"Help! Who can help me!"

An urgent and delicate cry for help came.

I saw a charming woman in ragged clothes galloping through the mountains and forests riding a giant white wolf.

Behind her were two ferocious-looking men who were holding two apparently high-level enchanted cold weapons. From time to time, they picked up a submachine gun and an enchanted crossbow with one hand, and shot in the direction of the woman.

The weaker bullets were all blocked by the translucent barrier around the woman, failing to cause any damage.

However, the enchanted crossbow can barely penetrate the translucent barrier.

But maybe it was the woman's luck that none of the crossbow arrows hit her or the huge wave under her.

Hunting among explorers?

Seeing this, Lin Chu was thoughtful, and hid beside the bushes without moving, allowing the woman to run over not far away on the white giant wolf.

He doesn't plan to play some kind of hero to save the beauty.

Putting aside the pitiable superficial identity of a beautiful woman, in fact this is nothing more than a simple pursuit.

We are all strangers, neither relatives nor relatives, why do we have to go to other people's muddy water if we have nothing to do?

It is not a rational choice to easily mix with unknown events, and it will inevitably take great risks.

He is not a superman with a strong sense of justice and wearing underwear outside. Only fools would do things that are out of proportion to the benefits and risks, not to mention that there are naturally irresolvable interest entanglements among all explorers.

Besides, this scene of a beautiful woman being chased and killed in the deep mountains and wild forests is too abnormal...

Lin Chu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell where the sense of disobedience was, and it was better to just wait and see how it turned out.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop.

Lin Chu wanted to stay out of the matter.

But the woman didn't know what skill to use, so she found him hiding in the bushes with the phantom cloak.

"Friends over there, please help me! I am willing to use all the resource points on my body as a reward! There are only two of them, and we will definitely be able to beat them together! Please!"

The charming woman riding the white wolf turned around and ran towards the direction where Lin Chu was hiding.

"Hey! Another misfortune has been brought to the east!"

Seeing that the position was exposed, Lin Chu recruited the undead apostle without hesitation, and put a layer of bone armor on himself to prepare for battle.

"Don't come here!"

He stopped the woman who was trying to get close.

"If you dare to come over, don't blame me for attacking you."

He doesn't have a good look at this kind of guy who drags others into danger without saying a word.


The charming woman's face was livid.

She glanced at the undead apostle beside Lin Chu, her expression froze, and she smiled flatteringly again.

"Brother, just save me, I'm willing to give you anything... Those two guys in the back have a personal grudge with me, and if they catch me, they will definitely kill me."

"Six kilometers away is the safe zone of the 'Blood Buddha'. If you want to survive, run there."

Lin Chu pointed in the direction behind him, raised flames and struck the knife, and said coldly: "I am not related to you, and I am not interested in helping you offend others. Leave quickly, and if you dare to mess around, I will help them beat you together."

It is the utmost benevolence for him to point out a way out for the other party.

The woman's ingratiating smile suddenly froze, and her complexion became even uglier.

"Are you still a man? You didn't dare to save a girl when she was hunted down. You're wearing a level 5 enchanted armor and a second-level peak summoner. You're so timid, what a coward!"

Lin Chu shrugged.

Whatever you say, I'm not going to wade into this muddy water anyway.

This woman is quite fast in figuring out the strength of others, and she probably has skills similar to the detective eye, she is by no means a simple person.

"So there are other accomplices? Humph, let's kill them together!"

The two fierce and strong men who were chasing saw Lin Chu, narrowed their eyes, and attacked without any explanation.

A shuttle of bullets and two bolts of enchanted crossbow roared towards him.

The arrows and bullets bounced off the floating bone armor, but almost knocked out most of the bone fragments.

"Hey! I'm not with her. If you attack me again, you will fight back!"

Lin Chu casually dropped three frozen traps on the ground, and let the undead apostle stand in front of him with a giant sword in his hand.

"My dear, what are you talking about, I gave you all the treasures I stole, and you want to get rid of me after taking advantage of it?"

The charming woman was not in a hurry to escape, but instead tried to transfer the disaster to Lin Chu. Her eyes were sad, and even a little golden man would be sorry for her superb acting skills.

"What! The thing is on your kid?! Hurry up and hand over the thing!"

The two fierce and strong men seemed to have no brains. They easily believed the woman's words, and rushed forward with weapons in hand to attack Lin Chu fiercely.

Gan! What kind of third-rate script is this?

Is it so difficult not to kill someone?

Lin Chu tried to explain.

But the other party didn't listen to the explanation at all.

In other words, the two people opposite had already made up their minds to kill him together.

"Honey, let's join hands."

The charming woman winked at him, and said charmingly: "We will definitely be able to beat these two brazens together, and then all the treasure chests will belong to you, and I am willing to give you any reward you want..."

Lin Chu was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy.

One of the strong men holding a huge sword was stopped by the undead apostle.

The weapons used by the other person were long knives and leather shields. Using some unknown skill, they turned into purple awns and suddenly flashed three meters away. They appeared behind Lin Chu out of thin air and slashed at his legs.


The Bone Armor shattered at the sound, and the long knife was bounced off by the Sun Armor's resistance enchantment.

Lin Chu also reacted quickly and immediately took out the Losric shield to block the blade that the man slashed for the second time.



This is the level of life of the two strong men revealed in the eyes of the detective.

But the combat power of explorers is different from that of Warcraft.

Their skills, equipment, knowledge, and props are not counted in combat power.

In terms of actual combat effectiveness, these two explorers might easily kill a second-tier peak monster with ease!

Lin Chu, who had no experience in melee combat, was very passive in the face of the fierce attack of the strong man with long swords. He could only defend but not attack, and barely supported himself with the strong Lothric knight shield.

After finally taking a break, he chanted a spell to summon a layer of bone armor again.

He wondered if he should just release all the skeleton soldiers and use the primary strengthening scrolls to make a quick battle and kill all three people present?

Just when he was about to start.

"let me help you!"

Not far away, the charming woman riding a white wolf jumped up, took out a blue stone from her arms and threw it at the strong man with long sword.

The moment this unknown blue stone came into contact, it turned into a stream of light and merged into its body.

The strong man with the long knife froze in place, unable to move.

"Attack him with me! My body stone lasts up to three seconds! If it's too late, it's too late!"

The charming woman took out another short sword glowing with purple light, and quickly rushed towards Lin Chu and the strong man with long swords, as if to come to support them.

Body stone?

Lin Chu had obtained a talisman by killing an enemy explorer before, so without doubting him, he put away his shield, drew his sword, and used all his strength to attack the enemy.

It is naturally best to solve the trouble without exposing the skeleton army.

He wasn't some kind of pervert who took pleasure in killing people. To be honest, he didn't really want to do such things as silence all the people present.

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