Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1357: Mysterious Table (127)

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and showed a smiling face to Feng Tianqi before he wrote the character.

——Smiling at you now, are you satisfied?

This guy has a childlike character and is childish.

Feng Tianqi brushed and wrote.

——Not satisfied! You smile at me nine more times and I want to win him ten times!

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Don't bother to ignore him.


During class.

Jun Zeye went out to answer a call.

Feng Tianqi is behind him, talking to Mu Xiaoshu about his bad words.

"This man is mysterious when answering a phone call, and he has a gun on his body. He is definitely not a good guy! Is he a triad?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "Probably not, it doesn't look like him."

She remembered encountering Jun Zeye in the back alley of the bar. At that time, Jun Zeye's gun was checked by the police, but the police didn't say anything. He returned the gun to him, and he had a different attitude towards him.

And yesterday ’s hijacking in Tiandi City, why did Jun Zeye happen to be there?

Is he a police person?

Jun Zeye's identity is too confusing.

It may be a police person, but it may also be a triad. No matter which side it is, it can be explained.

Feng Tianqi read Mu Xiao's novel, "You are stupid, are you, a triad will write on his face that he is a triad? Of course not! Does n’t it look like it is n’t it? Do you think it ’s a triad now? It ’s still the kind of movie performed in Hong Kong. As soon as it comes out, it has its own underworld style. "

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Teaching outdoor.

Jun Zeye is standing in the semi-circular corridor, holding a mobile phone and talking on the phone.

His square is a few meters wide, and there is no one daring to approach, but many girls can't help but peep out his head and peek at him.

"How was it in class? Was it going well? Is there anything wrong?" The voice of Ning Ruyan came from the mobile phone, not so much a question of concern, but more of a gossip.

Jun Zeye obviously did not want to say more, "No."

Ning Ruyan certainly didn't believe it, "No? It's strange! Has your appearance caused a sensation in the classroom? Are the girls boiling? How many girls take the initiative to talk to you?"

Jun Zeye said, "If you want to say this, then I'll hang up."

"Well, don't! I just care about you, I'm afraid you haven't been to class for so long, what to do if you can't keep up with your classmates, you are so strong, your self-esteem is hurt, I, as a brother, have to understand the situation. Comfort you. "Ning Ruyan said something quite like that, if there was no smile in his tone.

"Rest assured, all my subjects are fine, except ..." Speaking of which, Jun Zeye automatically cut off the sound.

"Except? What? I thought there was nothing that you wouldn't know. What the **** is it? Hurry up!" Ning Ruyan was curious and wanted to know what subjects were there. Is it his cover door?

Jun Zeye said, "It's nothing, the break is over, and it's gone."

"Hello, you first ... duh ..."

Was hung up.

Jun Zeye held his cell phone and was about to walk back to the classroom. He heard rapid footsteps from the stairs, and then the students exclaimed.

I saw that a group of people in police uniforms came up and entered Class S.

"Someone reports that someone here is holding a gun illegally. Who is it?"

The whole class looked at Jun Zeye standing at the door.

Feng Tianqi grinned and leisurely came over.

Obviously, it was the police he reported.

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