Endless Debt

Chapter 18 Tyrant

Boluogo has not come to Wandering Fork Road many times. His understanding of this place is not much different from ordinary people. Therefore, although the location of the Nome Clinic is stated in the information, Boluogo still seems to be confused when looking for it. Very difficult.

The wandering fork road seems to be alive, and various strange-shaped buildings are constantly growing. They are criss-crossing along the steep cliffs. With the help of cable cars and elevators, they are like towering trees growing from the ground. Steel branches are scattered freely.

In this chaotic land, there is no municipal planning in Bologochai. There are no street signs, no addresses, let alone accurate maps.

Gangsters, contraband, demons lurking in the shadows, and enemies that Borogo doesn't yet know about.

The buildings here are changing every day, collapsing and rebuilding, and the cycle is endless.

Chaos is the only order here.

"The smell of evil is everywhere."

Boluogo sighed, even with the isolation of the gas mask, he could still smell the peculiar smell in the air.

Not just the pungent smell of chemical waste, but also those deeper, darker smells.

Devil's breath.

The smell of decay and decay was deeply rooted in the land and merged with the thick fog. It was hard to imagine how many demons and things even dirtier than demons lurked in the shadows.

Boluogo was not afraid. On the contrary, the pressure on him gradually eased, and soon turned into some kind of indescribable emotion...like excitement?

Under the lenses of the gas mask, blue eyes scanned everyone coming and going. Even Boluogo didn't notice it. A slight glimmer of light flashed through his eyes, like a hunting beast, happily returning to the savage jungle. middle.

The process of entering the Wandering Fork Road went smoothly without any obstacles. Even the guards guarding the gate did not pay much attention to Boluogo, as if he was like a ghost of nothingness.

Boluogo guessed that this must be the effect of the "Invisible One". This gray and black windbreaker will reduce other people's attention to themselves and distort their perception.

The roads in Wandering Fork Road are uneven and very narrow, and all kinds of stores are piled together, like stacked towers. The neon signs Bologo saw outside came from these.

There were not too many people on the street, but they all looked fierce. Just now, Boluogo saw a warrior. The man was tall and had a gas mask on his face like a mask, and on his exposed arms. It's full of thick muscles, full of strength.

Think about it, if you are not vicious enough in a ghost place like this, you might be thrown deep into the crack below in the next second.

Death is very common in Wandering Cross Road, but people usually don't say "death" so bluntly, but "missing".

Countless corpses are thrown into the garbage dump every day, merged with other garbage along the excretion channel, and then thrown into the deeper fog below.

Not even the body could be found.

The sky corridors connect the gaps in various rift valleys. They are criss-crossed and swaying slightly in the sea of ​​fog. No one knows how long these things have not been repaired. Walking on them, they make dangerous sounds, and from time to time there are Broken pieces of iron fell off.

Boluogo walked carefully. On the air corridor, he could see many people wandering here. They held golden coins in their hands, whispered something in their mouths, and then threw them into the abyss below.

Boluogo knows a little bit about this, and it is a kind of faith similar to the wandering fork in the road, but it is not a faith.

That is a being called a "tyrant".

It is said that Wandering Cha Road was originally founded by the "Tyrant". He built this city of shadows in this deep and dark chasm to house those things that cannot live in the sun.

Of course, Boluogo doesn't know whether all this is true or not. The story of the "tyrant" is one of the famous urban legends in Opos.

According to legend, people living on the Wandering Fork Road need to throw coins into the fissure and fog sea below from time to time as taxes to the "tyrants", and the corresponding "tyrants" will also protect them.

So you can often see a scene like this on the Wandering Cross Road. A group of people throw coins into the foggy sea below. As for those who don’t pay taxes for the "tyrant"...

Those who do not pay taxes cannot stay on the wandering road for a long time. If they insist on staying, the messengers of the "tyrant" will appear and drag them into the sea of ​​fog.

It sounds like a horror story, but in the chaotic place of Wandering Fork Road, anything is possible.

Boluogo dug into his pocket, pulled out an Oner coin, and threw it directly towards the sea of ​​fog below. The coin flashed past and disappeared without a trace.

"Just do as the Romans do."

Boluogo whispered, looking to the other side. The air corridor extended to the end of the field of vision, and random buildings grew wildly on the surrounding cliffs.

Nomu's clinic is hidden among them. Even if I remember the information given by Lebius in my mind, it is still too difficult to find it.

Lebius is also aware of this. He also mentioned in the intelligence that when Boluogo can't find his target, he can go to a place to ask for directions. There is a cooperative relationship with the Bureau of Order, and it can be regarded as wandering on the fork in the road. The only place that is barely worthy of belief.

Barely...worth it, yes, that's it.

Even a cooperative relationship is not monolithic. In this chaotic place, the other party may betray you in the next second for greater interests.

Unlike Nome's clinic, the place mentioned by Lebius was very easy to find. Bologg raised his head and saw a tall and crooked building wrapped in a faint mist, with flashing neon signs looming behind the mist.

In the bright light, a signboard is the most conspicuous and the highest position, hanging high like a morning star.

"Spider Web Bar."

Bologo read its name, and suddenly a strong wind passed by, briefly blowing away the fog above his head, revealing the true appearance of the crooked building.

Countless lines protruded from the darkness in all directions, wires, cables, ropes... They were entangled with each other, and finally gathered on the building, densely packed and bloated, hanging together like weird spider webs. There were also birds standing there, but Boluogo couldn't see what they looked like, only gray and black silhouettes.

Borogo guessed that this was the reason for the name Spider Web. He moved along the narrow road and soon arrived at the building wrapped in cables.

There were obviously more people near the Spider Web Bar, and the dead atmosphere became more or less joyful. Boluogo also vaguely heard bursts of singing coming from between high-rise buildings.

Crossing the street, you can see the gate right in front of you, with colorful lights spilling out of the gaps.

Just like when he entered the Wandering Fork Road, Bologg encountered no obstruction when he entered the Spider Web Bar. When he opened the door, the hustle and bustle rushed in and enveloped Bologg like a tide.

There is a huge dance floor at the entrance. Under the gorgeous psychedelic lights, countless people are dancing and laughing, and bursts of piercing songs are heard.

Boluogo took off his gas mask, and the strange smell of alcohol mixed with the smell poured into his nose, and there was still a familiar smell of decay.

Scanning the surroundings with keen eyes, all he could see were faces illuminated in colors, full of drunkenness and ecstasy.

After walking through the crowded crowd and walking to the bar, recalling the procedures and codes in the intelligence, Boluogo sat down and observed the busy bartender.

It was a burly guy, with a clean shaven head, wearing a white tight white shirt, with dark skin, and tattoos of venomous snakes on his body, climbing all the way along his neck, with the snake's head poking out from the back of his head, staying on the smooth forehead.

"Have a glass of 'Let It Go'."

Boluogo said to the bartender. The bartender paused for a moment, then turned his head and stared at Boluogo carefully.

"you sure?"

the bartender asked seriously.

"I am sure."

Boluogo nodded. This was the "secret signal" mentioned by Lebius.

The bartender seemed to be thinking about something, and then moved again. Without saying anything, he mixed Boluogo's drink seriously. Boluogo was also a little confused. He wondered if he had asked the wrong person. He didn't know now. Should I communicate information directly with myself? Why is he still working?

There was no response, and Boluogo remained silent until the bartender pushed a glass of strange-colored wine in front of Boluogo, and then he made a "please" gesture.

Boluogo looked at the bartender, who was unsmiling and cold, and then looked at the complex liquid in the glass.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Bologo chose to believe Lebius. He felt that as his new boss, there was no need to lie to him, and he would not make such a ridiculous mistake.

He picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Different from the bad situation expected, this wine should not be poisonous, but the taste is quite strange. There is no smell of alcohol, but a sharp mint smell. It feels like the whole mouth is filled with ice cubes. Feeling a painful coldness.

"Ha ha."

Hearty laughter rang out, the bartender looked at Boluogo with a smile, and then asked.

"how is the taste?"

"It's so bad, I feel like I just drank a glass of foamy laundry detergent," Burlogo coughed.

"That's because you don't know how to taste... How is Lebius doing lately?"

The bartender said. When he heard the name of Lebius, Boluogo calmed down his breathing and looked at the bartender warily.

"Don't be nervous, 'Let It Go' is the hidden menu here. Only that guy Lebius has drunk this kind of wine," the bartender said casually, "He likes this kind of wine very much, but he hasn't had it in many years. ."

"Old acquaintance?"

"More or less, when I met him, I was just a waiter here, and he was just an ordinary field clerk."

The bartender answered that he was the barely trustworthy guy in Lebius's words.

"Is that so?"

Boluogo whispered that this was not a chess piece planted by the Bureau of Order, but an old friend of Lebius, an old friend living on the wandering road.

It sounds like Lebius has also been out in the field, but considering his disabled appearance... Could it be that Lebius was not born disabled? But an accident caused him to live in a wheelchair? This is how I quit my field career.

The bartender's words interrupted Boluogo's thoughts.

"You can call me Vika...so what do you need?"

Vika motioned for others to come and mix drinks, while he stood in front of Boluogo, leaning on the bar with both hands.

"Norm Ward," Bologo put aside all the messy thoughts. The first priority now is to perform the task, "I want to know where his clinic is?"

Vika was silent for a few seconds, seeming to be recalling the information related to Norm Ward. After a brief thought, he said.

"Then what should you give in exchange for this information?"

Boluogo was stunned. Vika seemed to understand Boluogo's expression. He laughed a few times and then said.

"You think this information should be given to you for free, don't you?"

"It's just an address."

Boluogo felt that there was some trouble. Lebius had not told him this at all, or was this guy actually having a grudge against Lebius and deliberately making things difficult for him?

"Well... you don't quite understand the rules of Wandering fork Road." Vika maintained a friendly attitude.

"Rules? In this chaotic land, there are so-called rules?"


Vika answered, and at the same time another man came over. He glanced at Boluogo, then looked at Vika, then placed a coin on the bar and pushed it towards Vika.

"Vika, I'll pay you back the tax money. Thank you last month."

After the man finished speaking, he left without looking back. Boluogo was a little confused by this scene. Looking at the coin, he asked, "Pay taxes? Just one coin?"

Vicca said nothing, but pushed the coin towards Bologo.

Boluogo picked up the coin. Unlike the currency he was familiar with, this coin was not a currency in circulation, but something similar to a commemorative coin.

Countless threads are engraved on the front of the coin, and they gather together to form a cumbersome ball of thread, which seems to be pregnant with something.

"This is to pay taxes for the 'tyrants'." Vika said meaningfully.

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