Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1100: He is angry (9)

She turned her head involuntarily and dropped her gaze on Ye Sijue.

However, Ye Sijue is no longer in place.

He doesn't know where to go.

Anel suddenly panicked, remembering the picture just now, didn't Sir Siye take the secretary away? Shouldn't they want to ...

She unconsciously twisted away Chris' hand, and wanted to go to Ye Sijue.

Chris backhanded and took her hand again, "Annie, what's the matter with you?"

"He ... I want to find him ..." Annel choked in her voice.

Chris frowned. "He? Is that night Sir Alex?"

He looked up and glanced around the banquet hall, and then saw Ye Sijue carrying his secretary and went upstairs.

Aniel followed his sight and found the figure of Ye Sijue.

What is he doing upstairs?

"Chris, I ... I have something to tell him." She looked at Chris with a bemused look.

Chris sighed and looked into her eyes and asked, "What is your relationship with him? Have you ever had anything in China?"

Anil Weidun, "I ..."

She didn't know what to answer.

Said it, it seems to have happened.

However, she and Ye Sijue had never really established a relationship, so she did not know what the relationship was.

From an early age, Chris has rarely seen her look so anxious.

He looked at her a little deeper, "If you want to find him, then I will take you to find him, but you have to think clearly, Anne."

Think clearly?

Aniel noticed it, and looked at him indefinitely.


Chris smiled bitterly, "You, you haven't had your own idea since you were a kid, you have to make decisions for you, but not everything, you can rely on others to help you, there are many things that you need to do select."

Aniel dropped her head.

She knows, so this is also the place where she admires the little, she is not so decisive, so brave, and has her own idea.

She has always been confused.

She has been arranged for her since she was small, and she does not have to think for herself.

Before, she didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

But after meeting Xiaoxiao, she felt that she was wrong.

Xiao Xiao is always so energetic, so spirited, so ancient and weird, he has his own set of ideas for everything he encounters.

She ...

God knows how much courage she had gathered before, before she decided to go to China to find a little one, because she also wanted to be different.

Chris looked into her eyes and asked, "You tell me now, do you want to go to him?"

Annie nodded. "I think."

"Well, I'll take you there." Chris laughed, took her little hand, and led her up the stairs.

The large banquet hall has a circular corridor on the second floor, which can look at the entire venue, and there are some open-ended lounges on the second floor for guests to relax or talk in private.

At this time, there were not many people on the second floor, a few.

When Chris brought Annel up, he didn't see Ye Sijue and his secretary.

Anel tightened her heart and looked left and right, "Did they enter the room?"

Will Yeosu really do this?

Although she didn't think he would.

But when I think of his eyes, he always feels like he wants to do the opposite of what she wants.

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