Endless Game: Get the Necromancer Career at the Start

Chapter 95: The Talkative Mechanical Spirit

[Number a2025: A floating one-piece mechanical elf with a built-in Skynet 2200 generation advanced artificial intelligence. Its combat power is enough to match about 100% of the second-order flying monsters. It has various attack methods such as miniature electromagnetic guns, machine guns, and energy-storing light cannons. It has various high-tech detection methods such as light perception, thermal imaging, ultrasonic waves, underwater sonar, electronic radar, and infrared microwave. (Built-in message: Produced by Mechanical Master, the quality is absolutely extraordinary.)]

【Prompt from the manufacturer ①: This mechanical elf needs to be charged with an external energy source. The only external solar energy storage is too slow. The built-in energy conversion device can supply most of the energy. 】

【Prompt from the creator ②: There is a problem with the character pattern of this chatty mechanical elf. It is usually talkative, but it also has priorities. It will not expose stealth or attract enemies because of talkativeness... It just makes people very irritated. 】

"so good?"

After reading the parameter information of this mechanical creation, Lin Chu was quite surprised.

The value of this mechanical elf is probably not much different from that of a second-order peak monster, is it true that it only sold for 15,000 resource points? He believed in selling 30,000 resource points, so there shouldn't be any pitfalls in it.

I searched the forum for a mechanical master.

I didn't expect to find a lot of posts about him after a search.

This person is quite famous in the junior camp...

The only mechanic in the entire camp who can create second-order peak mechanical creations.

It is said that he has no shortage of resource points at all, and he can sell tens of thousands of resource points for just a few mechanical creations. Although the cost is high, the profit is not low.

But a lot of posts about him are scolding him.

there are many reasons.

The biggest reason is that the smart mechanical creations sold are too bad!

Some mechanical creations frequently consume a large amount of energy, and it is said that most of them are consumed by intelligent programs. If they run continuously for a month, the energy consumed will exceed their own value, and can kill people alive.

In addition, the intelligence program of the mechanical creation is higher than that of the owner, and the personality setting is still very strange. During the battle, various mockery of the owner's IQ, the angry owner finally smashed it.

There are even rumors that the intelligent mechanical creation someone bought from him exploded inexplicably within three days, almost killing the owner.

It is said that the character model was set too freely, and had a conflict with the owner...

Anyway, it is all kinds of wonderful shortcomings in the intelligent program.

Now few people are willing to buy intelligent machines from him, and only buy ordinary mechanical creations with no emotions from him.

I have to say that there is nothing to say about the mechanical crafts he made, as long as there is no intelligent program...

"Mom, no wonder it's so cheap."

It turns out that no one wants to buy smart machines from him.

Lin Chu re-read the parameters of the mechanical creation in doubt: "This price is worth it even without the smart program. If you can turn off the smart program or simply replace it, it should still be worth it..."

Hesitant to choose to buy.

Fifteen thousand resource points is not a small amount for him, but it is also affordable.

After buying, there are 25,000 resource points left, enough to buy most of the high-level exercises.

Even if there is an accident and he finds that the points are not enough, he will sell some of the equipment and props he has saved, and he will definitely be able to save them all.

Some of the rings he had were no longer needed and could just be sold.

For example, the Magic Ruby Ring and the Sensitive Purple Gem Ring obtained from the Land of Trials have little effect on him whose combat power is higher than 100%.

Just after buying this mechanical creation, someone sent him a private message in the upper right corner of the forum interface.

It was the mechanical master.

[Mechanical master: "Hey, you have a good eye. Although this guy is a bit annoying, all the parameters and detection capabilities are my masterpiece. If you have any major problems, you can give me feedback at any time. Now you It's my VIP client.


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