli. Clear and transparent, dazzling, pure soul power, more than ten times more than before!

"Now this kind of soul, splitting out, can fully let Mixing, the peak of the overpass realm, exert all its power! Even if it is not too difficult to control the twelve overpass realms together!"

A smile appeared on Nie Yun's face.

The soul successfully broke through to become the soul of the glazed glass, controlling the star of the peak of the overpass. It is no longer difficult, and he can fully exert his power. And even if the soul now controls all twelve corpses, it is not too difficult!

Therefore, in this way, the ability to save lives more than doubled, more than ten times!

I used to run into the peak of the overpass, only to escape, now let alone the peak of the overpass, even in the early days of accepting the virtual reality. Twelve corpses were sacrificed at the same time, arranged in a large array, and maybe they could fight each other!

Of course, the difference between Na Xujing and Tianqiao is too big. Even if you want to fight, you are only limited to those who have just been promoted to Na Xujing. No matter how powerful you are, you just turn around and run away!

Rao is so. Nie Yun's combat effectiveness has also increased a lot!

After feeling the physical changes, Nie Yun slowly opened his eyes and looked up at the girl in front of him.

"You ... Are you refining my exquisite heavenly heart?" Seeing the teenager's promotion stop, the girl hurried out and almost cried.

"No, here you ..." Palms flipped. The heart-shaped ball appeared in the palm of Nie Yun. At this moment, it seemed more refined than before, and he beat together and slowly beating.

I just broke through the special induction of the talent of Xianyinshi in Linglongtian's heart, and did not refine this soul essence.

"Linglong Tianxin has spirituality? What's the matter with this?"

The exquisite Tianxin before. It's just a heart, it doesn't beat. Now every move is like living, as if having her own spirituality, Huo Ying couldn't believe her eyes.

According to your own cultivation, it takes at least ten years of perception to make Tianxin have spirituality, and it may not even succeed. Once Tianxin has spirituality, it is not far from the exquisite fairy heart of the highest level!

Even if I have realized for more than ten years, Linglong Tianxin may not be able to have spirituality successfully, but it will become spiritual after a circle in the youth. This is too weird!

The girl was so shocked today that the whole person was going crazy.

"Has spirituality?" As soon as the girl reminded, Nie Yun also noticed an abnormality and thought for a moment and suddenly understood that "is it related to the nine-hearted lotus that it swallowed up?"

At that time, I was looking for the Jiuxin Demon Fruit Tree and devoured its most important core, Jiuxin Lotus!

Nine-hearted demon fruit tree can grow a heart on the tree, making it easier for people to understand nature. Heaven, Nine-hearted lotus is the core, and the natural effect is greater. Perhaps this exquisite heavenly heart enters into itself and feels the breath of Nine-hearted lotus. That gives life!

"You try to absorb Linglong Tianxin and see if there are any problems ..."

Nie Yun naturally did not tell the story of Jiuxinlian, but asked casually.

"Hmm!" The girl nodded, swallowing Linglong Tianxin with one mouth.

This exquisite celestial heart was realized by herself. The essence of her soul was condensed. After swallowing it, she found nothing wrong. Sutai was in her body for a while, and her strength was rising gradually. She blinked into a realm with a blink of an eye!

Previously, Nie Yun's soul was too weak. She only knew that the girl was a powerful virtual reality. As for what level she couldn't see at all, she could see clearly now. And now devouring the exquisite celestial heart that already possesses spirituality, the cultivation is directly increased, and the stubbornness has reached the middle of the virtual reality!

Reaching the virtual reality, it is more difficult to progress. It is often a small level, which is more difficult than the previous several large levels. It is usually promoted from the early stage to the intermediate stage of the virtual reality. There is no hard work for decades, hundreds of years, and sufficient energy. can not be done!

Now the girl will break through directly because she has devoured the spiritual exquisite heart. Passing it out will definitely make everyone envious die.

"Huh? Your body, your soul ..."

As soon as the girl swallowed her exquisite heart into her belly, Nie Yun immediately felt that something was wrong. It was as if the girl in front of her was extremely familiar with herself. Her body and her soul were all clear to herself, and no secret was mentioned!

"My exquisite Tianxin has been absorbed by you and stained your breath, and you have helped me activate the activity of Tianxin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ So ... you have me and I have you, which is equivalent to two of us This soul ... has been repaired, so ... "

The promotion stopped, and the girl exhaled slowly, her face turning red.

"Soul ... Shuangxiu?" Nie Yun was startled.

There are two types of dualism: soul and body. The duality of the body is very simple. It is a matter of husband and wife. The dualism of the soul requires the unreserved blending of the souls of the two people, so that both parties can share each other's experience and soul. Deeper and more thorough!

The dual body of the flesh can also fit together and have different dreams, while the dual soul of the soul is the perfect blend of souls!

In real comparison, the dual cultivation of the body is only carnal, and it is only a small vehicle, while the dual cultivation of the soul is a spiritual one, a true mahayana!

"I've been double-minded? So ... I'm not a virgin anymore?"

Nie Yun burst into tears when he collapsed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.)

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