Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1020: You should care about me (2)

At this moment, she just wanted to survive, and all the difficulties disappeared in her mind.

If a person dies, then nothing is left ...

She didn't want to die.

She still has a lot of things to do!

The above situation quickly attracted attention. The pedestrian passing below screamed, and the boy named Du Jun also looked up and saw, panicking.

However, after panic for a few seconds, he was busy pulling the girl around him and ran away.

At this moment, when the student union saw the situation was critical, they rushed over.

However, they didn't need their help. Yin Shaoyi pulled the girls up by herself.

The people present were stunned.

Xiao Shao is so mighty!

Xiao Shao is so handsome!

Almost everyone has the same voice.

After the girl was rescued, she fell to the ground with a slump, her face pale as white paint on the wall, and her body was still shaking violently.

Yin Shaoyan's eyes flickered, and a slap suddenly flew over.


The slap was loud and once again stunned the people present.

Yin Shaojie looked at the girl coldly, humming, "Go away if you want to die! Don't die in Shangde!"

The students of the Student Union took a breath and couldn't believe their eyes.

This seems to be the first time they have seen Yu Shao hit girls?

However, the anger emanating from Yin Shaojie at this time made others dare not squeak.

The girl was slapped and her head tilted aside.

She bowed her head with regret, her voice cried, and said hoarsely, "I'm sorry ..."

Yin Shaojie stood upright, pulled up Mu Xiaoxiao, who sat softly on the ground, and left without expression.

"Wait ..." Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to say something, but his feet were fast, she was panting just to keep up.

When the figure of Yin Shaoxu disappeared on the stairs, the talents of the Student Union were relieved.

What happened to the air just now?

It feels suffocating, terrible!


Mu Xiaoxiao was pulled down stiffly, her short legs almost couldn't keep up.

"Wait, where are you taking me? I want to teach that scumbag!"

She is really out of breath!

The **** scumbag, obviously saw his girlfriend hanging upstairs, and it was endangered, so he just led Xiaosan to escape.

Mu Xiaoxiao scolded a lot of swear words.

I was thinking that even if it wasn't for the girls to get justice, I would have to kill this **** scumbag again.

Yin Shaoji took her to the next floor, glanced left and right, kicked the door of an unknown room, and took her in.

Mu Xiaoxiao is wondering, why is he taking her here?

Even if he was pulled around in a circle, when he returned to God, he was pressed against the wall.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, the person you should care about now is me!" Yin Shaoyin's voice was deep and low, as if hiding some emotion.

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked puzzledly, "What? Are you hurt?"

She was anxious to see where he was injured.

But trying to touch his body, he grabbed his small hand, and then pressed it against the wall.

Yin Shaojun's face was approaching, her breathing was heavy and heavy, and hotter than usual temperature hit her small face.

He gritted his teeth and shouted at her, "Do you know how dangerous it was just now!"

Mu Xiaoxiao froze before realizing that his chest was undulating and his hands were shaking as if holding her.


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