Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1434: I'm not helping you (1)

Jun Zeye just stared at the court and did not respond to his words.

Ning Ruyan glanced at Song Shijun below, slowly pulling the corner of his mouth and saying, "Song Shijun, the ball is okay, but it is a little worse than the two brothers Feng Tianqi."

The most important issue now is the cooperation between the two brothers of Fengjia, which is a typical one plus one greater than two.

Yin Shaojie is indeed more powerful. If he is one-to-one, he can definitely win.

But now he is playing three to three, and another person is injured on his side.

In other words, Yin Shaojie lost the team.

Seeing that Jun Zeye was not talking, he just hugged him with a smile, saying in an intentional tone, "Ze Ye, do you want to go down to save the field? If you go, the result will not be said, absolutely Turn things around. "

At this moment, Jun Zeye said lightly, "I have no intention of helping."

"If Yin Shaojie loses here, Mu Xiaoxiao should be very sad, do you really bear to see her sad?" Ning Ruyan said tentatively.

Jun Zeye did not speak.

I don't know if I want to show that it's none of his business or thinking about it.

Ning Ruyan put his hands on the iron railings, and continued to say, "Moreover, with Yin Shao's so proud character, he should never have lost so badly? So many people watched, it was really hard to see how they lost. . "

Jun Zeye glanced at him and said, "Aren't you busy with something else? Come on."

"I came here to eat with you ..." Ning Ruyan smiled, but changed his mouth and said, "Well, I'll go and do my business first. Look slowly and remember to tell me the results."

Speaking, Ning Ruyan walked towards the stairs and left.

Jun Zeye retracted his gaze and landed on the court again.

At this time, inside the basketball hall.

The injured student union boy was lifted down and sat in a chair.

Yin Shaojiu arranged for someone to call the school doctor.

Han Qiqing's medicine just came in handy.

The boy put up with pain, bowed his head guiltily, and said to Yin Shaoxing, "Chairman, I'm sorry ... I'm so anxious."

He knew that he had pulled the chair's hind legs, so he tried to recover the score, but did not want to hurt himself.

Yin Shaoji said, "It's okay. You take care of your injury first. If it's serious, go directly to the hospital."

"It's okay, I don't need to go to the hospital ..." The knee was sprayed with painkillers. The boy felt less painful, trying to stand up, but couldn't help falling back to the chair.

The boy looked at Yin Shaojie in frustration. "I'm sorry, President."

He knew he couldn't continue playing.

But he couldn't say the words.

Yin Shaoxian patted his shoulder.

Song Shijun said anxiously, "Shao, what are we going to do now? We need to find another person."

All three are in peril. Shouldn't the words of the two people directly admit defeat?

How can you lose!

Song Shijun knows Yin Shaozhen's personality no matter how many people look at it and how ugly it is to lose. Just to say that Feng Tianqi and Feng Shengyang are two people, Yin Shaozhen will never allow himself to lose to them.

Feng Tianqi walked over and confirmed that the boy's injury was not so serious, so he was relieved.

He said to Yin Shaoji, "Don't say we bully you, we'll give you five minutes and let you find someone else."

Feng Shengyang drank water and came over with another mineral water.

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