Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1406: Why doubt? (1)

"What on earth do you want to say?" This time, Jun Zeye simply turned and faced her.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him and asked tentatively, "I just want to ask you, do you know Aze, what is your relationship with him?"

Jun Zeye saw her intentions, and a slight sarcasm was drawn from the corners of his mouth, saying, "Don't you doubt that I am Azer? Then I can tell you clearly that I am not him, as for me and him What's the relationship, you don't need to know this. "

Mu Xiaoxiao stumbled and took a step forward subconsciously, "You ..."

His eyes seemed to see through the heart.

Jun Zeye stepped back, always separated from her by a distance, a strange distance.

"KO is looking for you. You didn't say anything wrong, but I followed you secretly, not what you think. I'm not trying to protect you. I just want to borrow you to lead KO. I have to catch him. I caught him with my own hands! This is the purpose of my visit to city A. "He spoke coldly and said straightforwardly, as if he was not afraid of hurting her heart.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood in place and watched him turn around and left.

Her mind was a little messy.

Is it really like he said?

He's not protecting her, approaching her just to draw KO with her?

Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao felt ridiculous.

Yeah, for nothing, why would you think he was protecting her?


Mu Xiaoxiao walked on the school road in a daze.

It was close to class, so there were more people on the school road, but when everyone passed her, they subconsciously gave way and stood on both sides, whispering at her secretly.

"What's wrong with Mu Xiaoxiao? It looks like he's very depressed, shouldn't he be fighting with Yun Shao?"

"I heard that she was entangled with the handsome boys in the class. It must have been discovered by Xiao Shao. Did the two break up?"

"Deserve it! It's been said for a long time. How can a male goddess like Huan Shao really take care of her, even if she is beautiful and has means, but she can't bear the fact that men will like old and new. . "

Mu Xiaoxiao faintly heard some discussion, could not help but think of Yin Shaojie called her before, and she hung up.

Yin Shaojie should be anxious now? Or it will be angry.

Subconsciously turned towards the student union building.

Footsteps suddenly halted.

Ahead, Yin Shaojie stood there, looked at her, and walked slowly.

Mu Xiaoxiao watched him move away from the crowd and walked towards her, his eyes slightly wet.

Yin Shaoji came to her, Black Eyes stared at her and said, "You were just with Jun Zeye, weren't you? Where have you been?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't speak, she wanted to hug him now, but there were too many people watching beside her.

She was a little upset, and she stretched her hands.

"Let's talk later."

Yin Shaojie didn't press the question any further. She stretched her long arms and took her into her arms, disregarding the eyes around her.

The onlookers were staggered for a while, and the people who just said they had quarreled were slapping their faces.

How can you see that Xiao Shao cares about Mu Xiao!

Where can I see the shadow of breaking up.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly smelled his breath, and his disordered mood had a moment of stability.

It seemed that as long as he was around, she would be stable.

"He's making you unhappy?" Yin Shaoxu bowed his head, Jun face leaned in front of her, and asked in a voice of only two people.

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