Endless Debt

Chapter 36 The nightmare returns

At dawn, Bologo has already woken up. He is a person who sleeps very little. Generally speaking, after sleeping for a few hours, Bologo will become full of energy.

Jeffrey was also surprised by Burlogo's vitality. When faced with his question, Burlogo just casually explained, "I have slept long enough in the dark cell."

When he woke up, he didn't get up immediately as usual. He lay in the warm quilt, squinting his eyes and thinking about something.

The weird scene that happened last night flashed back before my eyes, crossing time and space, bringing a biting cold feeling.

Boluogo stretched out his hand and put it on the window sill next to the bed, groping for something randomly, and easily touched the cold thing.

The hazy sleepiness disappeared in an instant, and Boluoge woke up completely, as if he had been dragged from a warm bed into the cold deep sea.

Breathing slightly, he picked up the thing, held it above his head, and stared at it.

Mammon coins.

A golden Mammon coin that looks like gold.

Bologg sat up, holding the Mammon coin in his hand. He could feel the coldness of the metal in his hand. This coldness was not warmed by Bologg's body temperature, but exuded a severe chill as always.

No one gave him the answer, but Boluogo realized instinctively that this Mammon coin was different from the Mammon coin that Vika showed him. This Mammon coin was extremely special...with magic power. of.

Opening the curtains, Boluogo looked in the direction of the great rift, his eyes flashing with confusion, followed by a burning sense of expectation.

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and Boluogo muttered.

"That's interesting."

He is real.

The so-called urban legends appear before our eyes one by one, turning from illusion into reality, and the distance gets infinitely closer until they are within reach.

It was scary, yet exciting.

Boluogo is like a newborn child who encounters new things every day. He even begins to look forward to the next time he visits Wandering Fork Road. He really wants to dig out the secrets hidden in the big rift and take a look. "His" true appearance.

The Lord of Wandering Crossings, the protector of darkness and evil, the unknown entrenched in the shadow of the Great Rift.


"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Burlogo whispered.

If he has any value, it must be his "resurrection from the dead", and his information is absolutely confidential and is completely under the control of the Bureau of Order. How did the "tyrant" know about himself?

Was he discovered while hunting Nomu?

But Boluogo clearly remembered that he did not leave any witnesses.

His thoughts were interrupted here, and Boluogo realized his misunderstanding. Who said that without witnesses, he would not be able to detect himself?

Different from the "previous life" that was strictly bound by the laws of physics, the world Bologo lives in now possesses deceitful and unknown extraordinary power. Perhaps it is the operation of some extraordinary power that exposes him to the "tyrant" "In the eyes.

After all, he is the founder of Wandering Chalu, and he single-handedly created the existence of this city of shadows.

For such a legendary existence, it is no exaggeration to imagine how powerful he is.

But the more he thought about it, the feeling of being targeted by a big shot really made Boluogo feel uncomfortable.

Slowly clenching his fists, Bologo clearly realized that he needed strength. He needed the strength to gain a foothold in Opos. Even if he couldn't fight against these unknown big shots, he at least had to have the ability to bite a piece of meat from them. ability.

Boluogo has always adhered to the concept of "even if he can't beat him, he must make the other party pay some price." Jeffrey praised him as being like a violent vicious dog.

As bad as it sounds, Jeffrey unexpectedly liked that about Burlogo.

Get up, make the bed, get dressed, turn on the radio, and wait for "Grey Fog, Industry and Delicious Shrimp Crackers" hosted by Dudel, and think about what to do today while waiting.

Not long after, a familiar voice came from the radio.

"Hello listeners! I'm Dudel, your loyal friend who broadcasts twice a day, welcome to this column!"

Dudel yelled in song as the music blared.

"Grey fog! Industry! Delicious shrimp crackers!"

Boluogo thought of what to do today.

He prepared a lunch of delicious shrimp fritters, an Opos specialty so delicious that it was named on Dudel's radio show.

Recalling the delicious food, long-lasting memories gradually emerged before my eyes, and a kind voice sounded.

"Want something to eat?"

Burlogo remembered what happened after he met Adele when he was released from prison. After the two briefly reminisced, she took him to a roadside restaurant.

Adele sat opposite him, looked at him softly, and asked what he wanted to eat.

“Eat slowly, eat slowly, there’s plenty more.”

Seeing herself wolfing down the food, Adele kept saying.

Boluogo still remembered the feeling, the dry and barren mouth, the sour feeling of saliva secreting little by little. He didn't even have time to taste the food, so he swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

"Life in prison must be difficult."

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Adele asked.

"It's okay, but the food I eat is a bit bad."

In order not to worry her, Boluogo didn't tell her anything about the dark cell, except for three meals.

"It's just pig food."

Borlog cursed.

The memory ends here. I am not in a restaurant, but at home. There is no Adele beside me, only Dudel's voice on the radio.

Boluogo's expression was a little stiff, and the smile was frozen on his face, just like the audience who saw the ending credits after the movie ended before they could get out of the story.

He was a man with a good memory, and he loved to reminisce.

For Bologo, after living in this world for so many years, the memories of his "past life" began to seem extremely strange, like the memories of another person.

But he is still willing to keep recalling and looking back at those precious memories. These memories are like scenes from a movie, supporting him through the most difficult time.

"As long as there are memories, one can endure loneliness."

Burlogo murmured.

That is Boluogo's most precious treasure, a "past life" that no one knows about, a gorgeous and beautiful memory.

He shook his head vigorously to get rid of the slightly sad mood.

Having made preliminary plans on a boring day, Boluogo looked at his savings. He wanted to get a TV set and a video recorder at home so that he could watch movies at home.

After calculating the funds, even if the goods purchased were second-hand goods, it was still not something Boluogo could afford at the moment. It seemed that he would have to endure it for a while.

Boluogo let out a long sigh. He was horrified to find that after so long and after so much experience, he still had to worry about money in the end.

It feels like everything is back to square one, which is too bad.

For a moment, Boluogo even imagined whether he should go out to fight the gang. This was a righteous act. The only thing he needed was...a little money from the gang.

This is probably considered a gangster attack, and I don’t know how the Order Bureau views this behavior.

His thoughts were confused, mixed together, and turned into a mess.

Looking at the phone, Boluogo was wondering if the Bureau of Order could pay his salary in advance. An outstanding employee like himself should be able to pay his salary in advance, but at this moment the phone rang.

Boluogo was stunned for two seconds, and then joy appeared on his face.

Normally, only Jeffrey would call him, and him contacting him would mean the arrival of the implantation ceremony.

Picking up the phone, a familiar voice rang.


"Well, it's me."

Boluogo responded with joy in his voice. Apart from killing demons, few things could make Boluogo so happy.

Implantation ritual, alchemical matrix, secret energy...

In fact, Boluogo is already a member of the extraordinary world. His "resurrection from the dead" is more powerful than most people's secret powers. But this is not enough. Boluogo also needs a sharper sword. A heavier hammer.

"Are you ready for the implantation ceremony?" Bologo asked.

Hearing this, Jeffrey's voice stagnated. He hesitated for a few seconds, and then his voice became dry.

"Well...there's something wrong."

"What's the problem?" Boluoge felt something bad.

"In fact, the implantation ceremony has been prepared. According to your 'gift', we have selected several 'alchemy matrices' that are very suitable for you."

Boluogo's "resurrection from the dead" is a very powerful force. If paired with the appropriate secret energy, it will exert extremely strong power.

"For example, the secret power of the 'School of Ascension' - Bloodthirsty, will allow you to draw blood from other people's bodies and in turn strengthen yourself. Coupled with your 'resurrection from the dead', you will turn into a life harvester. .”

Strange words came out of Jeffrey's mouth, and it sounded like the so-called secret energy was divided into different schools.

"But something unexpected happened."

Here comes the bad news.

In the office, Jeffrey also felt a headache. Lebius was opposite him, with Yas and Ivan beside him.

Several people looked prepared, as if they were facing some difficult event.

Among them is a document on the table with the symbol of the sublimation furnace core, a fruit entangled by a poisonous snake.

It would be fine if there was only this one sign, but there is a slightly more complicated sign next to the sublimation furnace core.

It was a clover-like logo, with a human face carved on each leaf, and they had different, miserable looks.

His eyes were burned by molten iron, his mouth was sewn shut with needles and thread, and his eardrums were pierced by daggers.

Poor man who was tortured and disturbed.

This is the symbol of the "Secure Containment Department", with an authority level of three. Most of the staff are unaware of the existence of this department, which is responsible for containing extraordinary entities that are difficult to handle.

This was not the end yet. Jeffrey's eyes continued to move upward, and the last sign appeared in front of him.

The pattern of this logo is very simple, just a scepter, but the tail of the scepter has metal-like crystals precipitated, turning it into a sharp sword.

All employees know what the "staff and sword" symbol represents.

Jeffrey said.

"This is a directive from the 'decision room'."

"What order?"

"Interrupting your implantation ceremony...but don't worry, I'm not planning to fire you."

Jeffrey's voice paused.

"The implantation ceremony needs to be prepared again, because the 'Decision Room' has carefully selected a brand new 'Alchemy Matrix' for you."

His eyes swept across the "Safe Containment Department" sign, and the nightmares from seven years ago came flooding back, and Jeffrey whispered in his heart.

"An 'alchemical matrix' that needs to be 'contained'."

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