Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1068: How much do you love him (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed to say, "I'll tell you later."

"So, are you punishing him?" Han Qiqing hid his mouth and smiled, watching Yin Shaoyin eating in the car, shrugging his shoulders.

She remembered what happened when she was a kid. If the kid was really angry, Yin Shaoyu would suffer.

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed her arm and said, "Let's go, let's go in and talk."

Yin Shaojiu kept staring at her, and her eyes were deliberately resentful, almost like a puppy abandoned by someone.

She really didn't look at it, fearing that she would be soft-hearted.

Han Qiqing deliberately glanced at Yin Shaoyin's side, then took a small hand and walked in together.

Yin Shaojie sat in the car and watched them enter the room.

For a short while, his car had been parked outside without leaving.

After a while, the steward hurriedly walked out, walking towards the car with a mistake on his face, knocking on the window, and calling out respectfully, "Say less ..."

Yin Shaoyi made a hissing gesture to him, then lowered the window and talked to him.

The steward listened and nodded.


at night.

After taking a bath, Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing were wearing different pajamas of the same color, lying crooked on the bed and looking at the ceiling.

The two chatted casually until they were young.

Han Qiqing rolled over, pressed one hand under his cheek, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and asked, "Xiao Xiao, are you really angry with Yin Shaoji this time?"

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said, "Never mind ..."

Han Qiqing laughed suddenly, "I remember when you were young, you were really angry once, you ignored him for a few days, and pretended not to know him. Every time he came to you, you deliberately asked 'you "Who is it?", Playing well with other classmates, it just seems like he forgot about him alone, so that Yin Shaoxing was almost mad at you, and every time I think of it, I feel very funny. "

In fact, more is envy.

There can be such a person that allows you to let go of your temper completely, you can be angry with him and get angry with him.

As she said, Mu Xiaoxiao recalled the pictures when he was a child and felt that he was very naive.

Mu Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth and said inexplicably, "Actually, I think I have a good personality. Why do I seem to become a little bit every time I meet Yin Shaoyu ... how to say, easy temper?"

Han Qiqing leaned over with a smile and teased, "Should it be irrational?"

In fact, it is a bit too much to say that it is unreasonable to make trouble. Xiaoxiao is not an unreasonable person. Even if she has a small temper, she has her reason.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew she was joking, and lifted a pillow and hit her.

"I'm not making trouble out of no reason! I'm obviously justified!"

Han Qiqing said vaguely, "Yes, yes, don't you just rely on Yin Shaoxing to spoil you?"

"Why did he spoil me when he was a kid? He always quarreled with me and sang against me. When did he spoil me?" Mu Xiaoxiao expressed dissatisfaction with her sentence, obviously this is not the case!

Han Qiqing's eyes narrowed for a moment, and gave her a disdainful look, and said, "Isn't that complimenting you yet? My God, Mu Xiaoxiao, do you have a conscience?"

"What! You just see the surface and don't know how we get along in private. Yin Shao's guy always likes me, do you know?"

"He just likes to tease you and like to see you angry because of him." Han Qiqing said a little bit.

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