Endless Dantian

Vol 3 Chapter 577: Sword Heart Examination

"The Supreme Master of the Sword Emperor Jianzong, the disciples of Zongmen are aware of Kendo today, and invited the Jianxin Stone to take the assessment, and please allow it!"

As soon as Jian Jiao's body was shaking, Yun Xuan stood in front of Jian Xinshi, her hands folded, and sincere worship.

The sword heart stone was left by the ancestor of Kaishan, and is the most precious spiritual weapon of the Sword God Sect. Even if Yun Xuan is the Sovereign, he is also very respected.


The end of her speech, Jian Xinshi suddenly shot ten rays, blinking, and formed ten portals with height of one person all around.

门户 Inside each portal there are countless channels formed by sword energy.

"Ten of you walked into these ten portals, and realized their kendo and sharpened their sword hearts. Remember, the longer you persist, the more you realize!" Yun Xuan took a step back and turned to Nie Yun and others for a moment. .

"Thank you for your help!" The crowd responded at the same time, each chose a portal and went in.

Immediately after entering the portal, Nie Yun felt an invisible sword move towards him, appearing in layers, filling his soul.

The passages in the portal are like a world made of swords. Various swords and swordsmanship are dense and dense, leaving no time to think about it. There is no time to think of anything else. They can only follow the path of Kendo step by step.

"These sword moves are very simple and should be ordinary swordsmanship!"

The swordsmanship that appeared at the beginning of the channel was very simple. It should be just ordinary swordsmanship. The harder it goes, the more elite swordsmanship and supreme swordsmanship.

"Unexpectedly underfoot ..."

Walking into the elite swordsmanship area, Nie Yun felt that his feet had been out of control, and he kept moving forward. The sky was full of swords, shaking his mind and breaking down at any time.

I saw more and more swordsmanship and swordsmanship coming towards me. Rao was Nie Yun's heart strong, and she felt dizzy and a little sick.

Now the channel's swordplay is too esoteric and I can't understand it completely.

"I ca n’t understand so many swordsmanships. Too much. I did n’t expect that kendo is so complicated and cumbersome. With my current level of training, I am only able to understand the fur of kendo ..."

"I think I have gained a deep understanding of Kendo with the essence of Chen Xu's martial arts. Now it seems that nothing is counted, and Jiu Niu has no hair!"

"The two generations were humans, and the previous life also knew a lot about swordsmanship. I didn't expect to know so much ..."

"What have you cultivated over the years? It has no use at all. Sword art and sword skill have been practiced for so long before they realize that they have nothing and are a waste!"

"These practices are all wrong, and they are ten thousand miles away from the real avenue. I call myself a genius. I think it is a stupid person. What qualifications do I have to practice sword art?"

Alas ... I felt more and more swordsmanship, and the mystery of Kendo was piled up in a mountain, and Nie Yun gradually felt that he had lost his self, and the idea of ​​Kendo was instantly broken.

Originally thought that he could perform supreme sword skills with the essence of martial arts, but now, in the face of so many kendo mysteries, he is as small as a poor worm and cannot be mentioned.

Is this true swordplay? If this is swordplay, what did you cultivate yourself before?

Rubbish? Not as good as garbage?

"After practicing for so long, I've practiced this kind of thing. As with children, I have nothing to be proud of. I will never practice swordplay again ..."

Suddenly, my heart rose to such an idea.

This is like a person who has been pursuing things for many years, and has paid countless hard work for it, but suddenly found that one day, he has gone all the wrong way. This kind of blow is really too big!

This is the state of Qi Nieyun.

If he only lived for a lifetime, he would practice for a short time without such a feeling, and now the memories of the two generations and the understanding of kendo between the two generations overlapped, and they were all wrong. This sense of frustration, Make him difficult to accept.

Your strong heart began to fall, and an unprecedented frustration came to mind.

"Forget it, my talent for sword training is so poor that I am not qualified to continue practicing. Now I will seal the sword in my hand and never need to ..."

Alas, Nie Yun took out the ghost sword as soon as he turned his wrist, and the palm of his hand was intended to completely seal it.


Before the seal was completely sealed, Nie Yun felt a heat flow from the Nether Sword. Although this heat flow was weak, it murmured like a lover. As soon as it entered the body, the essence of martial arts in the body suddenly shocked.


Xie Nieyun woke up instantly.

"What happened to me? Is this the test of the sword heart?"

Suddenly came to understand, and secretly shouted that it was dangerous.

If it wasn't for the key moment of the ghost sword to motivate the essence of martial arts in the body, I am afraid that my sword heart will completely collapse, and I will no longer be able to practice kendo for life.

Xun Jianxin is a person's yearning for kendo. As soon as he cultivates, he starts to wonder if he has gone the wrong way. How can he practice sword art well?

Understand what happened, Nie Yun gave a grateful glance at the Nether Sword. If it was not the sword spirit of the sword, he saved himself in an emergency, this time is really over!

Take a deep breath, hold the heart palpitations just now, put the ghost sword back to Nawu Dantian, look up again to the sky's sword.

Wake up at this time, completely different from the previous understanding. The original chaotic swordsmanship was like a strip of cocoons, and found the law, which became a complete set of swordsmanship.

最低 The lowest level of these swordsmanship is the elite peak level. There are even a lot of extreme peak levels. Entering the mind and combining with the essence of martial arts, Nie Yun understands them.

"Turn back anti-submarine swordsmanship, sighting maneuver swordsmanship, Jiuqu swordsmanship ..."

After a while, hundreds of sets of swordsmanship entered Nie Yun's mind. After sharp tempering, Nie Yun felt that his understanding of swordsmanship became deeper and deeper.

"Hmm? I have a headache and can't accept it ..."

I do not know how long it took, Nie Yun began to feel a headache, and my mind could no longer accept more swordsmanship, sword strokes.

Although the sword skill is very good, but one's ability to accept is limited, can accept hundreds of swordsmanship a day, it is already considered to be over the limit.

Let's sizzle!

Nie Yun couldn't accept it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't want to learn anymore, but the swordsmanship of the sky was still coming, so he didn't allow him to breathe.

"Ah ... ah!"

Just now I felt swordplay was enjoyment, and the blink of an eye became devastating again. Nie Yun screamed while holding his head, trying to escape the sword invasion, but could not do anything about it.


When I felt I couldn't bear it, the sky was swirling in front of me, and the sword in the sky disappeared, and I returned to the sword temple again.

"Come out? So scary ..."

I struggled to stand up and sighed. Nie Yun just looked up and saw everyone looking at himself like a monster.

(To be continued)

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