Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1026: More important than him? (6)

Mo Xiaomeng nodded, "I see, you go."

Ye Sijue felt uneasy again, and called the secretary from the inside.

Within a minute, a beautiful woman in red high heels walked in.

"Some night, do you have any instructions?"

The voice was so soft that it could crisp the man's bones.

Even this woman, Mo Xiaomeng, felt her heart stabbed and looked at it unconsciously.

The glamorous woman looks like she is in her twenties, young and beautiful, and she is very well dressed. She has a charming charm that is hard to ignore.

Mo Xiaomeng's gaze fell on her chest.

This low-cut ... the milk hook is clearly visible and very tempting!

As if aware of her sight, the glamorous secretary raised a confident smile, and her chest was raised.

However, when she glanced at Mo Xiaomeng, she froze.

I thought that Ye Shao brought a young girl with a milky smell. What's the use of being pretty? Can you see her figure? But with such a glance at Mo Xiaomeng's chest, Secretary Mei Yan pursed her lips.

What kind of milky smell is not dry, this figure ...

The beauty secretary didn't want to admit that Mo Xiaomeng's beautiful face was matched with her figure. I didn't know how many men would be lost.

Ye Sijue said, "Give her a cup of tea, and give her some desserts and snacks. If she needs anything, you can bring it for her."

For the first time, Secretary Mei Yan has seen Ye Shao so intimate with a girl.

Although there was something unpleasant in her heart, she dutifully nodded and said, "Yes, I have little night."

"Go out."

Secretary Mei Yan poked her lips and went out unwillingly.

Mo Xiaomeng pushed Jue Sijue and said, "You can go this time? Let's go, so many people are waiting for you."

He prepared her iPad and dessert for her. Everything was ready. He didn't want to go yet?

Ye Sijue twitched her thin lips, but instead of leaving as she wished, she bent down towards her and trapped her on the sofa with her arms.

"There is one thing left to do." His voice was deliberately low, with a little charm.

"What didn't do?" Mo Xiaomeng puzzled, blinking his eyes as big as dark blue gemstones.

It was just that he was so close, that she felt ... Is he trying to do bad things?

Sure enough, Ye Sijue put his face up and said, "This."

Then she lowered her head and pecked her little mouth lightly.

Mo Xiaomen glanced at the door a bit shyly, afraid that someone would come in at this time.

He hasn't locked the door yet, what is he doing!

I thought he was just trying to tease her, who knew he could really do it.

"Don't make a noise, go quickly! Go quickly!" This time, she pushed him hard.

"Okay, then you are obedient, don't you know to run around? Wait for me to come back." Ye Sijue couldn't help kissing her pink face, and then got up.

Mo Xiaomeng picked up the iPad to block his face, heard the footsteps and went out, so he removed the iPad and glanced at the office.

He really is gone.

Mo Xiaomeng felt bored, took off the iPad, and started looking for games to play.

At this moment, the secretary Yan Mei brought milk tea and glanced at her, and there was a bit of viciousness in her eyes.

She walked to the coffee table on her high heels, and her mouth turned slightly.

Suddenly, she pretended to stumble, and "Oops" deliberately flung forward, and the steaming milk tea in her hand poured out ...


Because some people want to see Xiao Meng and Ye Shao, I write a little bit, but remind me that it may be a little bit sad next time ~ Monday and tomorrow, I ’ll take care of everyone, good night

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